Once again the national government gives unequivocal signs of what its objectives are. It does so by ordering the increases for the retired sector starting in February. They fill their mouths saying that retirees do not lose with inflation but that is not true. The increase for February (2.7%) is applied to the minimum income but not to the $70,000 bonus, which is part of the income and has been frozen since March 2024. Conclusion: the increase varies between 2.1 and 1.9% far from the 2.7% announced. Let us agree that they are all misery but they do not even respect their word. But yes, they are worried that the rich can get discounts when buying luxury cars. It is like when they decided to lower the tax on personal property for the rich to almost non-existent levels while they taxed the salaries of workers again.
However, President Milei cannot always do or say what he wants without cost. Proof of this is the mobilization on February 1st generated by his statements at the Davos Forum. Not only did it provoke a reaction from the LGTB+ community, but the most diverse sectors joined in, mobilized by the rejection of this ultra-right government that not only tightens the belt on working people but also enjoys doing so.
The mobilizations brought together thousands and thousands of people throughout the country who, after repudiating Milei's homophobic and misogynistic expressions, typical of a nefarious character like Torquemada, took to the streets to demonstrate against the model of the country that the president proposes to us.
What happened last Saturday clearly shows us that the way forward is struggle, massive mobilization, taking to the streets. In short, going on the offensive against the conservative, reactionary, anti-democratic, almost feudal model that President Javier Gerardo Milei, his government and his official and unofficial allies propose to us.
This February 3, the day that marks a new anniversary of the Battle of San Lorenzo in which the Grenadiers under the command of General San Martín defeated the royalist troops in the Paraná ravines, we say from the Coordinating Board of Retired Organizations that the Fight in unity is the way.
Argentina, February 4, 2025.-
Bartolomé Mitre 1419 1° “A” (1037) CABA
[email protected] www.mesacoordinadora.blogspot.comFacebook: National Coordinating Board of Retired and Pensioner OrganizationsInstagram: National Coordinator of Retired and Pensioner Organizations