Greek Pensioners packed the streets of Athens on June 24
Large Panhellenic Rally of Retirees in Athens PHOTO VIDEO
Video Documentary on the Action of PAME (with ENG subs)
Our Power is in Organization - Hope lies in our Struggles
Watch the video here
Received from the P&R of Argentina
Our TUI at the 110th ILO Conference this year
See the intervention before the Plenary (governments, businessmen and trade unionists) at:
ILO Live - Debates plenarios - Sesión de tarde…
Looking at the bottom of the page the name of XARO NOMDEDEU, and at the top the language (it is only in Spanish, French and English)
A classist and internationalist trade union greeting.
WFTU statement on the new economic sanctions of EU
The decision of the EU leaders for a new package of financial sanctions, which includes the ban on import of oil from Russia into the EU, is far from being considered a move aimed at the shortest possible peace.
It is obvious that this tactic is resulted to quite the opposite. Such economic war decisions simply escalate tensions, reinforce militarism, and nurture nationalists and warmongers.
Analysis of Documents of the ILO
The previous year we spoke at the 109th congress and one of our conclusions was to focus on the difference we have observed between the text and the subtext of ILO documents and the consequent confusion when the text is accepted without analyzing the subtext.
This year we want to emphasise this issue which we believe is essential for debate at congresses that have international repercussions.
The method we are going to use is the analysis of this text and subtext in a concrete and content document that the ILO has published on April 29, 2022.
What was published in Cuba of the 2nd Conference of the Americas of the P&R of the WFTU
Here, under my signature, I am sending you (original in Spanish, and machine translations into English, French and Greek) what has been disseminated (photos included), throughout Cuba, by TRABAJADORES magazine (official organ of the CTC, organ of the Central of Workers of Cuba).
Later we will disseminate the documents approved by said Conference, including the complet list of participants.
A classist and internationalist trade union greeting.
Quim Boix