Intervention of comrade Antonio Pérez, in Andalusia (Spain)

Good afternoon colleagues, companions and comrades.

Go ahead an affectionate greeting and appreciation, both delegates and delegates, as guests and guests present, from different parts of the world, the Organizing Committee of this Conference, and to all the volunteers and volunteers who make it possible to be this new TUI.
This TUI's pensioners and retirees must face important challenges and tasks, many of them have been mentioned in the different shifts from Word. My statement doesn't bring about collected, which already has a large consensus.

The purpose of intervention is to claim that you among the Group of pensioners and retired persons, there is not only "older adults", as here has manifested itself, who have completed their active working life. Within this group, the pensioners count among their ranks workers working age, who have been away from their regular professions, by suffering from health problems, and that by the circumstances of age, are trying to raise a family, or should keep them with all intact economic loads; they have to pay a home that does not have property, have to meet the needs of a few minor children,... they are impelled to continue selling its work force to survive.

In these cases, these workers, and affect both attacks carried out on pensioners and retired persons, such as the increase in the rate of exploitation that takes place on the working class. The economic benefits that are offered to companies that they hire workers with disabilities, it makes them an easy and vulnerable target. Easy because everything is to lower the price of the labour force is exploited by the operator, and vulnerable because in practice it does not provide that disability, which may be limited, in the performance of the functions. Reaching, even cases in which is used to bully the self-esteem of labourer; "where are you going to leave your as well, who will hire you with your problem, more worth you appreciate what you have"...

Given the low incidence of unionization among the working class, and the high temporality in employment, we should aspire to organize to pensioners, that being able to change profession or branch, are not going to change in their condition as such. This TUI's pensioners and retirees that is born today, already boasts a great legacy both of life and struggle, provided by participants and their organizations. This experience should also be leveraged by active pensioners, to improve their capabilities of organization and struggle.

To give one example of this sector of the working class, and the challenges are facing, I put laundry Flisa, of the Group Once, company awarded the Prince of Asturias Concord. That promotes a wage reduction of 43% among its workers, moving their salaries from 1,000 euros, to 640 euros, for the same work.

Thanks a lot.

Barcelona, on February 5, 2014.