Comrades Vice-Presidents:
We call all of you in order to work on a collective basis to start up the
resolutions taken during our successful Congress held in Spain on Feb. 6th,
2014 in which our new International of Trade Unions was formed.
The regulations approved at the Congress stated:
Art.22- The vice- Presidents have the responsibility of the function of the regional
secretariats in their respective territories, they collaborate with the President in
their duties. The President can delegate some of their functions to the vice-
presidents who, eventually, can substitute them temporarily, previous agreement
of the Executive Council.
IV.4- Regional Secretariats are formed by a minimum of three persons
and are presided by the vice presidency of the correspondent region.
Art. 27.- The structure of the regional spaces will be determined according
to the structure of the world trade union congress, the Executive Council and
the Secretariat of the International Union of Trade Unions of Pensioners.
There can be changes, according to the needs of each region. In that case,
there will be a proposal to the Secretariat, which will submit it to the
Executive Council in order to be definitely approved. The territorial
framework of each region will correspond to each one of the regions of the
Art. 28- The obligations and functions will be the following:
a) to represent as a delegation the International Union of Trade Unions of
Pensioners to the issues corresponding specifically to the region, b) to
promote and coordinate the development of the activities of the International
Union of Trade Unions of Pensioners in the region, as agreed by the
Congresses, regional Conferences or plenaries of the Executive Council, c)
to impulse the organizational activities regarding unity and solidarity
between the affiliated members of the region, d) to promote communication, information and solidarity between the affiliated members of the region, e) to
inform and coordinate with the General Secretariat and the Secretary of the
Organization of the International Union of Trade Unions of Pensioners and
Retirees the activities in the respective regions.
Due to the current sharpening of the class struggle we must start to carry on the
tasks ordered by the Congress to each of the different Vice-Presidents as soon
as possible, inter-changing among you, as well as with those who signed this
letter, as much mail useful to help further development of your tasks.
Our first proposal to each Vice -President is to establish a General Working
schedule for the next five years – those related to your term – as well as a
First Year Plan (that may contain the general appeal for Regional Congress).
These plans should be forwarded by email to the General Secretary.
All members of the Executive Board will receive your emails so we may discuss
its contents and give our opinions about them. From then on, the plans will be
taken into action.
We may have a great opportunity to summarize your work and to approve the
schedule for the second year of your terms during the next meeting of the
Executive Board, to be held in Bahrein in March 2015.
Those signed this letter are at your complete disposal to help you and
contribute to the success of your collective task.
We look forward to hearing from you!
With internationalist and class conscious regards,
April 2014
Dimos Koumpouris Quim Boix
President General Secretary
Trade Unions International of Pensioners and Retirees adhered to the WFTU