Speech of the General Secretary at the 17th CONGRESS OF THE WFT
The collective leadership of our TUI has entrusted me with the speech that corresponds before the Plenary of this important Congress.
At the documentation given to each delegate it is included a summary of our work as TUI, outlined at the 4 pages that the Secretariat of the WFTU demanded.
I will not repeat it now, but we are open to comment it bilaterally when you like.
Our will of organization and fight, within the WFTU, is summarized at the motto we have used at the Regional Conferences, continent to continent:
This is the main aim of our, to the moment, successful task of organization of the P&R over the world.
The WFTU is the only organization which coordinates worldwide all the Pensioners and Retired workers. We have thus fulfilled the goals set at the 16th Congress of the WFTU.
We carried at Quito, Ecuador, in September 2015, the first Conference of P&R of America. Several organizations from 25 countries participated in diverse ways.
We carried at Denmark, July 2016, the first Conference of P&R of Europe. 54 organizations from 42 countries have participated. A big success, thus.
We will carry out at Dakar, Senegal, next November the 16th, the first Conference of P&R of Africa.
We will carry at Nepal, December the 3rd this year, the first Conference of P&R of Asia.
And, last, we are preparing a Conference at the Arab countries.
Not any other organization has structured the struggle of the P&R to fight for our rights and fair claims. Neither can they nor they want, since their submission to the wills of the Capitalist leaders makes it impossible for them to organize the P&R for the fight.
The ITUC backs Private Funds for Pensions, such as the ones Pinochet set out at Chile during his dictatorship. The ITUC gets money out of these private plans by having its leaders as Chairmen of these Capitalist companies that handle this money. The ITUC does not defend the right to public pensions that make the Private Funds for pensions unnecessary. The ITUC has only a coordination of P&R in Europe, and is unable to organize any struggle.
We, the WFTU, with class criteria, remembering (as we were taught by Karl Marx) that the fight of classes is the actual motor of history (and will continue till there is Capitalism), we, as TUI of the WFTU, we group all the organizations of P&R ready to fight against Capitalism. And we take this occasion to ask the P&R territorially syndicated to the WFTU, to connect with our TUI, of P&R.
Many of the organizations of P&R existing at the planet are not even a syndicate. Sometimes they cannot be due to the Law of the country, which does not allow syndicates of P&R.
But what is important is not the name, but the goals each organization fights for.
We, as TUI of P&R we have aimed to coordinate all the fights, that keep growing through the 5 continents, boosted by the Pensioners and Retired of all the planet.
> Few days ago we carried our first October the First: we do not have still the final result of the actions carried, for the first time in the history of Mankind , an international and global act of the P&R in the world.
We have claimed and we will continue to demand (with greater strength if all the organizations of WFTU include it in their lists):
1) Universal right to retirement
2) Reduction of the retirement age for men and even more for women.
3) Social care public and free.
4) Medical and pharmaceutical care, public and free for everybody, without exceptions or conditions.
5) Public pensions that fulfill our actual needs with the aim to have a life with dignity, this is, to have: social facilities, housing, drinking water, health and entertainment, plus nearby transport, for free.
Our mottos, this International Day, have been:
And we have concluded hailing: ¡LONG LIFE TO OCTOBER FIRST!, ¡LONG LIFE TO WFTU!
Since we will repeat this act each year, till we end up with Capitalism, that is causing all the problems of the P&R and of the working class.
Thus, we ask all the leaders of the WFTU to help us organize the P&R.
We must be creating conscience, beginning with the active workers, that every salaried must aspire to live many years, and that the final years he or she must count with a worthy pension; this is, a pension such that the following are guaranteed :
1) Drinking water at each home
2) Healthy and sufficient food
3) Housing.
4) Public health aid, of quality and free, with the necessary complements for the old age.
5) Entertainment, culture and proximity transportation, free and of quality guaranteed by the Public Administration.
To fight for these fair aims, we P&R are in better conditions than when we were exploited, every day at our work as salaried. Today:
1) We cannot be fired or sanctioned by a contractor or entrepreneur.
2) We have all day long to ourselves to organize the best way to plan the struggle.
3) We have our salary, now pension, independently of our fight. Our participation at the struggles will not have negative consequences in our monthly income.
4) We have near us many P&R with whom to discuss.
5) We have many years of experience regarding the organization of struggles.
6) We are more convinced than ever that our main enemy is Capitalism and its genocidal organization, the imperialist NATO.
7) And we know how to explain our arguments, in a most convincing way than ever, depending on the features of our public.
Because of this, we are going to organize the working class at the final chapter of their lives. And we will do it better if all the syndicates of the WFTU share information of the reality of the P&R at their territories.
For our TUI, the same as for the WFTU, we are working class till the grave.
We, The P&R, are approximately 20 % of the population and 30 % of the voters.
We have to better organize this huge collective to turn the aims of the FSM to victories.
We count on all of you.
Quim Boix
Presidential Counsel of the WFTU
General Secretary of the de TUI (Trade Union International) of Pensioners and Retired (P&R) of the WFTU.
Durban, South Africa, October 2016.
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