February 2016 to November 2015 COMMUNICATION Nº 12
General Secretariat, COMMUNICATION Nº 12.
February 2016 to November 2015
Comrades, I present what has been done from COMUNICATION nº 11:
1.- We continue the work for the realization of the Regional Conferences. We
have been able to program the European at Denmark, next July. To prepare
this activity in Denmark the General Secretary of our TUI will travel to Denmark
in April. It is also Quim Boix who coordinates the call messages for the First
European Conference of class organizations of P&R, since comrade Vladimir
Kapuralin of Croatia communicated his difficulties to exert of Vice-president for
our TUI for Europe.
2.- Finally, since any other comrade of the Direction of our TUI could go, it was
the Secretary General that assisted at Ramallah, beginning December, to the
International Conference of Solidarity with Palestine. See at ANNEX 1 the
corresponding report.
3.- According to the Finance Secretariat of our TUI we have reminded our
affiliated organizations the necessity that they pay each year their
corresponding quota.
4.- Complying the requirement of our Secretariat of the WFTU we have
prepared 4 pages of summary of the tasks carried by our TUI from the 16th
Congress of the WFTU, to help prepare the subjects to debate at the 17th
Congress at October in South Africa. See at ANNEX 2 this summary.
5.- Replacing our Propaganda Secretary, comrade Alain Rodríguez, that was
obliged to go to the hospital, the General Secretary in charge to search for
whom would carry our salute of fight of our TUI for 2.016. See at ANNEX 3 the
result. It could be done in the following languages: German, Arab, Catalan,
Spanish, Basque, French, Greek, English, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian.
Now it must be widely used.
6.- Several solidarity salutes were send, especially those reclaiming the liberty
in Equator of the President of the CTE, that the police of Rafael Correa jailed,
while he headed a big and unitary meeting against the anti-union measures that
are being legislated. See ANNEX 4.
7.- We have followed the diffusion of all the information from the Management
of the WFTU. We have also followed the struggles of P&R of several countries,
and of several organizations that outstand in their fight against capitalist
8.- We will assist, in Vietnam, to the Presidential Counsel of the WFTU, that
must call our 17th Congress of Class World Syndicalism, in October at South
Africa. See ANNEX 5, the intervention as TUI at this reunion of the PC.
9.- Next April 1
st we will assist at Athens to the reunion of the TUI of our WFTU.
Quim Boix will also use the voyage to increase the joint work with comrade
Dimos Koumpouris, President of our TUI.
10.- Answering the invitation of the affiliated syndicates to the WFTU at
Senegal, our comrade Quim Boix went there to Dakar, in February, in
representation of George Mavrikos (since he was carrying syndical work at
other places of the planet) and to preside the coordination reunions of P&R of 4
Senegalese trade unions and to start preparing the first African Conference of
classist organizations of P&R. Our comrades of Senegal, with the Francophone
Office of the FSM at Africa, have accepted to carry at Dakar the First African
Conference of our TUI. It will very probably be in November, 2016. See, at
ANNEX 6, a summary of my activities at Senegal (only in French, since we do
not have enough help in the translations. I take the occasion to request more
help from our comrades of the direction of our TUI).
11.- The General Secretariat, together with the Secretariat of the WFTU, has
proposed the comrades at Pakistan that they prepare at Lahore, for December
2016, the First Asiatic Conference of our TUI.
1.- Comrade Kostas Skarparis, asked December 28th, fulfilling what was
accorded at the reunion of Athens, held October 22nd (see details at
COMMUNICATION nº 11), the data to start his responsibility of President of the
Commission and Control of Finances (post for which he was elected, with his
acquiescence and presence, at Barcelona, February 2.014). We hope we soon
begin this necessary and important task for our TUI.
2.- Several comrades, from Africa, America, Europe and Asia, have thanked
the work done by the General Secretary.
3.- Together with comrade José Mª Lucas, Secretary of finances of our TUI, we
have sent, as TUI of P&R, 125 € of solidarity with syndicalist comrade Julia
Amparo Lotán, unfairly jailed months ago at Guatemala. This has been added
to the same quantity sent by the syndicate AST rooted at the transnational
Telefónica Movistar, at Spain.
4.- In Argentina the reivindicative activities at the door of the Parliament ,
continue each Wednesday, boosted and directed by our comrade Marcos
5.- Beginning February, at Buenos Aires, comrade Marcos Wolman of
Argentina, and Frank Goldsmith of USA met, both members of the collective of
World Direction and of America of our TUI.
6.- We have begun an important task for our TUI that are the actions of
solidarity of the P&R of a country in fight with other countries. Latin America has
been the scenery of these positive experiences of proletarian internationalism
(Colombia, Argentina, El Salvador, etc.)