This is the third time that I speak to this audience.
I have always talked on behalf of those persons above sixty years old from the whole world.
Once again, among the hundreds of speakers attending this meeting, mine would be the only voice coming from this collective formed by more than a thousand million people scattered all over the five continents. A clear demonstration of the mistreatment actually received y those more experienced persons.
Pensioners and Retirees that on August 20th 2016 and March 26th, 2017, crowded, being hundreds of thousands, the streets of more than forty Chilean cities; those who also on March 15th and March 30th, called in Brazil to a General Strike; those who every Wednesday during the last 25 years have been claimed in front the Argentinian Parliament for the recognition of their just rights; those that are currently fighting in Europe, Asia and Africa for our rights as persons will be held in respect, all of us are going to express ourselves through this only intervention at the BIT.
I represent the only one world organization of trade union Pensioners and Retirees, the UIS / (International Trade Union) of the FSM / WTUF (World Trade Union Federation), that is to say, the great working-class organization whose aim is to liquidate the capitalist and imperialist system, that is the biggest social horrors of the XXI century.
The WTUF have organized the class trade unions of Pensioners and Retirees on a continental basis through a process of Regional Conferences as those celebrated in Quito (Ecuador) on September 30th, 2015; Copenhague (Denmark) on July 20th, 2016; Dakar (Senegal), 2016, and Katmandu (Nepal) on December 3rd, 2016, while on October 26th 2017 a new Conference will be held in Tunisia, on October 26th, 2017, to advance in the coordination of the Arabic class unions of Pensioners and Retirees.
For this reason, mine is the voice of Pensioners and Retirees of the whole world, and on their behalf I speak to the governors of the almost 200 countries of the earth. I especially speak to those governments that support the capitalism as a system, as this is an economic, dead and criminal system that, as slavery before it, shows a permanent contempt to those human beings from which it cannot take economic value. While the current Pensioners were active workers its aim as to exploit us; now they would preferred we were all dead (as it was said by the International Monetary Fund´s president, Christine Lagarde – condemned of corruption), as we are no longer of any use for companies and enterprises. They forget the great experience accumulated during our working life, and they don´t want us to transmit those experience to the new generations; especially the undoubtedly experience of the claims gained through the struggle.
I also speak here, in order to denounce them, to those representing the entrepreneurs that very well organized as the ruling and oppressor class, defend their selfish and inhuman interests (as they don´t respect the UN´s Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the put kids to work , as they don´t pay decent salaries, as they force their employees to work unpaid extra hours, as they don´t paid for holidays, as they don´t show any concern for the wealth and security of their employees, etc…) . Entrepreneurs that most of the times have become rich, especially in Africa, Asia and America, taking the natural resources of these countries previously dominated by military force as colonies and nowadays under the economic or NATO´s rule. Some of these entrepreneurs began exploiting slaves and nowadays they exploit this human being only in theory free.
As a token of this situation we can see that only eight persons own the same wealth than half of the human race, or in other words, 1% of people own more money that the remaining 99% per cent of the world´s population.
There´s a lot of money all over the Earth, but it is very badly distributed by capitalism´s fault. In any case, it is money enough as to pay those public pensions that here I´m claiming for all those people over sixty years old.
I also appeal to the class union organizations, to whom I extend our internationalists regards, away from the yellowish trade unionism that betraying those who said to represent are making possible the loss of the great conquest taken from the company owners during the whole of the XX century; conquest inspired and based on the Great October Revolution whose 100th anniversary we will celebrate as working class.
In the name of Pensioners and Retirees I claim for:
1º) Universal Public Pensions for all people above 60 years old. A pension that allows a dignified life with the five basic elements that today are far away from the reach of thousands of million people: 1.- fresh water; 2.- proper housing and means of transportation for free; 3.- healthy food; 4.- public health services free and of high quality; 5.- free and guaranteed educational and leisure activities.
2º) To include the above-mentioned rights, in a clear and definitive manner, on the Human Rights´ bill an in the constitutions of every country.
3º) That the whole time dedicated to the search of a new job would be accounted on the Social Security´s record, as the capitalist states are the ones to be blamed for the lack of capacities in order to avoid unemployment in their societies. This accounting must serve workers to the record of their future pensions as well as to the other rights he should be entitled.
4º) An absolute ban on the Private Pensions Funds, as they have shown that only give profits to the bank system and to the leaders of the yellow trade unions that always support them; as it happens in Chile when Pinochet put an end to the Chilean Public Pensions system.
5º) International Agreements among governments as to make possible to a migrant worker the recoupment of the dues paid for his/her pension no matter in which country these dues have been paid and no matter in which country he/her lives on become a Pensioner.
6º) Right to everyone to freely move to each country, as it happens today with any kind of financial investments and consumer and industrial goods. This is the only way to end with the death of tens of thousands of workers that happen every year only because they want to cross the borders.
You may also know that during this year, 2017, on October 1st (marked as the UN´s Pensioners day), Pensioners and Retirees all over the world will go again to the streets, as we did last year for the first time, to defend our mentioned claims.
Geneve, June 2017
Quim Boix
General Secretary of the International of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retirees of the World Trade Union Federation.