We older adults belong to the generation in which we started
intern in the so-called geriatric homes (today residences for seniors) our grandparents and
We mean in the first instance and in a "visceral" way, that we are located on the sidewalk
in front of those who defend or what is worse do business with the fate and health of
But, also, with great regret we knew how to understand that we come across many
situations that led relatives and relatives to resort to such hospitalizations, either by
health reasons and in many cases aggravated by economic reasons.
It is very difficult for us to represent ourselves to leave our elders in places of
I lock strangers into their life stories, just as we don't want to travel those destinies either.
At the same time, it also belongs to us as older people
to establish a position on what is happening in this field, aggravated by the
Covid 19.
Without a doubt we are witnessing a Geronto-epidemic that ensues with those we have
more years in particular that we carry other diseases that aggravate it.
We see in these days with pain, indignation and fear the news about the situation of the
geriatric residents and we can only think of one word Gerontocide.
In the first instance we interpret the problems of residences as clearly
pre-existing to the pandemic, which in addition to harming the integral health of the
elderly internees violate the rights recognized by the Inter-American Convention on
Rights of the elderly, signed by our country (with constitutional rank) and the
regulations in force for seniors in different jurisdictions.
Among these issues we highlight:
- It is imperative to change the ways of organising, planning, managing and evaluating
Residences for the elderly, in which today persevere vertical and atavistic styles of
operation. It is urgent to promote organizational models more in line with the Times that
we live and pondering a greater participation of all the actors who host inside and
outside such institutions (boarding schools, family members, workers, managers,
and / or regulators of its operation).
- We can infer that local and funding agency laws are
of integrity and lacking an indispensable look
SOCIOSANITARY. As an example, an elderly person is placed in a place that is not
but where they receive health benefits, while such hospitalizations do not
they are included as mandatory within the mandatory medical program.
- It would be a serious mistake to consider that the problem generated with loneliness and isolation
of the elderly institutionalized in residences originated, only, by the lack of
social protocols for receiving family members and sustaining recreational social benefits in
institutions. Since the pandemic came no more than
aggravating the lack of adequate benefit in this area.
- After the years and as a result of successive “adjustments” experienced by our country
registered a gradual emptying of benefits and services outside residential care
basic and elementary care, without being "in folder" your solution.
- The tragic social and health fact of the pandemic also puts on the table the
the need for general work programmes within the institutions of
long stay led by interdisciplinary teams, legitimized in their roles and schedules
enough to deploy their tasks.
We think on the basis of all the above, that it is urgent to assume the need for
a series of actions by those who openly influence the fate of
older people and therefore:
-We propose the creation of a commission to draw up a new regulation for the
controller, containment and regulation of Adult Care Institutions
representatives of:
- Geriatric residents.
- Retired and non-resident pensioners of the geriatric population.
- Health professionals who integrate an interdisciplinary team specialized in the subject
(composed of doctors, psychologists, kinesiologists, caregivers, workers
teachers, nurses, etc.).
- Governmental, private and third Sector institutions involved in the issue of
senior citizens.
* We recognize the indeligible role of the state in everything related to prevention,
promotion, assistance and rehabilitation of the comprehensive health of the elderly. In this regard
we take it for granted that there can be no health policy without an articulated social policy.
* We recall the full implementation of the rights of senior citizens with
constitutional in our country. Including all facets involved in the process of
ageing and, in particular, the right to live and also to die with dignity.
* We make an explicit call for an emergency declaration for all
geriatric establishments, elderly residences (RAM) and nursing homes
Older adults with psychiatric control, whether in the public or private sphere.
* We demand that the Health Authority of each jurisdiction take over the testing
And systematic of all personnel who perform any type of
permanent residence in these places or
* We sponsor the modern paradigm of the Gerontological community, to foster a
effective interaction between all the actors that make up it, leaving behind and forever the
of the still existing asylum care models.
In these hours we urgently need a re-proposal that places the themes of the residences in a discussion
more comprehensive, for example, about a law for a
Integrated National care system, which includes in addition to hospitalizations,
home care tasks (their professionalization and financing),
therapeutic accompaniment, alternative resources to institutionalization and
cash benefits to family members, who today suffer the greatest of uncertainties and
despair over the Dis-Grace of having their elders, interned in residences for
older people in the Times of COVID19…
Alejandra Brillante-Alicia Reyley-Beatriz Mendoza – Cacho Mengarelli –Carlos Guanciarrosa
- Chalo Ynchaurregui-Delia Silva-Emilce Esperon - Guillermo Defays – Jorge Eduardo Alo –
Jorge Quiroga-Jorge Szkolnik-Julia Elena Pérez-Luis Maceiros – Marcos Wolman - María Clara
Cocco-Mariana Castillo - Marta Rosendo – Olivia Ruiz-Quique Fernández – Roberto Horacio
Order-Rolando Amaro-Sandra Delfino-Silvia Graciela Chalup-Silvia Lezaun –Susana Laino
- Toribio Torcuato Navarro