
Αύξηση ηλικίας συνταξιοδότησης



Εργατικό δίκαιο στη Γενεύη: Αναγνωρίζεται η επίπονη λειτουργία του βοηθού κουζίνας στο Vessy

Αρχική| Γενεύη| Γενεύη ειδήσεις|

Εργατικό δίκαιο στη Γενεύη - Αναγνωρίζεται η επίπονη λειτουργία του βοηθού κουζίνας στο Vessy

Χάρη σε απόφαση του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας, αυτοί οι εργαζόμενοι βρίσκονται πλέον σε ισότιμη βάση με τους ομολόγους τους και θα μπορούν να συνταξιοδοτηθούν νωρίτερα.

Σόφι Σάιμον

Οι βοηθοί κουζίνας έχουν δύσκολα χρονοδιαγράμματα και εργάζονται σε δυσμενή περιβάλλοντα.

Geneve: Advancement of retirement age

Labour law in Geneva – The arduousness of the kitchen assistant function in Vessy is recognized

Thanks to a decision by the Council of State, these workers are now on an equal footing with their HUG counterparts and will be able to retire earlier.

Sophie Simon

Published today at 4:43 p.m.

Kitchen helpers have difficult schedules and work in adverse environments.


"Women's Strike" or Class Struggle for Real Equity

A few days ago, on June 14, a “women's strike” took place in Switzerland. This mobilization was directly related to the ITUC (the International Trade Union Confederation- a “tool” of the USA and the multinationals) event that followed on 17 June at the ILO titled “ILO in 21st Century”!
The main demands of the women's strike were: "Investments in the care Sector, recognizing the unpaid work of women at home and in society, zero tolerance of racial violence ...”

Capitalism's rulers mock the working class

According to figures released by the Bloomberg economic news agency, during the 4 days of the meeting at DAVOS, the remuneration of business leaders in relation to the average income of workers in their respective countries will be equivalent to:
• more than 2 years of average income (GDP per capita) in the United Kingdom;
• more than one year and 10 months in the Netherlands;
• more than one year and 8 months in Switzerland;
• more than one year and 7 months in Spain; and
• 18 months of average income in Germany.

RSS - Switzerland-rako harpidetza egin