Hope you must have received the photograph and report of our programme of mass dharna/rally at New Delhi before the Parliament House of Pensioners belonging to NCCPA and its affiliates. The programme was well participated and continues for about 4-5 hours. Representatives had come from various parts of India. As you know ours is a geographically huge country. People have travelled throusands of Kilometers to participate in the programme. For the next two months, we are busy with our National elections and our organisations along with other workers Trade Unions are trying our best to bring about a pro-labour Government.
We have already published a report of the Bogota Conference in our monthly journal NCCPA Bulletiin., which is an in-house magazine of our organisations. I shall try to send a copy to you by post. In the meantime, I am enclosing a copy thereof for the month of March, 2016, which contains the report of Bogota Congress (in pager maker form). We shall be thankful if you can kindly prepare a report about the Congress at Bogota with the declaration adopted and the resolutions moved and accepted, the various presentations made at the Congress as also the panel of office bearers, Executive Committee members and the members of the Finance Control Commission, technical & research commission. with greetings, yours fraternally, KKN Kutty, Secretary General.
NCCPA BUlletin march.pdf
(1.89 MB)