Solidarity statement with French workers and pensioners

The All-Russian Trade Union of Working Pensioners expresses its unconditional solidarity with the workers and trade unions of France that continue and culminate the relentless struggle against the co-called “pension reforms”. This is a crucial fight not only for the working class in France, it is a fight for all workers and pensioners.

It is a universal fight against the anti-people policies of the bourgeois governments that promote increasing of the retirement age.

It is a fight against the interests of big capital and multinationals aiming at the abolition of social security and the privatization of the pensions system.

It is a fight against the neoliberal analysis that links life expectancy with the retirement age shamelessly alluding that the purpose of life is just to work until death.

It is a struggle against the autocratic perception and oppressing practices that violate even the most fundamental democratic and trade union freedoms banning and oppressing any popular struggle and resistance.

We once again declare our solidarity with just demands of French toilers and strongly believe that their struggle will be crowned with victory.

President                                                                                           Elena Skvortsova

Executive secretary                                                                            Fatima Khugaeva

