These are the policies passed at the at the 2012 AGM held in Sydney and are the working guide for all branches .
The polices highlight the issues effecting working people arising from the neo-liberals polices of attacking government spending in order to cut taxation for the corporates. Our pokies are intended to be a fight back to preserve and expand the living standards of the workers and pensioners of this country
1,We call for an increase in the aged pension to 35 per cent of the average male wage at this present time, and this policy is reviewed periodically to adjust as governments move towards dramatic changes in wages and pensions.
2.We call for more funding for public education and infrastructure along with the removing of the HEC fees for students.
3.We call for more funding for public hospitals with rebates to private hospitals directed to public hospitals.
4.We call for the reinstatement of the Pubic Works Department so that our public facilities and infrastructure are serviced and employment opportunities and training is in place for the future.
5.That Dental care be covered by Medicare.
6.We call for increased funding for Public Aged Care and oppose the users pay policies of governments and private organizations.
7.We call for more affordable Public Housing.
8.We call for the removal of the National Competition Policy, this policy is not directed at a level playing field, many small businesses cannot compete against the multi – national corporates.
9.We support Trade Union rights and the right of entry
10.We call for the removal of the ABCC and any attempt to reinstate it. These polices will need to be organized to promote activity for them to be achieved. . The Abbott Governments agenda of ending the “era of entitlements” makes it an urgent imperative for all branches. to get activated .
Yours in Solidarity
Fred Krausert
National Secretary
MUA Policies
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