Dear Comrade
All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association is on a struggle path for the settlement of the burning issue of Pension Revision of BSNL absorbed retirees from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage Revision.
The Central Executive Committee meeting held on 24-25 November,2019 decided for a four phased program of agitational programme.
1. Signature campaign of BSNL Pensioners in the memorandum to the Prime Minister- December,2019.
2.Meeting the Parliament Members irrespective of political affiliations, to seek their support and taking up the issue with the government- January,2020.
3. Mass HUNGER STRIKE at all the CCA( Controller of Communication Accounts) offices.-12-02-2020
4. Procession of thousands of Pensioners to the Indian Parliament- 12-03-2020.
The agitation is warranted as the government has taken a negative stand on the genuine issue.
The wage Revision is denied to the BSNL workers citing affordability conditions stipulated by the 3rd Pay Revision Committee. But the same 3rd PRC has recommended that the affordability conditions are not applicable to the Public Sector Enterprises which are implementing government projects. BSNL is incurring huge loss for giving Telecom facilities in rural and terrain areas to fulfill the social obligation of the government.
However Pension Revision has nothing to do with the financial position of BSNL, as the entire liability of Pension and pensionary benefits lies with the government.
We have now completed the first three phases of the agitational programme very successfully.
The 3rd phase, Hunger Strike at CCA offices turned to be a stupendous success with good rather unprecedented participation of pensioners .
I am giving here under some photos of this agitation.
We are now gearing up for the Parliament March on 12 th March,2020.