
We are going to present this document, at the beginning of May of this year 2023, in all the offices that the European Union has open.


With the strength of unity and struggle Retirees claim more decisively what they have taken from us.

We have paid for it and it belongs to us. The people who run the Capitalist organization called the European Union must know the opinion of the Pensioners of the 27 countries that compose it.

To this end, we have drafted and signed this letter by the organisations of pensioners and retirees listed at the end.


Solidarity statement with French workers and pensioners

The All-Russian Trade Union of Working Pensioners expresses its unconditional solidarity with the workers and trade unions of France that continue and culminate the relentless struggle against the co-called “pension reforms”. This is a crucial fight not only for the working class in France, it is a fight for all workers and pensioners.

It is a universal fight against the anti-people policies of the bourgeois governments that promote increasing of the retirement age.

8 March

EKYSY Kaimakliou celebrated International Women's Day

EKYSY Kaimakli celebrated International Women's Day by hosting an event on Monday, March 6 at the Omonia North Pole House in Kaimakli. The event held within the framework of the acts in honor of March 8 in collaboration with EKYSY and the Office of Working Women of the PEO, was a complete success since the House was filled to overflowing with pensioners and retirees.



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