Naional Co- Ordinating Committee of Pensioners Associations successfully organised a historical National Convention at Hyderabad on 31-07-2015. The convention started at 10.30PM at Sundarayya Vingnana Kendram, with Com.D.V.Daktod, Vice President , NCCPAin the chair.Com.M.N.Reddy, General Secretary, All Pensioners and Retired Persons Association and Secretary, Reception Committee welcomed. Com.S..K.Vyas’s portrait was garlanded and rich tributes offered. Com.Pabitra Chakraborty, Secretary General made the introductory speech on the important issues.
Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, President, CITU inaugurated the convention with an inspiring speech exposing thouroughly the central govt’s anti-worker and anti- people measures on which the central trade unions and independent federations have decided a National Strike on 2nd September, 2015. Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary andSecretary, Staff side, JCM, National Council delivered a special address and exhorted to make the indefinitestrike of central government employees including Railways from 23rd November a grand success.Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President, Confederation of Central Govt.Employees and workers,Com.S.N.Pathak, President,AIDEF, Com.M.R.Jadav, EPF95 Pensioners Association, Com.P.S.Nair, All India Para Military Pensioners Association, Com.K.G.Jayaraj, General Secretary, AIBDPA, Com.K.Raghavendran, General Secretary, AIPRPA addressed the convention.
16 comrades representing various affiliated organisations participated in the discussion. om.D.Basu, CHQ AGS and Com.T.Seshaiah, District Secretary also spoke represeting 22 delegates of AIBDPA. Com.Pabitra Chakraborty summed up the discussion.
The National Convention decided to:
1.Support the National Strike on September 2, 2015.
2.To organise solidarity program in support of the Indefinite Strike from 23, November,2015.
3.Support the ex-servicemen’s struggle for one rank one pension.
With the concluding remarks by Com.D.V.Daktod and thanking the Reception Committee for the excellent arrangements, the convention came to an end at 8.30.PM.