General Secretariat

MEETING OF THE WFTU´s TUI AT CALCUTTA. TUI of Pensioners and Retirees´ intervention

First of all I want to send greetings on behalf of the organization formed by the most veteran WFTU´s trade unionists, the nowadays Pensioners and Retirees which, as a group, have been fighting during decades against the oppression of capitalism and imperialism.
I also want to thank our Indian host, who has welcomed us, this time in Calcutta.
And also our thanks to the WFTU Secretariat for having summoned to what we consider the most important annual meeting of the WFTU, although its usefulness will depend on how we make the meeting work, the conclusions we draw and the way in which these are implemented.
As veteran trade unionists, who have participated in thousands of meetings, we know that there must be at least two important aims in our meetings: one to define its contents and another to organizing of present and future work. To mix or confuse these aims would be a great mistake, a waste of time and resources we can´t afford, because our failures only benefit our class enemy.
The previous WFTU´s 17th Congress has already defined and approved the contents of the struggle of the WFTU. It is not useful to repeat them here, for it will only remind us of what we already know. Please do not make your intervention a simple summary of what was said at the WFTU´s 17th Congress.
What we need at this meeting is to improve our impact as TUI on our ability to organize and mobilize both active and retired workers.
Actually our TUI is the only one that organizes the non active workers, out of the 10 that have constituted the WFTU, although the 9 others should worry that when passing to retirees and pensioners the workers are not unorganized (on this matter our TUI has important experiences to share that I will summarize later).
In order to make the intervention that we consider most useful as TUI, and after agreeing the content of this discourse with the collective direction chosen at our First Congress, I am going to divide my exposition in two parts: 1) Information of our reality, with work already made and the proposals we have, adapted to the environment in which we act; and 2) Our proposals to improve the work of the TUI within the WFTU.

Our work as UIS of PyJ
We are organizing the largest group inside the WFTU, the one formed by people who have finished its working life and who can still live from 10 to 40 years without relying on an exploiting entrepreneur. And this happens while health advances have reached a high degree of success in its capacity to prolong human life with a minimum of dignified conditions. Only in this statement do we agree with the IMF, that it finds here the central argument to promote, with the great help of the ITUC and all the yellow trade unions, the delay of the retirement age and the reduction of what was collected as a pension.
In reality, the IMF, as the best expression of the multinationals, only wants to exploit the working class more years and to promote new business for its echelons by boosting private pension funds. These businesses are also assisted by the ITUC that supported Pinochet in the privatization of pensions, creating the Pension Fund Administrations (AFPs) that later would be copied by other countries, and now we, the Pensioners and Retirees, are fighting against these Funds, especially those operating in the whole of America, with one million Chilean workers demonstrating in the streets already twice.
Pensioners and Retirees are already, and these figures are increasing year by year, almost 20% of the world population and 30% of those entitled to vote. Organizing these people, giving them or reinforcing their class consciousness, is a very important way of fighting capitalism. Even today the vast majority of Pensioners and Retirees either do not vote or vote pro-capitalist options. The WFTU will never say to which party organization or acronyms it is necessary to vote, but if it can and must say to whom a member of the working class musn´t give his/her vote. As WTFU we have to achieve, and it is not an easy objective, that no employee or pensioner vote for his/her class enemy.
With this objective in mind, which is closely linked to the central goal of improving the living conditions of Pensioners and Retirees, the WFTU created the Pensioners and Retirees´ TUI at its 16th Congress (April 2011, Athens, Greece). In order to fight for a life worthy of the Pensioners and Retirees from all over the world we held in Barcelona (for the time being still a part of the Spanish state) our TUI´s First Congress in February of 2012. Afterwards, Regional Conferences have been held in America (Quito, Ecuador, 30-9-15), Europe (Denmark, 20-7-16), Africa (Dakar, Senegal, 16-11-16), and Asia -12-16). Following this path, the First Conference of Class Organizations of the Pensioners and Retirees of the Arab Countries will take place in Tunisia next October 26th, 2017; a Conference to which you, along with the WFTU´s leadership, can still help in order to attain a high degree of success.
What we have to achieve now is that the management teams elected in Congress and in the Conferences are not just an ordinary sum of trade unionists with more union responsibilities (added to the ones they already had), that it serves as a presumption of it, if not a task that they execute with the maximum possible yield. At the moment we have a lot of work to do, so what I just said is nothing else by a reflection of a daily reality: only in America we are starting to achieve our goals.
As the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees we are fighting for a dignified life that is summed up in the same conditions that the WFTU set out to celebrate on October 3th the anniversary of our foundation: 1) fresh water; 2) healthy food; 3) proper housing; 4) free access to public and qualified health services, and 5) education, culture and leisure activities of quality on public and free-access basis, as well as public transportation of proximity to enjoy them.
Actually, Pensioners and Retirees form the group of people most unable to achieve these five conditions in the whole of the planet.
To change this reality, in addition to the struggles in each country, we have organized an Annual Day of Internationalist Struggle, to be held every October 1st. This year we performed the second world action as TUI (see the attached poster) with more success and extension than the previous year. And in this growing line we hope to continue.
I have previously announced that I would report on how to work in a union so as not to lose members at the time of their transition from active workers to retired people. We simply have to:
1) Inform active workers who normally do not care about their retirement until a few years before they get to enjoy it. In this sense, the experience of the Federation of Chemists of the French CGT is very interesting, since they have spent years with exchanges between active workers and retired workers.
2) To place among the claims of active workers the specifics related to Pensioners and Retirees.
3º) To call active and retired workers as well to take active part in the actions and struggles of the other group to reinforce them and exchange experiences.
Only thus the change from worker exploited by an entrepreneur to worker receiving a pension can be made without further loss of continuity in the struggle.
The working class is a single class composed of people who go through three stages of life, analyzed from the perspective of the class struggle: learning, work activity and retirement.
To conclude this first part of my speech, I want to announce that at the beginning of the year 2019 we will be holding our Second Congress of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees, probably in an American country. From now on, we are calling you to help us to ensure that there is no lack of representation in the Congress of any of the class conscious groups of Pensioners and Retirees that the WFTU knows about.
Sometimes these groups have been born as associations, with the simple will to protect the rights of Pensioners and Retirees, but without any links with the union struggle (as is the case of the NoMasAFP fight in Chile, although we are already trying to correct this situation). Another instance can be found in COBAP (Brazilian Confederation of Retirees), which has more than 1.100.000 members (and adding each month between 3.000 to 4,000 members). A month ago I met with them, in their headquarters in Sao Paulo, in the presence of their 70 highest leaders coming from the 27 Brazilian states. During this meeting I made a proposal that they join the WFTU.  This proposal was very well received, and now they have begun the stage of discussing it internally.
As Pensioners and Retirees´ TUI we must know how to add to our ranks any organization that, from a class conscious point of view, can help us to reinforce our increasingly global struggle, since the measures against us are being applied and extended by the IMF in all countries of the world.
Finally I want to tell you that in order to save time and money, our Pensioners and Retirees TUI  is starting to replace international travels aimed to meetings of few leaders for videoconferences that today can be done for free through the computers that we already have.
Our proposals to all TUIs and to the WFTU leadership
We believe that at this present stage the TUI does not fulfill the tasks that we should carry out to reinforce the WFTU. Even many unions see the fight in each state as a priority and leave the internationalist struggle in a second – or even in a worst place.
It is not enough that we declare ourselves internationalists, we must exercise and act as such.
It is not enough to make good Congresses or Conferences of our respective TUI (sometimes spending enormous financial and time resources which therefore are not been spent on fighting the class enemy).
We know that it is easier for our TUI than to the others to set a date for world struggle day; as you know, October 1 has been chosen to this aim.
But in any case I must to insist that in spite of the fact of the TUI capacities and reasons to unite in Internationalist Struggle Days, their claims still today raised separately from country to country. Our class enemy is well coordinated at the whole of international levels, more than those who try to fight him.
Surely it is easier to start a Day of Internationalist Struggle of the workers of the same multinational. This will not be promoted by the yellow unions, interested in the persistence of differences between the working class according to the countries. At this point I would like to remind you that yellow and collaborationist trade unions already voted in the First Congress of the WFTU against condemning colonialism.
It should not be the Pensioners and Retirees´ TUI the one who tells the others how and when to organize World Day of Internationalist Struggle, but we do insist on the need for our UIS not to be the only one to organize them.
To the world-wide enemy organized as an oppressive class we must oppose a strong world action of the exploited ones, branch to branch of the production and services, unifying the objectives of the unions of class in the whole planet (for example with a panel that serves for all countries: permanent contracts, working hours, holidays, health and safety at work, salary level related to the cost of living of each country, trade union rights, retirement age, minimum wage, minimum pension, Social Security, rights of the unemployed , environment, emigrants' rights, vocational and trade union training, etc).
The  WFTU´s central leadership can and should help to make these proposals, which we do as veteran trade unionists (trade unionists who have been leading the territorial and sector trade unions for many years), to move forward everywhere.
But also the central leadership has to stimulate the WFTU Territorial Offices so that in addition to being the simple and important representation of our organization in each geographical area, they are also an organizing element of the workers´ and peasants' class struggle.
As the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees we have the bad experience, which should not be repeated, of little or no action taken by the regional offices. Few have been the ones who helped our TUI. I mean only and simply the minimal help to get a call to the unions in their respective territories. If we do not know how to help the growth and structuring of the WFTU organizations we will be unable to fulfilling the objectives that we say to defend. It is of no use that we repeatedly talk about and recall these objectives if we do not really work to achieve them.
To finish our proposals, we want to suggest the creation of some new TUIs. The Textile was already mentioned at the 17th Congress of the WFTU, so we propose others such as: Graphic Arts and Media, Computer, Cleaning and Care of Disable and Old People, Commerce, all of them key sectors and of great importance in the current functioning of the capitalist system that we want to defeat. Certainly, some of the sectors I have just mentioned are already (although sometimes only partially) organized in one of the existing TUIs, but we think that they could develop much more, and help more to the class struggle, if they worked independently.
Thank you, comrades for listening.
Quim Boix
Secretary General of the TUI (International Union of Trade Unions) of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R) of the WFTU

Ficheros adjuntos: 



On August 29, 2017, the direction meeting of the TUI P&R America of WFTU was held in São Paulo, Brazil, at the headquarters of COBAP (Brazilian Confederation of Retirees and Pensioners).
Attending the meeting were Quim Boix, General Secretary of the TUI P&R WFTU, Marcos Wolman from Argentina, Luis Carlos Borges from Brazil, Leonor Meza Pineda from Honduras, Carlos Magariño and Jorge Herrera from Mexico, Gelmo Delgado from Colombia, and as guest Juan Aurelino Ribeiro de Vasconcelos from COBAP, Brazil. Reports and communications were received from members of the board: Xiomara Enriquez Cruz from Cuba, Frank Goldschmidt from the United States, Ariel Aulet Lebron from Puerto Rico and Carlitos Solorzano from Ecuador.
Discussion and adopted Resolutions: In order to evaluate the implementation of the agreements adopted at the First Regional Conference held in Quito on 9/30/2015 and with the approval of the Agenda of the meeting, all the attendees intervened all those present and made explicit the reports received and the communications maintained with those who could not make the trip to be present.
As we were participants, sharing the presidency of the previous Latin American Meeting of Forecast and Resistance organized by COBAP, we had the opportunity to hear important interventions from state and national leaders of COBAP, and we could explain the situation of the pension system and the struggles in each country. It was a valuable experience of analysis and common projects, which will enrich our work in the continent.
We had, with the participants of the first leadership meeting, a fruitful debate, an expansion of the situation and struggles in our countries, presented at the previous meeting, exchange of documents and, as a synthesis of the deep coincidences, the following Resolutions were approved:
* To ratify the Declaration of the First Meeting of the TUI P&R America of WFTU held in Quito.
** In order to strengthen our work in each country, to coordinate with the organizations of the TUI P&R of the region and to incorporate organizations from other countries, it was resolved to create 3 (three) regional secretariats:
> Undersecretariat for North America: United States and Canada.
   Responsible: Frank Goldschmidt (USA) with the support of those responsible for Central America and the Caribbean.
> Subsecretariat for Central America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic.
  Responsible: Leonor Meza Pineda (Honduras) and Jorge Herrero (Mexico)
> Sub-Secretariat for South America: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname.
   Responsible: Gelmo Delgado (Colombia) and Jose Aureliano Ribeiro de Vasconcellos (Brazil) - pending until confirmation by the COBAP direction.
-For the Central American and Caribbean region, the first objective: to strengthen the links with the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
- For the South America region, first objective: to strengthen the links with Chile and Uruguay.
-To establish a regular functioning of the Vice-President of the UIS PJW America of WFTU with the Regional Undersecretaries.
*** 1st of October "International day of fight for the rights of the pensioners"
  It was decided to carry out activities related to this international day, according to the characteristics and conditions of each country. In the activities that will take place, the following call will be spread:
"Invitation of the WFTU P&R America to all member organizations and friends to October 1st, 2017" INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FIGHT FOR PENSIONERS' RIGHTS "
and the poster "1st OCTOBER DAY OF THE RETIREES" Organization-Counterattack with the workers and peoples’ alliance. Overthrowing anti-worker policies. For the satisfaction of our current needs.

**** Creation of a web page of the TUI P&R America WFTU with the experiences and activities of our organizations. To immediately publish the resolutions of the direction meeting of August 29 and the replication of the call and poster of the sessions of October 1st.
It was decided to entrust Argentina with elaborating the page and the ways to communicate, including contacts by Skype.

*****Finance. The organizations of the TUI P&R América WFTU received the "Letter to those responsible for finance" with the basis of financial needs. It is resolved to take the necessary measures to consider and resolve the proposed proposals, first: Regularize the payment of contributions, according to the conditions of each organization and establishing the annual contribution.

****** 2nd International Congress of the TUI P&R of WFTU, in 2018.
We received the proposal of the world direction of its realization in America. For this purpose it was proposed to our organizations in Colombia and Mexico, to consider the possibility of their realization in one of these countries, and the reception of other proposals.

With the considerations that we have evaluated on the situation in each country to confront the directives of the IMF and international organisms of the capitalist system, that advance in the enslavement of the gains achieved by the working class in the social welfare, was resolved:
Taking into account the pension systems and the projects that we develop in each country, develop the common elements to promote the continental coordination of the working class, active and retired. Coordination, in support of each of the struggles, towards projects of common actions, strengthening in each country the TUI P&R, the WFTU, to raise awareness of the historical role of the working class, active and retired, in proletarian internationalism and revolutionary, anti-capitalist and socialist.
                                                                                Marcos Wolman
                                                          Vice President TUI P&R América of WFTU


Letter to all comrades responsible of finances at the different organizations of Pensioners and Retirees´s TUI of the WFTU.
                                          FINANCES SECRETARY
To the attention of finance managers

Ficheros adjuntos: 

August 2016 to January 2017 COMMUNICATION No. 14

General Secretariat, COMMUNICATION No. 14,
From August 2,016 to January 2,017


Comrades, I give account of what has been done since COMMUNICATION # 13:


1.- Preparation of the presence as TUI of P&R’s in the 17th Congress of the WFTU. Drafting of the intervention to be carried out there, translation into several languages, dissemination to collect opinions and distribution by means of more than 200 copies in Durban, in full Congress. (Look at ANNEX 1).
2.- Preparation of the First Internationalist World Day of the class Organizations of the P&R’s: Poster made  in Greece, document with the general claims (drafted by the Technical Commission of Investigation of our TUI). (See ANNEX 2).
3.- Preparation of the First African Conference of P&R’s, held in Dakar, Senegal, on November 16, 2016. (See ANNEX 3). Drafting and dissemination of the call and OF the documents to be discussed in it. Attendance in Dakar for the preparation and carrying out, plus later meeting of the team chosen by the Conference to direct the tasks of our TUI in Africa.
4.- Support to Comrade Dimos Koumpouris, President of our TUI, for the preparation of the First Asia and Oceania Conference of P&R’s, held in Nepal on December 3, 2016. (See APPENDIX 4).
5.- To make up for the non-work of the Secretariat of Propaganda elaborating the greeting design of the year 2017. (See ANNEX 5).
6.- To help the Secretariat of Finances to prepare the letter reminding the obligation of all organizations to contribute with financial assistance to our TUI in the form of statutory quota.
7.- Reception in Barcelona of Comrade Mostapha Brouziyine, Secretary General of the DOP (Democratic Organization of Pensioners), which is part of the union, affiliated to the WFTU, DWO (Democratic Workers' Organization) of Morocco, to start up his work as Coordinator of our TUI for all Africa.
8.- Assistance to Comrade Tony Donaghey of Great Britain, Coordinator of our TUI for Europe, to prepare his proposal for a Work Plan for this continent.
9.- To propose Comrade Marcos Wolman, Coordinator of our TUI for America, to prepare the Work Plan for 2017 and a meeting in May in Cuba.
10.- To obtain the commitment of the OWT (Organization of Workers of Tunisia) to hold in this country the First Conference of P&R’s Organizations of the Arab Countries, to be held on October 26, 2017. To begin to prepare the documents that will serve to summon the Conference and the debates in it.
11.- To insist on the rest of comrades with responsibilities in our TUI to assume their responsibility and to develop it.
12.- Proposal to use the Skype program as a connection and exchange system that allows meetings of two or more comrades who are situated in different countries, thus avoiding travel expenses. (See ANNEX 6).
13.- Assistance, as TUI of the WFTU, to the organizations of the Spanish state of P&R’s in the organization of the fight of the pensioners in this country.
14.- Holding of several conferences, in several cities of Catalonia, in order to explain the work of the WFTU.
15.- Attendance with the WFTU flags to many actions in the streets to show the support of the WFTU.
16.- Announcement to the ILO of the willingness of our TUI to intervene in June 2017 in the annual Conference to express there, again, the claims of the P&Rs.
17.- Drafting of various documents taking position in the face of the problems of nowadays trade unionism on our planet. (See ANNEX 7).
18.- Request all comrades with responsibilities in our TUI to send (in one or more of the following languages: English, French and Spanish) their CV (union CV), to know each other better. (See ANNEX 8).
19.- Dissemination of the information and documents of the P&R’s of different countries.
20.- Sending of information regarding the reality of the struggles of P&R’s in several countries.
21.- Redistribution of central information of the WFTU.
22.- Petition to the leaders of our TUI in each continent to equip themselves with indispensable translators teams to internationalize our struggles by spreading our activities and demands in several languages.


1.- Drafting by comrade Dimos Koumpouris of the proposed documents to be discussed at the Conference of Asia and Oceania of our TUI:
2.- Attendance of Dimos Koumpouris to the First Conference of P&R’s of Asia. From this work we have received the discussed documents, the approved documents, the final resolution, the main speeches that took place in it, and we are waiting for the written summary to serve as the Conference Minutes.
3.- Two phone calls from Athens to Barcelona (the second one via Skype) to coordinate the work of the President of our TUI with the Secretary General.
4.- Letter from the Secretary of Finances to all organizations affiliated with our TUI. (See ANNEX 9).
5.- Work of Comrade Tony Donaghey, of Great Britain, Coordinator of our TUI for Europe, to prepare his proposal of Work Plan for this continent.
6.- Work of Comrade Marcos Wolman, Coordinator of our TUI for America, to prepare the Work Plan for 2017 and a meeting in May in Cuba.
7.- Work of Comrade Mostapha Brouziyine, Secretary General of the ODR (Democratic Organization of Pensioners), which is part of the union affiliated to the WFTU ODT (Democratic Workers' Organization) of Morocco, to launch his work as Coordinator of our TUI for all Africa.
8.- Participation in the important actions of the First World Day of Struggle of the P&R’s that took place on October the 1st of 2016. This Internationalist Struggle Day will be repeated every year.

1.- The fight of the P&R’s of Argentina, every Wednesday in the street claiming their rights before the Parliament.
2.- Preparation in France of the 11th Conference of the P&R of the CGT. Since some of the CGT sector federations are not in the WFTU, they have not accepted the presence of our TUI as a guest. To this we must add protests in the streets.
3.- Realization on February 10th in Portugal of the 8th Conference of the P&R’s of the CGTP-IN. I proposed that they invite the TUI of P&R’s and they replied that there will be no international guest (FERPA either).
4.- The P&Rs of Greece have intensified their struggle and activities, organized by PAME: assemblies, rallies and demonstrations through all the provinces of Greece, 3 large territorial concentrations disbanded with tear gas, a central demonstration against the Ministry of Labor in the which the letters received from the government were symbolically burned, a later central demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Prime Minister in which they achieved the removal of the barriers that the police had placed and managed to enter the premises of the Presidency to debate for 1 hour and a half with the Prime Minister and with the Minister of Labor. Consequently, they committed and executed the payment of 617 million € to complete the lowest income pensions. The Greek P&R’s will continue on the streets. They have pledged that before May 1 PAME of Greece will pay its quotas of 2017 to our PIS of P&R’s.
5.- Chile, great actions that began in August and continued in November, demanding the return to the public pension system that Pinochet surrendered to private companies with the support of the ICFTU yellow trade unionism (now ITUC). Now the pensioners are paid half of what they were paid with the public system.
6.- Increase of 50% in January of the pensions in Venezuela.
7.- Unitary struggles in Spain, without the yellow unions (CCOO and UGT), in defense of the demands of the P&R’s. The most important actions were held on December 20 in 14 major cities and repeated on 8 February in 8 regions across the state.

Speech of the General Secretary
The collective leadership of our TUI has entrusted me with the speech that corresponds before the Plenary of this important Congress.
At the documentation given to each delegate it is included a summary of our work as TUI, outlined at the 4 pages that the Secretariat of the WFTU demanded.
I will not repeat it now, but we are open to comment it bilaterally when you like.
Our will of organization and fight, within the WFTU, is summarized at the motto we have used at the Regional Conferences, continent to continent:
This is the main aim of our, to the moment, successful task of organization of the P&R over the world.
The WFTU is the only organization which coordinates worldwide all the Pensioners and Retired workers. We have thus fulfilled the goals set at the 16th Congress of the WFTU.
We carried at Quito, Ecuador, in September 2015, the first Conference of P&R of America. Several organizations from 25 countries participated in diverse ways.
We carried at Denmark, July 2016, the first Conference of P&R of Europe. 54 organizations from 42 countries have participated. A big success, thus.
We will carry out at Dakar, Senegal, next November the 16th, the first Conference of P&R of Africa.
We will carry at Nepal, December the 3rd this year, the first Conference of P&R of Asia.
And, last, we are preparing a Conference at the Arab countries.
Not any other organization has structured the struggle of the P&R to fight for our rights and fair claims. Neither can they nor they want, since their submission to the wills of the Capitalist leaders makes it impossible for them to organize the P&R for the fight.
The ITUC backs Private Funds for Pensions, such as the ones Pinochet set out at Chile during his dictatorship. The ITUC gets money out of these private plans by having its leaders as Chairmen of these Capitalist companies that handle this money. The ITUC does not defend the right to public pensions that make the Private Funds for pensions unnecessary. The ITUC has only a coordination of P&R in Europe, and is unable to organize any struggle.
We, the WFTU, with class criteria, remembering (as we were taught by Karl Marx) that the fight of classes is the actual motor of history (and will continue till there is Capitalism), we, as TUI of the WFTU, we group all the organizations of P&R ready to fight against Capitalism. And we take this occasion to ask the P&R territorially syndicated to the WFTU, to connect with our TUI, of P&R.
Many of the organizations of P&R existing at the planet are not even a syndicate. Sometimes they cannot be due to the Law of the country, which does not allow syndicates of P&R.
But what is important is not the name, but the goals each organization fights for.
We, as TUI of P&R we have aimed to coordinate all the fights, that keep growing through the 5 continents, boosted by the Pensioners and Retired of all the planet.
> Few days ago we carried our first October the First: we do not have still the final result of the actions carried,  for the first time in the history of Mankind , an international and global act of the P&R in the world.
We have claimed and we will continue to demand (with greater strength if all the organizations of WFTU include it in their lists):
1)      Universal right to retirement
2)      Reduction of the retirement age for men and even more for women.
3)      Social care public and free.
4)      Medical and pharmaceutical care, public and free for everybody, without exceptions or conditions.
5)      Public pensions that fulfill our actual needs with the aim to have a life with dignity, this is, to have: social facilities, housing, drinking water, health and entertainment, plus nearby transport, for free.
Our mottos, this International Day, have been:
And we have concluded hailing: ¡LONG LIFE TO OCTOBER FIRST!, ¡LONG  LIFE TO WFTU!
Since we will repeat this act each year, till we end up with Capitalism, that is causing all the problems of the P&R and of the working class.
Thus, we ask all the leaders of the WFTU to help us organize the P&R.
We must be creating conscience, beginning with the active workers, that every salaried must aspire to live many years, and that the final years he or she must count with a worthy pension; this is, a pension such that the following are guaranteed :
1)      Drinking water at each home
2)    Healthy and sufficient food
3)     Housing.
4)      Public health aid, of quality and free, with the necessary complements for the old age.
5)      Entertainment, culture and proximity transportation, free and of quality guaranteed by the Public Administration.
To fight for these fair aims, we P&R are in better conditions than when we were exploited, every day at our work as salaried. Today:
1)      We cannot be fired or sanctioned by a contractor or entrepreneur.
2)      We have all day long to ourselves to organize the best way to plan the struggle.
3)      We have our salary, now pension, independently of our fight. Our participation at the struggles will not have negative consequences in our monthly income.
4)      We have near us many P&R with whom to discuss.
5)      We have many years of experience regarding the organization of struggles.
6)      We are more convinced than ever that our main enemy is Capitalism and its genocidal organization, the imperialist NATO.
7)      And we know how to explain our arguments, in a most convincing way than ever, depending on the features of our public.
Because of this, we are going to organize the working class at the final chapter of their lives. And we will do it better if all the syndicates of the WFTU share information of the reality of the P&R at their territories.
For our TUI, the same as for the WFTU, we are working class till the grave.
We, The P&R, are approximately 20 % of the population and 30 % of the voters.
We have to better organize this huge collective to turn the aims of the FSM to victories.
We count on all of you.
Quim Boix
Presidential Counsel of the WFTU
General Secretary of the de TUI (Trade Union International) of Pensioners and Retired (P&R) of the WFTU.
Durban, South Africa, October 2016.

Word Document with Annexes

Ficheros adjuntos: 

March to July 2016, COMMUNICATION No. 13

General Secretariat, COMMUNICATION No. 13, March to July, 2016
Comrades,I give an account of what has been accomplished since the Communication No. 12:
1.- First, I regret that due to the accumulation of tasks in the person who assumes the GS of our UIS, this accountability has been delayed. Anyway the members of the leadership of our TUI have kept receiving continuing reports sent by the GS.
2.- The efforts for the realization of the Regional Conferences are still being done.
The one in Africa is already implemented, and will take place in Dakar (Senegal) on 16 November, and the one in Asia, which will be in Kathmandu (Nepal) on 3 December, both within the year 2,016.
3.- The proposal to conduct the Conference of Asia in Pakistan was not successful due to the difficulties that the trade unionists of this country have lived and continue to live with. Nor was it possible to accomplish it in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, although steps were initiated to do so.
4.- The 3 delegates and two observers who will represent our TUI in the 17 Congress of the WFTU (5 to 8 October, Durban, South Africa) were proposed in the month of March and accepted in the month of May: delegates: DimosKoumpouris, Marcos Wolman and Quim Boix; observers-guests: Mohan Bahadur and LazareKimankata.
In this way, as the Secretariat of the WFTU requested, there will be a comrade of each continent. It has not been possible to place a woman between the 5 proposals, given that the activity of our TUI in all continents is currently led by men (it was in led by a woman in America, Martha Hervas, but unfortunately she had to resign due to health reasons).
5.- We have followed daily the dissemination of all information that generates both the direction of the WFTU, such as those of the struggles of the PyJ of various countries, as well as those of various organizations that stand out in their fight against the capitalist oppression.
6.- It is already being prepared the intervention, to be performed as UIS, in the 17 Congress of the WFTU.It will previously be sent to all the members of the collective leadership of our TUI so that they can express their opinion on it and improve its content.
7.- Assistance to the important 11 Conference of the UFR (Union Fédérale des Retraités) of the CGT of Chemicals of France, in early June 2016.See ANNEX 5.
8.- Presence in the 105 Conference of the ILO.Geneva, June 2016.Second speech to claim all of the governments of the planet to comply with their obligations to the PyJ of their country.As the previous year, they do not seem to have listened to and new struggles organized by our TUI will be necessary.See ANNEX 6.
9.- Presence at the annual meeting of friends of the WFTU.Geneva, June 2016.See ANNEX 7.
10.- Participation in the annual meeting of the Presidential Council of the WTUF, conducted in Vietnam at the beginning of March 2016.In it, the 17th Congress of the WFTU was summoned.See ANNEX 8.
11.- I have spread various opinions as a union leader , to provide food for thought to the collective debate that will represent the 17th Congress of the WFTU.See ANNEX 9.
12.- Various activities in both the Spanish state and in other countries, to help spread and popularize the 17th Congress of the WFTU.
1.- It was performed with great success the First European Conference of classist organizations of PyJ, coordinated in the corresponding TUI of the WFTU.
See in ANNEX 1 the minutes of that Conference which detailed how 54 organizations from 42 countries participated.
2.- We the comrades DimosKoumpouris and Quim Boix, as President and SG of our UIS, to the meeting convened by the Secretariat of the WFTU in Athens on 1 April, to put in common the experiences of work for the union of the 10 TUI of the WFTU.See ANNEX 2.
3.- It was held in Athens on April 2, an important meeting of leaders of our UIS, which resulted in a document addressed to all members of the leadership of our UIS, who have adopted the document.See ANNEX 3.
4.- As important activity, mention should be made of the decision to perform, on 1 October of each year, a very important Internationalist Struggle Day of the PyJ of all countries.See ANNEX 4.
5.- It remains a problem for the functioning of our TUI the fact that there are very few organizations that have contributed their statutory annual fee.We hope soon to start the work of the Commission for the Control of Finances (created in February 2,014 and still almost inactive) which should help Finances Secretary José Mª Lucas on this task.
6.- We are still waiting for the response of the comrades of the PEO of Cyprus concerning the proposal that assumed, on 2 April 2016, at the meeting made in Athens, comrade Kostas Skarparis, and which was remembered in Denmark to Comrade PierisPieri.The proposal was to perform in Cyprus the First Conference of PyJ of Arab countries, within the first few months of 2017.
7.- We regret that are still few meetings of PyJ globally in each country, because we need to strengthen the foundation of our organization as UIS, and to improve coordination of existing organizations with own but dispersed activity.
8.- We again ask all the trade unions in the PyJ to send information to the Direction of the TUI about all their activities.Only then will we be able to disseminate them and ensure that, as the comrades of Argentina do, serve as an example to stimulate our struggles in other countries.


The conference was held at the school  “RantzausmindeEfterskole”, at the town SVENDBORG, Denmark, the 20th July, 2016.
34 leaders participated of organizations of pensioners of 14 countries:
Danish Syndicates, with four representants.
Danish Cultural associations of P&R, with three representants.
PAME (Greece), with 2 representants.
PEO (Cyprus), with a representant.
MODEPEN (Galicia, Spain), with a representant.
MAREA de Pensionistas (Catalunya, Spain), with a representant.
LAB (Euskadi, Spain), with two representants.
Syndical Left Current (Austria), with a representant.
Pensioners (Ireland), with a representant.
Pensioners (Russia), with 2 representants.
Pensioners (Croatia), with a representant.
UFR-CGT-Chemists (France), with 2 representants.
FSC (France), with 2 representants.
CGTP-IN (Portugal),with a representant.
USB (Italy), with a representant.
CSU (Spain), with 3 representants.
An observer of the European Office of the WFTU.
Management of P&R of WFTU, with 5 representants.

First of all the presentations were made, to get to know everybody.
The Dane syndical leader, JanniMilsted, opened the Conference, welcoming the attendants and wishing success to the collective work.
The President of the TUI and PAME of P&R, DimosKoumpouris, made the opening speech and presented the Document to Debate (annexed).
The Secretary General of the TUI, Quim Boix, read the text prepared and distributed in 6 lenguages (Spanish, French ,Englush, Portuguese, Russian and Danish), annexed.
The Secretary of Finances of the TUI, José Mª Lucas, presented the project of Declaration of Denmark (annexed).
All the attending delegations intervened , explaining their experiences of struggle and providing ideas to improve the documents. These speeches are annexed in the language in which they were handed.
Comrades Koumpouris and Lucas made the respective summary of the contributions, indicating the accepted ammendments. The approved documents will be published.
The documents were voted (counting separately the votes of the organizations affiliated to the WFTU and the two invited  organizations). Both documents passed unanimous approval.
The Secretary General of the TUI, Quim Boix, presented the proposal of the European managing team of the TUI. There was a round of interventions and it was voted, with all favorable votes, except an abstention.
The new European managing team was so configured:
Vladimir Kapuralin (Croatia)
Elena Skvortsova (Russia)
Anders Kritersen (Denmark)
Tony Donaghey (UK)
Fabrizia Casalini (Italy)
A P&R from PAME (to be concreted in September)
Un P&R of PEO (to be concreted in September)
And, as invited, Claude Gillet-Colart, (France, CGT-Quim)
Quim Boix, as Secretary General of the TUI of P&R of WFTU, made the closing speech which was handed in 4 languages (Danish, English , French and Spanish), annexed.
The International was sung, everyone in the known language (and the majority with held fists).
The new leading team held a first reunion at Denmark, where it was accorded that:
1)    The First Conference is very positively valued, for its attendance and for its inputs, debates and messages received.
2)    When the names of the representants of PAME and PEO are known, between all the members of the  Direction it will be decided which person will coordinate them.
3)    They will revise the approved documents to leave them as definitive.
4)    They will structure their work in 3 zones, based in their differences: a) Mediterranean, b) central (that in a future will be subdivided in Nordic and central countries), and c) ex-socialist countries.
5)   They will spread existence of the Conference and the reached agreements.
6)   Work will be done to keep and increase the contacts that have made possible this first Conference.
7)    They will prepare the action for la October, first, to secure its success.
LIST OF THE 54 ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPANTS, ACTING AT 42 COUNTRIES (ones with documents that show the reality of their pensions, and others only with a salute):
Albania: Pensioners
Austria: GLB-BundessekretärimÖGB, Federal Secretary of the Left Bloc.
Bosnia: Pensioners.
Bulgaria: FPB.
Canarias: FSOC (Frente Sindical Obrero de Canarias-Labor Syndical Front of Canary Is ).
Catalonia: Intersyndical CSC.
Txec Republic: Pensioners.
Cyprus: PEO.
Croatia: Pensionistas.
Denmark : Syndicalist pensioners, Cultural Association of Pensioners, Syndicate of Construction Pensioners, Veterans of International Brigades, Antifascist Commite Second WW , Immigrant pensioners.
Spain: Tide (marea) of Pensioners, CSC (Coordinadora Sindical de Clase-Syndical Class Coordination), CSI of Asturias, CSU of P&R, FSC (Frente Sindical de Clase), Intersindical Valenciana.
Euskadi (Basque Country): LAB.
Finland: Pensioners of Wood (Helsinki Carpenters’ Union).
France: UFR of CGT-Chemistry, FSC (Frente Sindical de Clase), FNAF-UIS Agriculture
Galicia: MODEPEN (Galician Movement in defense of public pensions).
Georgia: Pensioners.
Great Britain: RMT Britain (Transport Syndicate ).
Greece: PAME.
Hungary: Pensioners, Munkaspart.
Ireland: WP Northern Ireland Trade Union Group.
Italy: USB (Unione Sindicale di Base), P. CARC Bérgamo, Liste Disoccupati e Precari de Milano, CARC Milano, Sindacato Lavoratori in Lotta (SLL) di Napoli, direttivo regionale Toscana del Sindacato Pensionati Italiani della CGIL (Confederazione Generale Italiana Lavoratori).
Macedonia: Pensioners.
Malta: Pensioners.
Monaco: Union des Retraités de Monaco (membre de la Direction collective (Comité Fédéral) de l'Union des Syndicats de Monaco).
Norway: Pensioners.
Poland: ŚwiatowaFederacjaZwiązkówZawodowych.
Portugal: CGTP-IN.
Romania: Asociatia Romania Muncitoare (Worker's Romania Association).
Russia: Pensioners.
Serbia: Pensioners.
Switzerland : Pensioners.
Turkey :NakliyatSendika, Commite of Pensioners.
Turkish-Cyprus: KTAMS (Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants Trade Union).
Ukraine: Pensionists of Lugansk.
Greetings from organizations of Pensioners from other continents (with similar realities regarding pensions):
Also, we have contacts with:
Belgium, Byelorussia, Iceland and Sweden

We consider useful to give this complementary information.
Summary of costs of the European conference at Denmark:
(in euros and Danish crowns).
Air tickets to not included paid by the participants or their organization (the car rent is included for transportation, paid by the CSU and P&R of Spain).

euros   DKK
    C° 7,078
accommodation 2.700,00  accommodation 14.800,00
divers 60,02  food 2.103,50
paid by companions -715,00  transportation 10.951,98
   varied 100,00
   paid by companions -4.200,00
Total cost euros 2.045,02  Total cost DKK 23.755,48
value in euros costs in DKK 3.356,09   23.755,48
Total cost € 5.401,11  
Contribution CSU to the conference 1.237,66  
Real cost for TUI                         4.163,45 €
To all the affiliated organizations that will take part on the actions of October 1st, 2016


The capitalist crisis and its barbarism are underway. Governments and capital are trying to find a temporary way out of the crisis placing its weight on the pensioners, retirees and popular layers.

In order to increase capitalist competitiveness, Pensioners and Retirees all over the world are suffering the worsening of their daily life conditions as well as those of their sons.

Their pensions are being reduced, public Health services are being placed on private hands, social structures are being destroyed, their rights are being greatly limited. In some many places this rights don´t exist.

The capitalist states along with the company owners are reducing its participation in social security putting all the expenses on workers and Retirees, so easing the way to a private social security. In many countries of the world there are not any kind of infrastructure, medical and pharmacy care, public pensions, proper housing or drinkable water.
We appeal to carry all kind of actions (demonstrations, concentrations, the issue of documents to the authorities, assemblies, conferences, etc.) toall our organizations of Pensioners and Retirees for the forthcoming October the first, International Day of Retirees.

We are fighting for:

1)    The universal right for a pension.
2)    To reduce the retirement age for men and much more for women.
3)    Public and free of charges Social Security.
4)    Public and free of charge medical and pharmacy assistance for everybody, without limitations and/or restrictions.
5)    Public pensions enough to guarantee our current needs in order to have a dignified life (Social support, proper housing, fresh water, medical care, public, free and accessible means of transportation and leisure.



February 2016 to November 2015 COMMUNICATION Nº 12

General Secretariat, COMMUNICATION Nº 12.
February 2016 to November 2015
Comrades, I present what has been done from COMUNICATION nº 11:
1.- We continue the work for the realization of the Regional Conferences. We
have been able to program the European at Denmark, next July. To prepare
this activity in Denmark the General Secretary of our TUI will travel to Denmark
in April. It is also Quim Boix who coordinates the call messages for the First
European Conference of class organizations of P&R, since comrade Vladimir
Kapuralin of Croatia communicated his difficulties to exert of Vice-president for
our TUI for Europe.
2.- Finally, since any other comrade of the Direction of our TUI could go, it was
the Secretary General that assisted at Ramallah, beginning December, to the
International Conference of Solidarity with Palestine. See at ANNEX 1 the
corresponding report.
3.- According to the Finance Secretariat of our TUI we have reminded our
affiliated organizations the necessity that they pay each year their
corresponding quota.
4.- Complying the requirement of our Secretariat of the WFTU we have
prepared 4 pages of summary of the tasks carried by our TUI from the 16th
Congress of the WFTU, to help prepare the subjects to debate at the 17th
Congress at October in South Africa. See at ANNEX 2 this summary.
5.- Replacing our Propaganda Secretary, comrade Alain Rodríguez, that was
obliged to go to the hospital, the General Secretary in charge to search for
whom would carry our salute of fight of our TUI for 2.016. See at ANNEX 3 the
result. It could be done in the following languages: German, Arab, Catalan,
Spanish, Basque, French, Greek, English, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian.
Now it must be widely used.
6.- Several solidarity salutes were send, especially those reclaiming the liberty
in Equator of the President of the CTE, that the police of Rafael Correa jailed,
while he headed a big and unitary meeting against the anti-union measures that
are being legislated. See ANNEX 4.
7.- We have followed the diffusion of all the information from the Management
of the WFTU. We have also followed the struggles of P&R of several countries,
and of several organizations that outstand in their fight against capitalist
8.- We will assist, in Vietnam, to the Presidential Counsel of the WFTU, that
must call our 17th Congress of Class World Syndicalism, in October at South
Africa. See ANNEX 5, the intervention as TUI at this reunion of the PC.
9.- Next April 1
st we will assist at Athens to the reunion of the TUI of our WFTU.
Quim Boix will also use the voyage to increase the joint work with comrade
Dimos Koumpouris, President of our TUI.
10.- Answering the invitation of the affiliated syndicates to the WFTU at
Senegal, our comrade Quim Boix went there to Dakar, in February, in
representation of George Mavrikos (since he was carrying syndical work at
other places of the planet) and to preside the coordination reunions of P&R of 4
Senegalese trade unions and to start preparing the first African Conference of
classist organizations of P&R. Our comrades of Senegal, with the Francophone
Office of the FSM at Africa, have accepted to carry at Dakar the First African
Conference of our TUI. It will very probably be in November, 2016. See, at
ANNEX 6, a summary of my activities at Senegal (only in French, since we do
not have enough help in the translations. I take the occasion to request more
help from our comrades of the direction of our TUI).
11.- The General Secretariat, together with the Secretariat of the WFTU, has
proposed the comrades at Pakistan that they prepare at Lahore, for December
2016, the First Asiatic Conference of our TUI.
1.- Comrade Kostas Skarparis, asked December 28th, fulfilling what was
accorded at the reunion of Athens, held October 22nd (see details at
COMMUNICATION nº 11), the data to start his responsibility of President of the
Commission and Control of Finances (post for which he was elected, with his
acquiescence and presence, at Barcelona, February 2.014). We hope we soon
begin this necessary and important task for our TUI.
2.- Several comrades, from Africa, America, Europe and Asia, have thanked
the work done by the General Secretary.
3.- Together with comrade José Mª Lucas, Secretary of finances of our TUI, we
have sent, as TUI of P&R, 125 € of solidarity with syndicalist comrade Julia
Amparo Lotán, unfairly jailed months ago at Guatemala. This has been added
to the same quantity sent by the syndicate AST rooted at the transnational
Telefónica Movistar, at Spain.
4.- In Argentina the reivindicative activities at the door of the Parliament ,
continue each Wednesday, boosted and directed by our comrade Marcos
5.- Beginning February, at Buenos Aires, comrade Marcos Wolman of
Argentina, and Frank Goldsmith of USA met, both members of the collective of
World Direction and of America of our TUI.
6.- We have begun an important task for our TUI that are the actions of
solidarity of the P&R of a country in fight with other countries. Latin America has
been the scenery of these positive experiences of proletarian internationalism
(Colombia, Argentina, El Salvador, etc.)

COMMUNICATION Nº 12 in pdf with Annexes


On behalf of the pensioners (P&J) of the planet, organized in the FSM, and on behalf of the Spanish class oriented trade unionism, I would like to express our full solidarity with the rightful demands of the Palestinian people.

I would also like to begin this intervention by committing myself to disseminating the agreements that are being taken here.

Those agreements will be known and then disseminated by both the class oriented PyJ organizations of the five continents, and by the class oriented trade unions of the Spanish state.

As a veteran trade unionist I can affirm that, for decades, during the class trade union struggle, solidarity with the people of Palestine has always been present, both in Spain and in the five continents.

Your just struggle is known and respected not only by all the organized class trade unionism, but also by the non-corrupt rank-and-file trade unionism of class collaboration.

In Spain for example, the majority of the participants in the Workers' Commissions and in the UGT (General Workers' Union) share in your claims, which forces the leaders of these unions to feign their solidarity with your struggle, although after that they collaborate and work together with the Zionists, both in the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) as in the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Therefore today it is possible to organize, all around the globe, solidarity with the Palestinian people, not only with class trade unionism, but also with those trade unionists that collaborate with capitalism.

Anyway, it is important that the possibility of unity of action does not allow the concealment the causes of the inhuman attacks that you suffer.

It is essential to clarify the historical reality of your people.

You suffer attacks that can only be summarized with two words: fascist genocide.

As long as capitalism remains as the economic system that determines the decisions of the majority of the governments of the world, the genocide of the various Israeli governments may continue to enjoy the aid of the bourgeoisie of many countries.

They even had the nerve to award them the Nobel Peace Prize. For capitalists there is no other fatherland but money.

it is riches, and the goal of treasuring them, the only thing that guides their decisions, regardless of the deaths and injustices that they cause.

For this reason the bourgeoisie, led by the owners of the multinationals, takes its decisions in accordance with the possibilities of further increasing its control of the wealth of the planet.

While Israel is capable of helping them earn money, the capitalists will support the Zionists.

The warpath and genocidal Israel allows arms manufacturers to make great benefits.

As they have recently made benefits in the stock markets, a few days after the attacks in Paris.

To use weapons is their goal, in order to reduce their stocks.

It is the arms manufacturers, the oil companies, the power companies and the pharmaceutical companies, multinational companies who, by financing election campaigns, determine the decisions of the bourgeois rulers, regardless of them being conservatives or the social democrats.

All of them abide to the pressures of big capital.

Here is the basis for understanding that your struggle as a people is closely linked with the struggle of all the proletarians, of all wage earners and exploited of the planet, to put an end to capitalism as a system of exploitation of man by man.

Only by ending capitalism will end the possibility that a few are nuclear-weapon States possess of all the wealth.

Today four people are as rich as the combined 50 poorest countries put together; today the one percent of the world's population is richer than the remaining 99 per cent.

These figures demonstrate that capitalism involves only inequality and injustice, which will increase day by day, until we end with it as a system.

We, PyJ, know that the unjust distribution of wealth has only one solution: socialism.

Therefore in our Founding Congress, as UIS of the WFTU, that took place in my city, Barcelona, in February of 2,014 , as well as in the First Conference of PyJ class organizations of America , carried out in Quito (Ecuador) last September, we clearly established that the PyJ of the WFTU have fought all of our whole life, and we will continue to fight for as long as we have any life and force left, next to our class, the working class, in order to put an end to capitalism and to build socialism.

Only governments that are fighting against capitalism, among which I wish to cite Cuba and Venezuela, have clearly demonstrated their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We welcome these attitudes and will continue to work to ensure that each day there are more governments that denounce the genocide carried out by the Government of Israel.

The veterans of our trade unionists of our UIS of PyJ are very knowledgeable about the reality of your struggle.
During the decades in which we have been active workers and in the recent period that when we are already retired, we have participated in a multitude of actions of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

On the other hand, we the Spanish trade unionists know firsthand suffering as the Palestinian people.
Our people also suffered genocidal methods at the hands of the fascist Franco.

We also suffered from the aid from big capitalists to the genocidal Government of the dictator, aid sometimes public and sometimes concealed, as the aid that Israel receives in its attacks on the people of Palestine.

At the present stage, in the Spanish state, fascism is still showing through the decisions of the fascist dictator's successor. I am referring to the leaders of the Popular Party that is ruling.

As a sample of this neo-fascism in Spain there are two large political realities:

1) The suppression of the right to self-determination (the same right claimed by the Palestinian people) for a variety of nationalities, especially the Catalan and Basque ones.

AND 2) the repeated prison sentences, of up to 3 and 5 years, for trade unionists, for exercising their right to strike or to demonstrate, as well as fines of tens of thousands of euros to trade unions for their actions in the streets against the bosses.

The government of PP in Spain, the same one that has changed the law in order to allow the trade union repression that I just mentioned, has been given continuity to the good relations and to making big economic deals with the Zionist Government of Israel, especially in the topic of the sale of the arms that have served to oppress the Palestinian people.

We, the class oriented trade unions of the Spanish state, denounce these relationships with the Zionists.
The recent developments, both in the region of the Middle East, and in Europe, show that imperialism, which is the basis of the genocide, is still active, and is still powered by the same capitalist leaders that help to oppress Palestine.

For these leaders of the world bourgeoisie war continues to be their preferred method to dominate and despoil the peoples.

This way they provide continuity to the colonization wars of a few centuries ago. They wish to continue appropriating by force the natural resources of the peoples.

You know, among others, about the plundering of the water from the Golan Heights, water that later Israel sells even to Spain.

Other peoples know the plundering of their natural wealth, as is the case of Somalia, Libya, Sahara and Mali in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria, in Asia.

Class trade unionism has always made clear the position that the natural wealth, be it water, minerals, oil, gas, fishing, agriculture and others, belongs only to the their peoples.

The WFTU was born, 70 years ago, already condemning, in its founding congress in Paris in 1,945, the shares of exploitation and plundering of the metropolis against the colonized peoples, and condemning imperialism.

We are going to continue with this same orientation, rejecting the positions of conciliation of classes that have already appeared in the Founding Congress of the WFTU.

The social democratic leadership, which already in 1,945 supported and financed the trade unions in Europe's Nordic countries, pushing them to vote against the resolution condemning colonialism, pushed them after into breaking with the WFTU, and thus the ICFTU was created, the CSI of today, in which there are Israel's trade unions that support the different Zionist governments.

Both in Europe, as in the rest of the planet, class trade unionism struggles to clarify this reality and to unmask false trade unionists, those who claim to defend the working class but who really, in the dark, deal with employers, those who help capitalism to be perpetuate itself, who openly support the imperialist actions and genocides, such as that of Israel in Palestine.

In Spain, this commitment of trade unionism of the CSI with capitalism, is getting to be known, even with sentences of the bourgeois justice system itself confirming this.

it has just become publicly known that many trade union leaders of the CSI (I am referring to the leaders of the Workers' Commissions and UGT) had agreed to betray the workers in exchange for large amounts of money.
The most outrageous case has been that of the leaders of the Workers' Commissions, who were bribed by the company Panrico in order to curb the just demands of the workers, when those same workers were on an indefinite strike for 8 months.

This corrupt practice of trade unionism very well serves the interests of our exploiters, because it's useful to curb the class struggle and to discredit to the trade union organizations, and at the same time they use it to justify their fascists and genocidal actions.

The case of Palestine is a clear example of this.

It is therefore necessary to continue the fight so that unionism is exercised with Marxist honesty and consistency, and this is only possible if trade unionism is class oriented, if unionism is coordinated by the WFTU.

Class trade unions have always used Marxist honesty and consistency as flags to defend the just demands of the workers and of the peoples struggling for independence.

We reaffirm our determination to continue, together with the WFTU, the solidarity in the fight with the people of Palestine.

For this reason, I finish with two "Long live"!




Ramallah, 7-12-15.

Quim Boix, Spanish trade unionist.

Secretary General of the UIS (International Union of Trade Unions) of Pensioners and Retirees (PyJ) of the WFTU.

July, August, September and October 2015, COMMUNICATION, nº 11

Comrades, I render account of the activities carried out by this General Secretary since the issue of communication nº 10.

1.- General Secretary has been sending information (mainly concerning WFTU and PAME) in three languages to all members of the TUI´ board of directors.
2.- The General Secretary attended to the First American Regional Conference of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees of the WFTU, held last September 30th, representing the collective board of directors of our TUI. The documents in three languages were sent to all members of the board of directors. See ANNEX 1 with information about this important Conference.
3.- General Secretary has represented our TUI in the events that took place in Sao Paolo, Brazil, during the World celebration of the WFTU´s 70th anniversary.
4.- General Secretary has demanded to all members of the TUI to follow the example set by the Spanish comrades of the CSU of Pensioners and Retirees in collecting the money needed to run the WFTU´s TUI of Pensioners and Retirees. We remind that documents related to this campaign are included in Annex, 4, Communication 10.
5.- General Secretary has attended the 21st Congress of PAME´s Pensioners and Retirees held in Athens, October 20 th and 21st, as representative of our TUI. See in ANNEX 2 a summary of this information.
6.- In October 22, 2015, General Secretary held a meeting in Athens with comrades Dimos Koumpouris, Palmos Panigiotis and Kostas Skarparis. ANNEX 3 includes a record of this meeting.
7.- In October 22, 2015, General Secretary held a meeting in Athens with Georges Mavrikos to consider the tasks of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees. See ANNEX 4 for the summary of this meeting.
8.- General Secretary has started the arrangements to set the pending four Regional Conferences taking advantage of the good experiences derived from the Conference held in America.
9.- General Secretary has received from the WFTU´s Secretary an invitation to attend a meeting to be held in Palestine  next December 6th and 7th, as a token of solidarity with the people fighting for its Rights and against imperialism. We are waiting to know if some member of the TUI ´board of directors could be available to attend on our behalf.

1.- TUI´ President, comrade Dimos Koumpouris, had planned to represent our TUI in the activities that took place in September 13th and 14th in Damascus to celebrate the WFTU´s 70th anniversary. However, the current political situation in Greece, with the calling of new elections for September 20th, forced comrade Dimos to remain in Greece.
2.- The first American Regional Conference of our TUI was successfully celebrated in Quito, Ecuador, in September 30th. See report in Annex 1.
3.- TUI´ CSU of Pensioners and Retirees has started its campaign to collect the financial resources to operate the WFTU´s TUI of Pensioners and Retirees. At this moment, more than 2.000€ have been collected in Spain. See information about this campaign at the TUI´ web, file General Secretary, Annex 4, Communication 10.
Translation in English not yet received
Existing text in Greek and Spanish only

the headquarters of the PAME P&R, Athens
Comrades present:
Dimos Koumpouris, President and Chairman of TUI P&R PAME
Palmos Panagiotis, Chairman Technical Committee and Research TUI
Kostas Skarparis, Chairman of the Committee for Financial Control of TUI
Quim Boix, Secretary General of TUI P&R WFTU
Agreements reached
Congratulate PJ went through great success and progress in its 21st Congress, which will have a short, send us Comrade Dimos, for general knowledge of the entire direction of the TUI of P&R WFTU.
Celebrating be able to make this meeting, leveraging our presence at the 21st Congress of PAME P&R.
We note that any approved body in our Constitution, but our coordination and joint work to help run the TUI, and download tasks of the General Secretariat.
Communicate in writing the commitments made at the meeting on 10.22.2015, the 24 elected members and management of the TUI in Spanish, French, English and Greek
Working together and simultaneously take on more leadership responsibilities for which it was chosen to avoid that in the future, all tasks must be performed by the Secretary General.
Redouble our commitment to publicize the agreements and positions of the WFTU. These appear on the WFTU website and are partially transmitted in 3 languages by our Secretary General.
Congratulate success and conclusions of the First Conference of class organizations P&R America, held in Quito on 09/30/2015. We can work in class organizations P&R this continent of 25 countries.
Communicate in writing the commitments made at the meeting of 10/15/22, with 24 elected members and management of the TUI in Spanish, French, English and Greek.
Work together to implement the other four Regional Conferences that are pending: Africa, Asia, Europe and Arab countries. We ask for help to the Secretariat of the WFTU. (10.15.22 made at the meeting I had with George Mavrikos)
On the European Conference, accepted the arguments of comrade Vladimir certificates Kapuralin, Croatia, hindering his performance as vice president for Europe, and work to see if it is possible that Conference of Belarus or in France. If this is not possible in any of these countries would be held in Greece.
Enlarge the Greek translators of important information, because it turns out that most of them were unknown to the audience mates. Comrades from Greece and Cyprus are committed to finding someone who complements the huge translation work done so far and only makes the Mercedes comrade Roldan Madrid.
Remember, at the request of comrade Kostas Skarparis, checking account number, which must be entered actions of unions affiliated to TUI. (Completed 10/22/2015).
By contacting the Secretary of Finance, José Maria Lucas, with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Finance, Kostas Skarparis. (Completed 10/22/2015).
Send to present the proposal in the tourism meeting for North Korea made by unions in this country. (Completed 10/22/2015).
Send to comrade inputs and outputs Kostas Skarparis the account of TUI. Does the Secretary of Finance of TUI, Comrade José Maria Lucas.
Order comrade Kostas Skarparis to start, with the Secretary General of assistance from TUI, his work as chairman of the Committee on Financial Control. See Annex 1. tasks that secure the Statutes for this responsibility.
Remember back to all the unions of TUI both their legal obligation to pay an annual fee (instinctively fixed ANNEX 4 COMMUNICATION 10) campaign, only in Spain, has already given for income above € 2,000. (Completed 10.25.15) .For the ANNEX 4 COMMUNICATION 10) campaign, only in Spain, has already given for income above € 2,000. (Completed 10/25/2015).
Thank commitment PEO to send once a month in English, for dissemination to all TUI, a summary of its activities with the P&R.
Start the collective work of the Technical Commission document and plan the research and work already agreed (see the website of the General Secretariat of the folder TUI ANNEX 3 COMMUNICATION 10). The goal is to meet the demands of maximum P&R countries and these tables have a protest for the continent and the world.
For this first step is to contact Mark Wolman, the America working data, Palmos Panagiotis. (Concluded 10/15/22).
State that are emerging around the world, the current twenty-first century, new organizations P&R with class origins. Commit to achieve maximum connect with them.
Spreading full on the TUI website all P&R struggles we know, post photos and short texts that explain them.
Comrade Who handles make the summary of the agreement to evaluate the other participants, and, once approved, is sent to the 24 comrades of the TUI.
Additional elements that I'm sure to turn MEETING:
1) The importance of all 24 council members send their CV (Curriculum Vitae) association. A part because we have done, as you can see in different languages on the TUI website.
2) Expand the use of research (which also are on the web in 3 languages) to have responses from countries that lack.
3) The union commitment CTB (Brazil) to pay an annual fee of $ 1,000, in Pending the outcome of its Founding Congress, which will be in 2016 (invited to attend and address the TUI, will pay the airfare and accommodation).
4) The need for help as Secretary-General for each responsible for each Department of our TUI, elected to Congress, have a written plan Labor leaders approve our bodies TUI. Currently, only the Ministry of Finance sent his, which is already known and has been approved by all members of the management of TUI.

Barcelona 25/10/2015
Quim Boix
Secretary-General of the TUI of P&R of WFTU

Article 32.- The powers and functions of the committees are as follows:
Article 32-1- On the Financial Control Committee: a) monitor the proper performance of the Ministry of Finance; b) monitoring the economic and financial operation of TUI of P&R; c) to approve, in the first instance, the periodic reports finances; d) To report on its activities to the Executive Council and Congress of Trade Unions World.

ANNEX Nº 4.-

At this meeting several items concerning the Spanish trade union realities as well as the work performed by the WFTU Presidential Council were discussed. Among the items related to our TUI we would like to emphasize the following:
1) Detailed information issued by Quim Boix concerning the First American Regional Conference of Pensioners and Retirees.
2) Criteria to be followed in order to prepare the other four conferences still pending to be held and help asked to the WFTU´ Secretary.
3) Self-criticism on behalf of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees for its poor work aimed to the celebration events of WFTU´s 70th anniversary.
4) On the importance of ideological struggle concerning the trade union work, always bearing in mind the actual dynamics and realities of each country.

Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retirees, member of the WFTU at the 104º Conference of the ILO

Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retirees, member of the WFTU at the 104º Conference of the ILO  
Today is an historical date for Pensioners and Retirees from all over the world organized in class conscious trade unions and coordinated in the five continents, as for the first time here we are in front of the ILO claiming our rights. This has become possible due to the decision taken by the WFTU - an organization next to its 70ª anniversary - to create a Trade Union International of class unions that binds together Pensioners and Retirees from more than a hundred countries. I talk to you as General Secretary of this unique class union organization of Pensioners. As a whole, Pensioners and Retirees account to hundreds of millions, approximately 20% of the world population and 30% of the world´s citizens entitled to vote.
A very great part of this part of the population still has not its right recognized by the capitalist’s governments for a pension after they reach 60 years old. Due to its age, these important masses of former workers have acquired an impressive amount of collective wideness’ (used through the centuries by all civilizations) and a long lasting experience in the struggle for their rights. Our generation of trade unionist has achieved, from the mid twentieth century, important levels of betterment connected to the labour rights; an outstanding achievement in the history of the class struggle.
We reached this point through great mass struggles with lots of assassinations, tortures, imprisonments and fired out workers on its path, but also with great advantages that right now are in danger of being taken away by the capitalism - especially when dealing with Pensioners and Retirees - under the fake pretext of the actual crisis. The, we are going to use our number strength and our experience as trade unionists and fighters to get new rights for the Pensioners and Retirees as well as to the whole of the working class.
We are not to accept the fact that wage earners, after a long life of work, will become dependants from their families as was proposed in Senegal by the leader of the International Trade Union Confederation and ILO´s representative in Africa. We are going to fight, in close alliance with the rest of the working class and together with those exploited by the capitalists system that oppresses all of us as Capitalism is today the new Slavery. In any case, and as our ancestors finally defeated slavery, we are going to advance in our aim to finally abolish capitalism.
Entrepreneurs and rulers of the capitalist countries you may know that capitalism has its days or years of existence limited. Capitalism itself currently goes from structural to systemic crisis, and from there to its final crisis as rightly announced by Karl Marx. Our planet is a land of plenty, and we are going to fight to share it with fairness.
This will be impossible inside the framework of capitalism, as it steals basic and natural resources through genocides and imperialist wars following the old pattern of the colonialist whose main tool were its military interventions in the colonized countries.
With all this wealth fairly distributed, attached to the needs of each person, we are going to get a decent life for everyone in the planet. That is to say, Socialism.
We are especially fighting for a minimum and public pension equal to the minimum salary similar to what they have in Luxembourg (approx. 1.800€ per month), as the citizens of the whole world must have the same rights as the citizens of this country.
Didn´t they spend so much in weapons only useful to those transnational companies that make them in order to wage war and carry death and destruction (following NATO´s orders) to those countries whose resources they want to exploit, it would be money enough as to guarantee decent salaries and pensions.
We are going to achieve this aim by means of the struggle, as those recently waged by Greek Pensioners (thousands of them collapsing the streets of Athens to force the new government headed by Syriza to comply with its false electoral promises) or those that took place in Australia, in Africa, In France, in Pakistan, in Nepal, in India and in Cyprus, along with the historical struggle of the Argentinians pensioners who at this present stage accumulate 1.210 Wednesday stand-ups in front of the Parliament claiming for their rights. 
We ask the Universal Declaration of Rights should be enhanced as to include Pensioners´ rights; those rights whose differences based upon sex discrimination, as is the case today, we are no to accept .
We, Pensioners, are no more under the influence of the entrepreneurs (with the exception of some countries), so we must claim our rights mainly from the governments, and we may change them, little by little, through our votes. In the meantime we can see that while the socialist countries have granted for decades a dignified pension to those who had worked during 25 years or more (along with the right to a decent house, health care, transportation and culture almost for free, as well as collective measures to resolve the problems of those disable due to their old age), the governments that rule the capitalists countries are cutting and denying us those basic rights. Headed those governments are the ones of the wealthy EEC.
We clearly denounce the private funds for pensions interesting only for the bank system and for the leaders of collaborationist trade unions, those linked to the capitalist´s exploitation, those trade unions coordinated by the CSI, that as part of the ILO, and as a payment for its submissive attitude to capitalism, holds in a monopolistic and anti-democratic and unfair way all the places that should be occupied by trade unions.
As I told at the beginning, today is a historical date for Pensioners, as you have just listened, for the first time at this UN´s hall used by the ILO, the voice of veteran class conscious trade unionists that as anti-fascists, anti-imperialists and anti-capitalist have fought and will continue fighting for changing the world. Socialism is the future of human kind and you know it, although you try to delay its arrival, which therefore will be our definite victory.
Quim Boix
General Secretary of the Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retirees, meber of the WFTU.
UN and ILO´s headquartes, Geneve.
June 2015.

April, May, and June 2015, Communication nº 10

General Secretary,  Report, nº 10
April, May, and June 2015

Comrades give an account of the work done since Communication No. 9:
1. I sent the greetings, from the comrades of the DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo, to support the important meeting P&R they did there on April 17.
2. On 17 April I had an important meeting with George Mavrikos, to review the situation of trade union work of our TUI before the meeting of the Presidential Council of the WFTU 2015, held in June in Genève.
3. I was at Genève as General Secretary of our TUI, from 1 to 13th June. There I participated in important meetings convened by the WFTU (including the Presidential Council this year 2015 in which I contributed my views. See them in ANNEX 1). I took advantage of the presence of many trade unionists from all continents to report the activities of our TUI, especially the five Regional Conferences, asking collaboration for its successful realization. Moreover, for the first time a representative of the P&R addressed the Plenary Conference of the ILO (No. 104). See in ANNEX 2 the text of my speech to the ILO. Mistranslated by the official interpreters (the English version on the website of the ILO, runs several times the word “communist” which is not in the original text. Once again the ILO demonstrates its manipulation capacity at the service of capitalism).
4. I have, from Barcelona, Spain, continued making efforts to help the celebration of the 5 regional conferences: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Arab world.
5. To show our solidarity with the struggle of TUI PAME and 700 Greek organizations against the new Memorandum with the Troika, now signed by Syriza, Dimos Koumpouris (as president) and I (as Gral. Sec.) sent a text to support their fight last June, 11.
6. He agreed to represent our TUI October 3 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the WFTU.
7. I have also agreed to travel to Athens to be the 20th and 21st October to celebrate the XXI Congress of PAME P&R.
8. I have proposed Comrade Koupouris Dimos, President of our TUI, to represent us in Syria next month of September in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the WFTU.
1. The comrades of the Democratic Republic of Congo made a P&R first meeting on April, 17 and a second on 17th  May. The information is on the web, in French, of our TUI (including photos).
2. Comrade Palmos Panagiotis signed a text addressed to all members of the Technical and Research Commission, which he chairs, with a proposed work plan, which should be the guideline for the work of this group of our e- TUI. See ANNEX 3 herein.
3. With the help of Comrade Jose Maria Lucas, Secretary of Finance of our TUI, we have drawn up a work plan to complete the necessary income from voluntary support of individuals and groups. If members of our TUI comply with this plan, we can run our TUI. See the text that we have sent Dimos Koupouris and I, in ANNEX 4

Quim Boix´s intervention at the 2015 WFTU´s Presidential Council
As usual, our meetings are very important moments to the WFTU´s life.
I´m talking to you as a Spanish member in order to express my gratitude to comrade George Mavrikos´help during his April 2015 visit to Madrid, when he gave us his collaboration in various matters summarized in the WFTU´s web. Now, we are going to make a further effort to coordinate the eight Spanish trade unions affiliated to the WFTU, so we may be able to held a wide celebration of WFTU´s 70th anniversary and to contribute to the spread WFTU´s influence.  
I also want to congratulate all WFTU leaders for the hard work performed during the last year to promote the views of a class conscious unionism.
As the Trade Unions International for Pensioners and Retirees adhered to the WFTU we have carried the banners and we have expressed the opinions of the WFTU. I myself represented this ideas during my recent visit to Pakistan as a guest of Pakistan´s trade union PLF, also a member of the WFTU.
In spite of several difficulties to be overcome in due time, the International of Trade Unions are preparing the five regional conferences, as decided during our foundational congress held in Barcelona in February 2014. At this time we just have a definite date for the American Regional Conference, that will be held in Quito, Ecuador, next September 30th thanks to the compromise of CTE, Confederación de Trabajadores de Ecuador (Ecuador´s Confederation of Workers). WFTU´s regional office in America will put every effort as to secure the conference´s success, while the first steps in this direction have been taken.   
We are now preparing the other four Regional Conferences: one in Africa (where we will join together the struggles of French-speaking and English-speaking Pensioners and Retirees), another in Asia (this will probably be delayed bearing in mind the problems aroused to our comrades there after the recent earthquakes in Nepal), another one in the Middle East and in the Arab countries, and another to be held in Europe.
In recent days I have been talking about these Conferences with the WFTU´s leaders attending our present meeting in Geneve. I ask for all possible help from all of you. We shouldn´t forget that at our retirement´s age we, trade unionist, accumulate a great deal of experience, and we may be able to take advantage of this experience to extract new victories for the working class while at the same time we reinforce the WFTU. 
To the WFTU´s reinforcement, and on behalf of the collective board of the International of Trade Unions for Pensioners and Retirees, I propose to assume, as the Presidential Council, the following claim; a claim that binds together the struggle of every worker in every country in the world for a retirement public pension that allows a decent living for all those from 60 years old onwards. This claim will be successful, inside the capitalist system, only if we fight for it and if we win. This is what I´m proposing to be defended by the WFTU: that all time that a worker spends searching for a job will be accounted to the Social Security records, for it is not a workers´fault not to find an adequate and paid job. This is always the fault of capitalism, as it is the only interested in the existence of unemployment.
I want to finish my intervention expressing, as a European, how worry I am concerning the actual situation at the WFTU´s European Office. We must bear in mind that is here, in Europe, where the biggest attacks on the historical workers conquests are taking place; historical conquests in which the unions adhered to the WFTU played a very important role during the 20th Century.
Actually, apart from Belarus, Greece and Cyprus, Europe shows the lowest adherence rate to the WFTU. To improve this reality, the WFTU´s European Office should issue, at least once in a three months period, a union statement as to mark the struggle against the EEC, the NATO and the Euro and showing its strong opposition to the reformist unionism practiced by the European Confederation of Trade Unions (a faithful ally of CSI as it helps the ruling class in the ideological struggle). The mere existence of this statements will allows us to spread the WFTU in all European countries.
I can tell you for sure that the Spanish trade unions members of the WFTU are going to help the WFTU´s European Office in these tasks.
Thanks for your attention to my words.
Geneve, June 2015.
Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retirees, member of the WFTU at the 104º Conference of the ILO
Today is an historical date for Pensioners and Retirees from all over the world organized in class conscious trade unions and coordinated in the five continents, as for the first time here we are in front of the ILO claiming our rights. This has become possible due to the decision taken by the WFTU - an organization next to its 70ª anniversary - to create a Trade Union International of class unions that binds together Pensioners and Retirees from more than a hundred countries. I´m talking to you as General Secretary of this unique class union organization of Pensioners. As a whole, Pensioners and Retirees account to hundreds of millions, approximately 20% of the world population and 30% of the world´s citizens entitled to vote.

An important part of this fraction of the population still has not its right recognized by the capitalist’s governments for a pension after they reach 60 years old. Due to its age, these important masses of former workers have acquired an impressive amount of collective wideness’ (used through the centuries by all civilizations) and a long lasting experience in the struggle for their rights. Our generation of trade unionist has achieved, from the mid twentieth century, important levels of betterment connected to the labour rights; an outstanding achievement in the history of the class struggle.

We reached this point through great mass struggles with lots of assassinations, tortures, imprisonments and fired out workers on its path, but also with great advantages that right now are in danger of being taken away by the capitalism - especially when dealing with Pensioners and Retirees - under the fake pretext of the actual crisis. The, we are going to use our number strength and our experience as trade unionists and fighters to get new rights for the Pensioners and Retirees as well as to the whole of the working class.

We are not going to accept the fact that wage earners, after a long life of work, will become dependants from their families as was proposed in Senegal by the leader of the International Trade Union Confederation and ILO´s representative in Africa. We are going to fight, in close alliance with the rest of the working class and together with those exploited by the capitalists system that oppresses all of us as, Capitalism is today the new Slavery. In any case, and as our ancestors finally defeated slavery, we are going to advance in our aim to finally abolish capitalism.

Entrepreneurs and rulers of the capitalist countries, you may know that capitalism has its days or years of existence limited. Capitalism itself currently goes from structural to systemic crisis, and from there to its final crisis as rightly announced by Karl Marx. Our planet is a land of plenty, and we are going to fight to share it with fairness.

This will be impossible inside the framework of capitalism, as it steals basic and natural resources through genocides and imperialist wars following the old pattern of the colonialist whose main tool were its military interventions in the colonized countries.

With all this wealth fairly distributed, attached to the needs of each person, we are going to get a decent life for everyone in the planet. That is to say, Socialism.

We are especially fighting for a minimum and public pension equal to the minimum salary similar to what they have in Luxembourg (approx. 1.800€ per month), as the citizens of the whole world must have the same rights as the citizens of this country.

Didn´t they spend so much in weapons only useful to those transnational companies that make them in order to wage war and carry death and destruction (following NATO´s orders) to those countries whose resources they want to exploit, it would be money enough as to guarantee decent salaries and pensions for everyone.

We are going to achieve this aim by means of the struggle, as those recently waged by Greek Pensioners (thousands of them collapsing the streets of Athens to force the new government headed by Syriza to comply with its false electoral promises) or those that took place in Australia, in Africa, In France, in Pakistan, in Nepal, in India and in Cyprus, along with the historical struggle of the Argentinians pensioners who at this present stage accumulate 1.210 Wednesday stand-ups in front of the Parliament claiming for their rights. 

We ask the Universal Declaration of Rights should be enhanced as to include Pensioners´ rights; those rights whose differences based upon sex discrimination, as is the case today, we are no to accept .

We, Pensioners, are no more under the influence of the entrepreneurs (with the exception of some countries), so we must claim our rights mainly from the governments, and we may change them, little by little, through our votes. In the meantime we can see that while the socialist countries have granted for decades a dignified pension to those who had worked during 25 years or more (along with the right to a decent house, health care, transportation and culture almost for free, as well as collective measures to resolve the problems of those disabled due to their old age), the governments that rule the capitalists countries are cutting and denying us those basic rights. Headed those governments are the ones of the wealthy EEC.

We clearly denounce the private funds for pensions interesting only for the bank system and for the leaders of collaborationist trade unions, those linked to the capitalists´ exploitation, those trade unions coordinated by the CSI, that as part of the ILO, and as a payment for its submissive attitude to capitalism, holds in a monopolistic and anti-democratic and unfair way all the places that should be occupied by trade unions.

As I told at the beginning, today is a historical date for Pensioners, as you have just listened, for the first time at this UN´s hall used by the ILO, the voice of veteran class conscious trade unionists that as anti-fascists, anti-imperialists and anti-capitalist have fought and will continue fighting for changing the world. Socialism is the future of human kind and you know it, although you try to delay its arrival, which therefore will be our definite victory.

Quim Boix

General Secretary of the Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retirees, meber of the WFTU.

UN and ILO´s headquartes, Geneve.

On 4 of June 2015.

According to the collective talks concerning the first yearly report of our activities as FSM´s international of trade unions of pensioners and retirees – a debate that was held through virtual means during February  and March 2015, without personal presences but with plenty of documents previously discussed – I have assumed the responsabilty as Head of the Technical and Investigation commission as were created during our successful foundational Congress (Barcelona, Feb., 2014).
For that reason I send you this Working Plan proposal so we may exchange our mutual opinions and comments prior to its approval. We are going to proced to this Exchange on a virtual basis, at least till we may have the chance of holding a personal meeting among the seven people attached to the commission (a difficult meeting for the time being due to the geographical distance between Greece, Spain, Senegal, India, Cuba, France and Argentina).
As it is written in our statutes:
Article 31: The Technical and Investigation Commission depends on the Presidence and the General Secretary. Its responsables will make their proposal on the personnel especially bearing in mind their qualifications and availabilities in order to collaborate. Ths Commission will be base don the same site as Intertanional of Trade Unions for Pensioners and Retirees´ headquarters.therefore, the Commission should be based also in the different regions, depending upon their respective Vice-Presidencies and Secretaries and reporting to the Presidency and the General Secretary.
Article 32: Functions and Responsabilities of the Commission are as follows:
Article 32-2- For the Technical and Investigation Commission: a) To iisue its opinions after listening those from the Secretary of Propaganda in every matter related to Press, Propaganda and Publications; b) To preserve the International of Trade Unions´ of pensioners and retirees Historical Archive and Documents; c) To Promote collaborations on an international level; d) To Propose items for study and divulgative purposes in tihght collaboration with the Secretary of Formation.
According the above mentioned matters the Working Plan proposal for the Commission goes as follows:
1) Each Regional Conference, actually underway, will appoint a trade union Readers team to be part of the Commission in their region. The proper work proccess will be coordinated by the persona in charge of the Regional Cofernece, counting with the help of the staff members appointed by each Conference. 
2) this five teanms will proceed under the same criteria as the Central Commission. The criteria are detailed on the following points:
3) Each of the seven members of the Commission will search in his/her entourage (country and region) from one to four persons to be appointed as aides ans specialist in those ítems related to the Commission, as these are defined in our statutary rules.
4) In each Region or Continent a report will be written on the Pensioners and Retirees´ reality, adding, when available, details of the analizad countries. This report will allow us to write our claims lists that as class conscious trade unions we are going to demand in every country and in every Region.
5) To the above mentioned reports the surveys previously distributed during the process prior to our foundational Congress will be used. This surveys appera – in several lenguajes – in our International of Trade Unions´ website, and should be filled with the answers belonging to those countries from we still have no data.
6) Discussion and summary of the five reports above mentioned may be useful to write a document focused in our claims on a worldwide basis as class conscious trade unions of Pensioners and Retirees. This document will serve as a basis for collective discussion in the proccess that will lead us to our Second Congress as WTUF´s International of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retirees. 
7) The Commission will ask for help to the Secretary of Formation at our International of Trade Unions as to propose new ítems for study and divulgation, also gathering the sugerences and oponions from the 24 members (base don 19 countries) of the wolrd direction of the WTUF´s International of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retirees.
8) The Commission will collaborate with our International of Trade Unions´ Secretary of Propaganda in order to analyze Publications and other materials to be distributed as International of Trade Unions (both on central  – through our website – and regional leves), in order to give its opinions as Technical and Investigation Commission. 
9) The  Commission will gather the historiacl archive of our collective work, that will be base don the same town were the International of Trade Unions have its headquarters. For the time being, Barcelona, Spain.
With your comments and aditions we will be in a proper position as to lay the foundations of our definite Working Plan.
We are going to give ourselves a two month period in order to fullfill this task.
I look forward to know both your comments and adition during this period.
Also, I send you my internationalist and trade unionist regards.
Athens, June 2015 
Palmos Panagiotis
We greet you on behalf of entire leadership team of our Trade Union International (TUI) Pensioners and Retired (P&R) of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU). We wish you many successes in the struggle to defend the just rights of P&R in your countries.
Step by step, the TUI of P&R of the WFTU is consolidating his existence. We are the younger TUI of the WFTU although our affiliates are the most veteran unionist, most experienced and eager to continue fighting as we have done during decades for the improvement of the social conditions of the working class.
In the WFTU, our affiliated organizations and friends are those with lesser economic resources, as P&R receive lower monthly amounts, in case they are entitled to pensions, than most of the active workers that get a salary. This affects the fees they can afford.
We understand that this makes more difficult operations and finances of our collective, but we are convinced that we can overcome this situation. In our trade-unionist life and experience we have learned to cope with all sorts of challenges.
We attached (Appendix 1) the statement of the accounts of our TUI. As you can see, travel expenses that have been made (and which they are detailed in the various copies of the COMMUNICATION) to participate in activities of our TUI are not included; that’s because the people who took part in this activities personally assumed the expenses or because the groups that couldn’t be included in the economic balance.
This financial difficulty is what prevented us to make the first statutory and scheduled meeting for the 24 members of our management team as TUI. We were invited to Bahrain in early March, but could not afford the travel expenses.
Reviewing the financial situation of our TUI, it is necessary to remind that most of our affiliated organizations did not pay their share for 2014. We call on the unions which can pay to do it as soon as possible.
We also ask that organizations can afford the fees of 2014, to do so, as according to Statutes.
<<Article 48- The member organizations of P&R TUS will contribute by way of ordinary share , flexible and adapted to the reality of each union , an amount equivalent to two dollars per year for the economically strongest unions (in the countries of North America, Western Europe, Australia, Gulf, and Japan, an annual dollar for unions with less financial strength (in the countries of Eastern Europe, Middle East, East Asia and Pacific), and half dollar to other unions (the countries of Latin America, Caribbean, and Africa).>>
Apart of what is granted in the Statutes, we took the opportunity to claim to  Secretary of Organization, Comrade D. Gopalakrishnan (All India BSNL (India) report, the mail is: [email protected]) and the Secretary of Finance, Comrade Jose Maria Lucas, of the TUI P&R (Spain) the mail is: [email protected]) of the data from each union affiliation.
If in any case you cannot pay the total amount marked on the Statutes, we asked you to pay  the possible part of them, however small could be. At least, it will demonstrate solidarity with the general activity of the TUI and the willingness to seek financial resources.
Precisely to seek financial resources to complete the fee revenue, in the virtual meeting, held in early 2015, the entire management team of our TUI (which supplied internet exchanges we should do had we be able to be present in Bahrain), adopted the proposal of our Secretary of Finance, Comrade Jose Maria Lucas (see Annex 2 Communication No. June 4, 2014), in which, among other things, to complete the finances from membership, it says:
<<To help to create a permanent network of donors of all kinds to the TUI , understanding by "all types" to those persons, groups or organizations of proven honesty and class principles that could help in our organization. This Secretariat is open to any suggestions and information regarding this and other issues around the same concept and criteria.  We will make a proposal for how to collect these aids. >>
To put this ongoing campaign we suggest heading to people or groups in your country who can understand the need to help (sporadically or regularly) to finance the TUI. We attach (ANNEX 2), a possible model for text that you can use in your country, the document we have drafted and which will be used in Spain to carry out this campaign.
We ask that this campaign is already operational in September 2015.
We remain at your disposal.
Receive internationalist greetings of
Dimos Koumpouris      Quim Boix
President                       General Secretary
May 2015.
Expenses Income
Pensioners opening balance TUI   2.856,47
TUI affiliated fees  3.432,39
Individual aid  265,00
Financial expenses 28,25
Gaza solidarity 300,00
Travel expenses 475,02
Material 220,00
Total 1.023,27 6.553,86
Current balance  5.530,59
Dear friend.
In February 2014 we held in Barcelona the First Congress of Trade Union of Pensioners and Retired class (P&R), committed to the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle of the unions coordinated by the WFTU.
It served to start the activities of the first  World TUI of Pensioners and Retirees. We are therefore the only international trade union organization existing which assembles P&R, as the other international trade union confederation, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC),  to which CCOO and UGT are affiliated has not established, or planned to establish a similar branch. You can follow an important part of our activities by visiting the website:
While our competitor at international level, ITUC receives aid from various institutions (EU, IMF, governments and employers), the WFTU does not receive any official support, fairly logical in a society divided into classes, the class in power only helps those who favor it. All   resources come from the WFTU affiliates. So we keep and maintain our independence as an organization. Dependence on grants from the employers and the bourgeois governments, in the Spanish state, has led to radical changes in trade unionism, as it has been the case of CCOO, which has gone from being a class conscious trade union, as we founded it ago 50 years, to be an important tool in the hands of the bourgeois system.
To follow the WTUF´s guidelines, in this our first year of existence as TUI P&R of the WFTU, we tried to implement the minimum structures that ensure the effectiveness of our struggle in defense of worthy public pension rights (enough to live decently) for all persons over 60 years, have they worked in the public or the private sector. The reality in many countries (especially in the former colonies) is that the right to public pension is only recognized for some of those who have worked, and sometimes only for part of the former employees of the government.
Therefore, our task is very difficult, as governments in capitalist countries do not want to invest in the welfare of its population, and therefore don´t put in place laws to ensure the right to adequate state pension to live on.
In the second place, the employers oppose any improvement of the public, since for them the whole economy should be private. For them everything should serve as a means to make business, including health and education. Also they see great business potential in the right to an old age minimum living with policyholders. They prefer and promote private pension funds. That’s another form of exploitation of wage earners driven by the big capitalists.
Unfortunately, the yellow unions (those with whose criteria deny the existence of the class struggle, and therefore only act in the direction imposed on them by capitalist leaders) are also promoters of private pension funds. The employer has been able to offer crumbs of the great benefits that these private funds given to financial firms, for unions of the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) completed as part of the boards of the companies that manage these funds.
But we will gradually overcome these difficulties, first informing workers of all countries that it is possible to enjoy public pensions that allow retirees to live with dignity, as lived P&R of the former socialist countries and live still in countries without capitalist economy.
Second, we will organize the management team, global and from every continent, who operate this new global structure, our TUI of P&R adhered to the WFTU, which mainly aims to generalize the right to a public pension enough to live with dignity, as well to continue claiming the rights to housing, water, food, health, leisure and public means of transportation available to all P&R.
At the Barcelona Congress, we appointed a management team divided into 3 groups: 1) The Executive Council of 14 members, who live in 13 different countries across 5 continents ; 2) A Technical and Research Commission of 7 members residing in 7 countries; and 3) Financial Control Committee 3 members, 3 countries and different continents.
Now we are preparing the structures to direct the struggle of P&R in every continent. The 30th of September will be held in Quito, Ecuador, the First Conference of Class Trade Unions of P&R of America. That will be followed by conferences in other continents.
But to function, to go ahead with everything stated above, we need money to meet our ends and make our own decisions, to enable the search for information (country to country), to launch public awareness campaigns and to organize Pensioners and Retirees all over.
As you will understand the fees that can afford the unions are very small amount compared to the needs to be covered. The P&R , when people come to live each month on small averages worldwide are also union members (one part is derecognized mistakenly believing they no longer need the work of trade unions), so they pay a lower fee. Therefore the share of revenue from our TUI quotas is not enough to cover total expenses on the more essential items. Many of these costs (some adding hundreds or thousands of dollars each year) are been paid by the same persons in the management of the TUI (as they are paying travel, lodging and other common expenses when they have their meetings and activities related to the TUI out of their places of residence).

For instance, we couldn´t celebrate our first global meeting as scheduled during our Foundational Congress, which was convened last March in Bahrain (the unions of this country assumed living expenses of those invited). We had no money to pay for airline tickets of the 24 members who make up the leadership as the sum of the three aforementioned teams. We have overcome this difficulty by making a virtual meeting, with an exchange of documents and opinions on the Internet, but ultimately is not enough as a method of sharing and collective debate.
Therefore, as we did to finance the founding congress of our TUI, we decided to launch a fundraising campaign. As in the campaign to enable the Congress, which gathered more than 14,000 € from 193 inputs (4 of them collective), we will work to collect the money we need to run, completing the fees we receive with extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups  that may understand the need for us to fight to defend the rights of P&R.
In summary, on behalf of the new WTUF´S TUI of P&R I want to ask your help in which you may consider your financial support could be. The maximum in each case and time you can. They can be exceptional contributions without commitment repeat or periodic payments (each contributor will decide the frequency and amount of its financial contribution).
I give you the TUC union (Trade Union Confederation) account number, which in turn is being the public account of the TUI, while it has its headquarters in Spain, where you can or can make the payment or transfer:
Holder:                                                                Central Sindical Unitaria
Entity:                                                                  La Caixa
Nº:                                                                       2100 0856 98 0200529700
International data:
IBAN:            ES20 2100 0856 9802 0052 9700
Obviously we will give you a receipt, and publish the contribution to the sender that you indicate (anonymous is also possible).
I am greatly conscious of the kind of support we are asking for you, but, honestly, we all think our goal deserves our common commitment.
I remain at your disposal to give you further information (including all types of documents) and answer any questions.
See you soon.

Quim Boix
General Secretary  of the TUI(Trade Union International)
of Pensioners and Retired (P&R) of the WFTU (World Federation Trade Union).
0034   609547814
[email protected]

January, February and March, 2015 Communication nº9

General Secretary,  Report, nº 9
January, February and March , 2015

General Contents:
Dear comrades, by means of this report I want to render account of the activities developed since our last issue.
1.-  Information received at the General Secretary and considered of interest for the TUI  have been sent to all directors board´s members on a regular basis.
2.- Works related to the preparations of our yearly meeting scheduled to be held at Bahrein were coordinated through the General Secretary, Due to the fact that only 4 out of 24 members of the TUI´s directors board confirmed their availability for coming to the yearly meeting at Bahrein, it was decided, with the approval of TUI´s President, to postpone the previously stated appointment.
3.- The report on the works developed by the TUI during 20014 was written and sent (in English, French and Spanish) to all members of the board of directors.
4.- All contributions from the members of the TUI´s board of directors were gathered prior to the definite document that may serve as a basis for 2015´s Working Plan. See this document on ANNEX 1º, also issued in English, French, Greek and Spanish.
5.- Paperwork and other bureaucratic hurdles were carried out in order to get the ILO´s official recognition of our TUI. Special efforts have been devoted to comply with ILO´s requirements concerning to information on finances and activities of our TUI. Finally, recognition from the ILO has arrived and consequently we must now prepare our presence at the 104º ILO´s Conference to be held on June 2015. After more than a century of existence, it will be the first time that Pensioners and Retirees will take part on this three-party body as an organized force. See ANNEX 2º to know about the general criteria for  participation.
6.- General Secretary will prepare our TUI´s intervention at the Plenary to be celebrated during the ILO´s 104º Conference.  A draft of this intervention will be sent to all the24 members of our board of directors as well as to the WFTU´s General Direction. Member´s contributions will be added to the final document - anyhow brief - to be read at the ONU´s offices in Geneve.   
7.- Several documents expressing our solidarity with a various range of workers´ struggles has been issued and sent.
8.- Finally, and in spite of the numerous difficulties aroused, it was possible to travel to Lahore (Pakistan) answering the invitation extended by Pakistan´s trade union PLF - adhered to the WFTU. A summary of the trip and its activities can be found in ANNEX 3º.
9.- General Secretary will give its help to the WFTU´s TUI of Pensioners and Retirees as to enable our organization to assure its presence and make important contributions to the events scheduled as a wolrd-wide celebration of the WFTU´s 70º Anniversary. We will be present at the central meeting of October 3rd 2015 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Apart from that, we must realize other de-centralized  events such as our Regional Conference for America: September 30th, 2015 in Quito, Ecuador, or the above mentioned meeting held in Lahore (Pakistan) last March 11th - See ANNEX 3.
1.- Major progress have been made in order to give specific contents to our TUI´s Regional Conferences. The First Regional Conference for America will be held in Quito, Ecuador, next September 30th under the patronage of local trade union CTE - member of the WFTU. Vice President for America of our TUI, comrade Martha Hervás, is actually working to establish the list of the delegates to be present at the Regional Conference. This task is being performed with the help and collaboration of the WFTU´s regional office for America.
2.- Preparations concerning our TUI´s Regional Conferences for Europe and the Middle East in progress, although at this present moment there´s still no decisions on dates and places have been taken. Also, no official documents on the matter have been issued yet.
3.- With the delay of this preparations in mind, our French comrades are currently taking the neccesary steps to be taken so the Regional Conference for Europe could be held in France. 
4.- We must right now activate our Financial Plan approved during our virtual meeting held instead of that scheduled in March 1st, 20015 at Bahrein and finally cancelled.
5.- Also, the collective work to be developed by the Technical and Investigation Commission must start without further delay. We should be aware of the fact that some Commission´s members have issued theirs comments, ideas and opinions.
6.- Other TUI´ Secretaries still without an established Working Plan must write it so it can be collectively discussed and approved by the whole TUI´s board of directors.
7.- Comrade Costas Skarparis, leader of Cypriot trade union PEO and President of the Commission of Financial Control, must start the collective work of this organ elected more than a year ago in Barcelona. 

We have to take on account the fact that our TUI has four directive Tams: Executive Council, Secretariat, Technical and Investigation Commission and Financial Control Commission. 24 comrades from 19 countries and five continents were elected to take part of this teams, that stands as a good assets to carry on our task to organize the struggle for the rights of Pensioners and Retirees from all over while at the same time bring us additional difficulties derived from our different languages and from the travels we must make.
The first problem we should resolve comes from the different languages used by unionist from very different countries. This matter has caused additional trouble when dealing with the much needed information exchange. That is why we may look for help from realible interpreters able to translate documents and communications to at least one of these languages: English, French and Spanish.
The second difficulty we must face has to do with the financial shortcomings of the new TUI of Pensioners and Retirees that is also part of the financial strain of the WFTU as a whole (in any case, both entrepreneurs and governments will continue creating economical difficulties to us as a means to fight against) and gives us something very important to think about. Solidarity from the stronger trade unions in terms of finance with those less fortunate is a must so the new TUI could continue with its activities.Additional financial support from other trade unions has been promised (at this time from three unions). In any case we must remind its financial commitment to those with dues still pending so we may overcome this problem as soon as possible. It will also be a key matter to resolve our financial problems to approve (along with the present document) and start a fund raising campaign proposed by our Finances Secretary through its Letter number 2 (see at the web: Annex 3 to communicate nº7). Further advances on this task from any organization adhered to the TUI should be communicated to the Finance´s Secretary, comrade José María Lucas from Spain´s CSU of Pensioners and Retirees.
Besides our works concerning the above mentioned ítems we should improve at:
1) Dates, places and documents should be scheduled soon in order to hold the Regional Conferences in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. These conferences must serve as a mean to organize the Pensioners and Retirees´ struggle in each continent bearing in mind the criteria and the documents approved in our foundational congress. The elected Vice Presidents of the TUI must enforce and being responsible of this Conferences. 
2) We may try to get the biggest media covering for all our activities so each day more people, being Pensioners and Retirees or not, will get first hand knowledge of the fair struggle and the important demands of Pensioners and Retirees that the WFTU support and propels.
3) We must receive written plans from the different Secretaries, as only those from Finance and Propaganda have been forwarded with their specific working plans (see Communiqué nº 4) – both documents are to be collectively discussed and approved. TUI´s General Secretary will make a follow up of this works, proposing – when needed – working plans´drafts to those Secretaries that for any reason will have any difficulties in doing it by themselves.
4) TUI´ fees have been paid only by 5 organizations: PAME, from Greece; Jubiqué and CSU, from Spain, All India Postal,RMS Pensioners Association and AIBDPA trade union from India. Following comrade Quim Boix´s recent trip to Pakistan, we have the commitment of Pakistan´s trade union PLF concerning the paying of its fees. Apart from these, there are still many organizations and countries whose fees remain unpaid in spite of being able to meet them.  Unpaid fees make much more difficult the works of the TUI. For instance, this lack of funds have made impossible our Bahrein´s March 1st yearly meeting.
5) With the exceptions of those from comrades Miguel Herrero, José María Lucas and Quim Boix, from Spain; Alain Rodríguez from France, D Gopalakrishnan y V.A.N. Namboodiri from India, RouaniDjamel from Algiers, Lázara Santiego from Cuba, and Haji Muhamamad Saeed Arian from Pakistan, the trade unionist´sCV of board members have not been received to be published. Please bear in mind that the mentioned CV must be sent as soon as possible.
6) Surveys made in any country and posted in our web must be fully completed in their respective languages: 11 in Spanish, 11 in English and 8 in French. This required data must be very useful for the works of Technical and Investigation Commission.
7) Technical and Investigation Commission has not started its works. However, comrade Palmos Panagiotis, from PAME , has been appointed as responsible (appointment to be confirmed during the discussion of the present document). We may also establish a collective working plan on this area. This is another task to be realized with the General Secretary´s support.
8) Finance control commission has no started its works. Its President, comrade Costas Scarparis from PEO (Cyprus) should get in contact with the other two commission´s members as to propose a working plan and guidelines to be forwarded to the collective directive of the TUI. While in Pakistan, comrade Quim Boix helped to re-establish contacts between comrade Costas Scarparisand other members of the commission. Avoid further delays concerning this collective task is greatly needed.

I. Proposals approved and enriched through collective debate:
A) Internal organization.-
Our TUI must grow and be enhanced. Some organizations have been created in the very recent past as Pensioners and Retirees´ trade unions while others count with decades of existence. An internal exchange of previous experiences will be really helpful.
We should add and affiliate new organizations formed by Pensioners and Retirees, whether they are exclusively formed by pensioners or not.
Our real objective consists in organizing Pensioners and Retirees all over the world on a trade union basis. It would be better if organizations are formed by Pensioners and Retirees, although in any case we must show our respect for any kind of organizations as decided in any country.
Pensioners and Retirees in every country should have its own claims´list along with its trade unionist working plan. The same goes to every continent from the general guide lines to be approved at the Regional Conferences currently in preparation.
Data and documents on these realities should be forwarded to the Secretary of Organization of the TUI, which will make further requirements on those not yet received. This Secretary´s task is of the greatest importance.
B) External work for Pensioners and Retirees:
We must have clear proposals to allow our progress in order to fully satisfy the fair Pensioners and Retirees´ claims (as stated in our New Year´s greeting) being our main central objective a pension enough to guarantee a dignified life for every worker older than 60 (as we consider 60 as the age in which every worker has fully rights to stop working).
This claims´ list must be adapted to the reality of each country and territory by ordinary trade unions and by those unions formed by Pensioners and Retirees.
A claim to the UN (United Nations) so this international body will fully recognize as an Universal Human Right the access to public pensions enough to a dignified life which may include proper housing, water supply, medical care, free transportation for daily needs, culture and leisure. All this matters should be financed through public funds when this expenses couldn´t be afforded by Pensioners.
C) External work aimed at trade union activities.
We must place in all our claim´s platforms the right of every worker to be entitled to a pension, as this right is not fully recognized in many countries while in others is only granted to those working as public servants.
Acknowledge of the years worked (andof the due monies paid to Social Security) along with the time that the worker has been unemployed and looking for a full-time job. If proper jo bis not granted by capitalist´ society, this same society must be held responsible for paying the due monies that workers cannot afford just because they don´t get a salary. There´s plenty of wealth in society, but concentrated in very few hands that usually are the same in charge of the big multinational companies. (Just remind the fact that 85 people holds the same wealth as those of half of the world population).
This proposal, that serves as a general claim for all class conscious trade unions, will allow us to establish a link between the trade union struggle of those who perceive a pension – or not, but have stopped working – with that waged by active workers that too many often forget their need to fight for future pensions from the very first day of their working lives.
This proposal was fully adopted by the whole WFTU during the meeting held in Lisbon, October 2014, at the celebration of our organization´s 69th anniversary.
We must increase the collective conscience against the ideas spread by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) that considers Pensioners and Retirees a useless expense (Japanese Prime Minister even suggested suicide as a way out for Pensioners and Retirees lacking financial resources). On the contrary, Pensioners and Retirees can supply society with the wealth of their experience (a task historically performed by millions of us) as means to enhance and secure human progress.
Near the end of the year we must remark the specific claims of our TUI of  Pensioners and Retirees to be part of our demand´s platform for the following year. New year´s greetings postcards is an efficient tool that may serve us on this purpose as has been the case in the early days of 2015 (at this point we want to acknowledge the WFTU´s help in widely spreading through its  web the document designed by our Secretary of Propaganda). We commit ourselves to the sending of an appropriate greeting card useful to remind our existence and to encourage trade union´s work connected with Pensioners and Retirees.
In order to get a first approach to our 3 main objectives:
1) TUI for Pensioners and Retirees must be completely faithful to the class conscious struggle waged by the WFTU as a whole. For that reason we will go on denouncing the class collaboration trade unionism as those practiced by CSI (International Trade Union Confederation). Openly opposed to the latter, France´s Pensioners and Retirees are preparing their denounce on the CSI´s actions that reinforce capitalism – for this denounce, French comrades will take advantage on the fact that CES will celebrate its next congress at Paris from Sept. 29th till Oct. 2nd., 2015
2)  TUI for Pensioners and Retirees must take part and play an active role, as we are compelled by our live and trade union experience, in the celebrations scheduled to celebrate the WFTU´s 70th Anniversary. WFTU´ Secretariat makes an appeal so every TUI performs its own activities. We propose the celebration in any country of a public act in which to explain to public opinion the long struggle´s experience of the class conscious trade unionism. Intervention by our´ s union veteran leaders in these events will be of great importance. Please inform to TUI´ General Secretary of every scheduled activity so he cans communicate it to the WFTU´Secretariat. The meeting held at Lahore, Pakistan, 11-13th March 2015, is an example to be reproduced as many tines as in many countries as we can.
3) We must summarize in every country the decisions approved in our foundational congress held in Barcelona: “organize Pensioners and Retirees of the five continents in order to get universal right to a fair pension as to ensure a dignified life which provides of fresh water, food, housing, medical care, culture, leisure and other commodities suited to the old age. All of these must be guaranteed by governments.”
4) In this sense we must enforce the approval by all class conscious organizations, whether formed by Pensioners and Retirees or not, of the proposal brought by our TUI to the WFTU meeting held in Lisbon last October 3rd, 2014: “the urgent need of every time that the worker is unemployed should be accounted in terms of future pension (the worker is not to be blamed of the fact of being unemployed as the responsibility lies on the capitalist system and its managers. Therefore, a decrease of pensions linked to unpaid contributions by the unemployed worker cannot be accepted anymore.”
5) General Secretary will send a draft proposal for future working plans to each person responsible of every area that have not fulfilled this compromise yet, as to make it easier the writing of a definitive proposal to be sent to the collective debate.  
6) Each of these proposals should be enlarged with sugerences by the restof TUI´ board members. From this debate, a definitive Working Plan for each Secretary of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees will arise.
7) Technical and Investigation Commissions should produce its own working plan. We confirm comrade Palmos, from PAME, as head of this Commission.
8) Financial Control Commission must inform by writing of its works to be developed.
9) TUI´ Vice Presidents, one from each region and/or continent except for America, should inform of documents and dates regarding 4 Regional Conferences. 
10) All trade unions adhered to this TUI must give its membership data to the Secretary of Finance, as previously demanded in communicate number 1 of this Secretary, and must pay its yearly dues to this TUI – being this due adapted to its reality but fully effective no matter how small could be.
11) All organizations adhered to this TUI must start a fund raising campaign as stated in communiqué number 2 issued by Finance Secretary. Only through properly organized finance we will be able to perform our duties as TUI.
12) Those trade unions that have compromised make work the web in its languages must start this activity: Catalunya / Catalan; Greece / Greek; Galicia / Portuguese and Galician; Bahrein / Arabic; Croatia / Russian; Italy / Italian; AINDPA from India / English; FSC from France / French; and CSU of Pensioners and Retirees from Spain / Spanish.
13) As pointed out in Communique number 2: “we must place all web links related to the class conscious of Pensioners and Retirees from all over the world. PLEASE, SEND ALL THOSE LINKS  to the General Secretary”.
14) We must give our help our Propaganda Secretary with graphics collaborators and with contacts among the media: web sites, alternative press, mass organizations and so on.
15) We must make good and extensive use of being recognized – it seems definitely - as TUI for Pensioners and Retirees in order to spread our struggle in the five continents for our fair demands.
16) We should continue our efforts to add new affiliates from all over the world to our TUI of Pensioners and Retirees, as happened with SYNAR trade union from the Democratic Republic of Congo, recently adhered. As TUI now at the end of its first year of activity, we must grow up binding together new trade unions from every country and organizing Pensioners and Retirees everywhere.  
Comrades, your opinions and your critics to this document and the added documents previously mentioned have been a worthy contribution to the interchange so greatly needed by every body of collective Management, and to make possible a betterment to the working activities and capacities of this TUI adhered to the WFTU in the general context of the class struggle.
Certainly, it would have been better to celebrate this debate at a personal meeting of the 24 members of our TUI´s board. We will strive to find the way to make it possible in the near future.
The fact that we cannot personally meet at Bahrein will not prevent us from our work and efforts in order to enlarge the success deserved by Pensioners and Retirees that will also contribute to further advances of the working class. 
A deep discussion through e.mail on this document has served as a substitute to our failed meeting of the TUI´ board members as scheduled during our Barcelona congress of February 2014.
Barcelona, Mars 2015.
Quim Boix.
General Secretary of TUI (International of Trade Unions) for Pensioners and Retirees (PyJ), adhered to the WFTU
Cancelation, in spite of the big efforts performed by our comrades from ALBA trade union, of the scheduled Bahrein meeting has been exclusevely motivated by our present lack of financial resources.
It is not surprise that the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees of the WFTU, as any other recently created structure, should have financial problems, as we can only rely on our own resources and those come from collaborations (something usual to any class conscious trade union. The whole WFTU fairly knows of these facts.
Besides, Pensioners and Retirees are the working class group provided with lesser incomes. A very important but still not qualified number of workers that may be considered Pensioners are finishing their labor lives without getting a public pension. Apart from that, many –too many– workers left their trade union activities when they stop to work.
For all this reasons the dues we can collect as Pensioners and Retirees trade union are very few and of very modest amount. We should try to improve this situation through a progressive process that obviously will take its time.
By the answers arrived after the two weeks deadline – that served to make the decision to postponed our scheduled meeting – we knew of other comrades, apart from those who duly communicate on time, that couldn´t afford the travel due to economic difficulties: Martha Hervás from CTE / Ecuador, Mohan Bahadur from ENSA / Nepal, Narayanan Namboodiri from CITU / India. Up to this moment other comrades have sent no answer at all, being this fail a further obstacle to our needed collective work.
We have also recently known about the possibility or proposal for some kind of economic solidarity and / or support from other countries still not properly defined.
We are thinking of new options concerning the place in where to hold our postponed meeting. We are looking for a well air-connected town, as this places use to be of cheaper access.
In any case we should add to this consideration those concerning lodge, transportation, and affordable meeting places and interpreters.
It is not easy to decide new dates and place that may fulfill these requirements. We have asked WFTU´ Secretariat for advice and help on these matters.
One of the suggestions received during this recent process – and so it remains to be taken on account – points to the central planning of the TUI´s tasks concerning its international meetings, to the five Regional Conferences. To dedicate our greatest efforts will be a first step aimed to the celebration of wider international meetings.
We have also received a suggestion on celebrate further meetings of those direction´s members that can make a better gathering of the collective works instead of bringing together the 24 members appointed during the Barcelona´s Congress, being these President, General Secretary, five Vice Presidents and one person responsible from the two Commissions, totaling nine people instead of twenty four.
This option would may be more feasible if scheduled at the same time as other WFTU´s forthcoming events, whether it may be a Presidential Council meeting, its 17th Congress or the celebration of its 70th anniversary – to be held in Sao Paulo, Oct. 3rd, 2015.
Further comments, suggestions and opinions on the above mentioned item will help us to scheduled our next meeting and / or to meet in the near future.
From now on I ask you to establish the economic support from the strongest trade unions for Pensioners and Retirees in order to help finance other travels and expenses other than those directly linked to their daily activities.
All this efforts will allow us to take our best choice.
Barcelona, March 2015.
Quim Boix.
General Secretary of TUI (International of Trade Unions) for Pensioners and Retirees (PyJ), adhered to the WFTU
I attach again the received invitation.
It seems this year the voice of TUI P&R of the WFTU will be heard for the first time before the Plenary of the Annual Conference of the ILO.
I will prepare the speech, I consider it my duty, on behalf of the whole direction of the TUI.
I accept from now on ideas to enrich the content of the speech, but there are only 3-5 minutes available.
I will send the draft text so you can give your opinions and improve the content of the first draft.
There will also be the opportunity to attend other meetings of the 104thILO Conference that will be held between 1st and 13th June, 2015, in Geneva.
The economic reality of our UIS does not allow the finances of TUI neither to pay nor to stay in Geneva. Just these days the hotels in the area raise prices knowing that thousands of people will go, most expenses paid by their governments. This is not the normal case between unionists of the WFTU.
On my part, and with to my companion that helps me to assume the expense, we have booked a small apartment to rent, paid by us in the French zone near Geneva, which is cheaper. We plan to be there the night 29/05/15 until the morning of 15/06/15.
I have this time to hold meetings there with those who are these days by Geneva (whether in the direction of the WFTU or other Union with may be useful to talk to, aiming at our extension and reinforcement as TUI WFTU). And you shall tell me proposals from the Unionists of your country (or close range) with whom I may plan interviews (with some advance for a good schedule).
If any member of the board of TUI is expected to be in Geneva at this time, he must notify us.
The key in the ILO is to strengthen the presence of the central leadership of the WFTU, which like every year will lead George Mavrikos.
Do not forget that the ILO is a large bureaucratic machine that makes “simulation theater” in the defense of the rights of workers without effective monitoring and reporting on these issues. In addition at the ILO there is the "balance" between the three component parts: governments, employers and trade unionists, and also the latter are only represented by “yellowish” unionism of CSI.
Also on 6 and 7 we will hold in Geneva, with no guests, the 2015 Meeting of the Management Team of the WFTU, the Presidential Council, of which I am honored to be member. It shall express the conclusions of our collective discussion, made by internet (given the impossibility of meeting in Bahrain) and there are already collective conclusions.
I await your opinions and suggestions.
An internationalist greeting
Quim Boix

11 to 13 March, 2015
This report is being forwarded to:
1.-WFTU´s Central Board
2.- World´s Board of TUI of  WFTU Pensioners and Retirees 
3.- Collective Board of Pakistan´s trade union PLF
This brief summary will be translated to English and French. The final part, that included assorted details about the country, will not be translated.
I ask to the collective board of PLF to read this report thoroughly as to prevent any possible mistake from my side.

SCHEDULED OBJECTIVES (as previously discussed with the WFTU)
TRIP´S DEVELOPMENT: 11. 3. 2015; 12. 3. 2015; 13. 3. 2015
COUNTRY´S DATA.- 1) Trade union reality. 2) Politics reality. 3) Other data.

A great part of the 4 objectives proposed to the WFTU Secretary were accomplished (see below).
The trip has been useful to the Pakistan´s trade union PLF (as expressed by our comrades from Pakistan), to the WFTU´s TUI of Pensioners and Retirees, and to the WFTU. This usefulness has been confirmed by the event´s great media coverage and by the great number of people who took part on it; for the many places visited and for the gathered information.
Besides, the main public event served as a supplementary credit to the WFTU´s 70th anniversary celebration.
There are good prospects in both ways: the reinforcement of the work developed by the PLF as trade union adhered to the WFTU in Pakistan, and as an important mean to continue the aim of PLF in order to reach a better relationship with other trade unions adhered to the WFTU in Pakistan - as well as to advance in the coming to the WFTU of other trade unions in the country.
I also think there are positive prospects to enhance its contacts and coordination with other trade unions in India and in the rest of Asia.
Maybe, the only mistake was motivated by the lack of a previous schedule for visits and for the absence of an interpreter to help me with my poor English.

I made this trip following the PLF´s (Pakistan Labour Federation - adhered to the WFTU) aim that invited me (even adding my trip expenses) to help them to organize a national seminary on the problems of Pakistan´s pensioners, and to reinforce the current relationship between our organizations.
Prior to my trip I sent the posters designed to make it known the activities of this trip. No, I add some pictures as to give you an idea about the trip´s realities (in case you may want pictures with higher resolution, please let me know and I´ll forwarded). Finally, I add two news pieces appeared on local media.
OBJECTIVES (previously discussed with the WFTU´s Secretary)
1.- To know the trade union reality of Pakistan (along with political reality).
2.- To know the specific reality of Pensioners and Retirees in those country and to give them my help as to improve its activities in this area.
3.- Make my best efforts to make the WFTU better known and to contribute to its 70th anniversary celebrations.
4.- Trying to confirm the PLF´s support to the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees at the Asia´s Regional Conference as well as in more general terms.
Day 11. 3. 2015
I was received and honored at the airport by comrade Haji Muhammas Saeed Arian, PLF´s General Secretary, and some of his closets collaborators.
At the hotel I was once again greeted and honored with pictures and flowers. A big posters announcing my visit (the poster also includes a picture of me) is shown in various high visible places around the hotel.
The main event under the title of GLOBALIZATION AND PRIVATIZATIONS: THE ROLE OF TRADE UNIONS, was held at the same hotel - in a big meeting room - with the presence of 200 trade unionists (25% of them women). At the presidency I am accompanied by PLF´s leaders and some other members of another two trade unions of Pakistan also adhered to the WFTU. There werestatements by the SecretaryGeneraland thePresident ofPLFand Ch Tariq Javid President (PTUWF) Mr Ghulam Fraid Awan S.V.President Malik Ali Umar Awan President (PNFTU),Malik Munir Ahmad Vice President Main Khalid Mahmood Vice President addressing WFTU-PLF International Seminar on 11th March,2015 at Hotel Ambassador Lahore Pakistan
Great media coverage by press (*) and TV was granted to this event - I even was interviewed by a TV channel. Many pictures were taken at the occasion.
Unfortunately, and due to some technical problems, it was impossible to use the Power Point (in English). Note that English is commonly understood even if urdu is the official language.
At the end of the main act, 200 participants were gathered for a stand up dinner in the next meeting room.
Day 12.3. 2015
A visit was paid to several workplaces - industry and services: metal workshops, plastic workshops, two schools located in popular areas, and a hospital.
We took advantage of these visits to known and take a walk through the world famous "Sultan´s gardens".
During the afternoon we visited PLF´s headquarters, where once again I was highly honored. As a token of comradeship and friendship I gave them two artisan pottery pieces - one from Catalonia and another one from Spain - ordered as commemorative items of the foundational congress of the UIS of Pensioners and Retirees, along with two posters of the WFTU´s 16th Congress.
Day 13. 3. 2015
We visit the PLF´s railroad workers local at Lahore. The visit includes a complete tour through the Central Station and all its facilities. In the afternoon we visit a textile factory of 150 workers and three different working areas: printing, cutting and tailoring.
This was my last day in Pakistan, and it was followed, as three days before, for a long stay at airports and planes.
Due to my difficulties with the English language I only could gather the following details and general info:
Pakistan´s workers are entitled to retirement at 60 years old - this mainly due to the low expectance of life.
Only those who have worked on a "regular" basis are entitled to a public pension. Out of this category are those who have worked in bars and restaurants and in many other areas. Obviously, along with those, are the workers of "informal" activities. 
Average pension is more or less equal to the minimum monthly wage, very low: around 100 USD (equivalent to 10.000 units of Pakistan´s currency) to the unskilled laborers, and 150 USD for others. I was told that monthly expenses for an average family unit (4 members) goes up to 250 USD.
A very important detail on the average cost of living is the price of gasoline: 0´75 USD per litre.
How many Pensioners and Retirees are currently organized? Comrade Haji estimates around 600, mainly from public sector and big private enterprises.
He also promised to apply for WFTU membership and consequently paying the due monies as established on the UIS´ statutes and regulations.
He also confirmed that not an email from comrade Kostas Skarparis (from Cyprus´ PEO), responsible of the Commission for Finances´ Control, have been received. On hearing about this, I asked again comrade Skarparis to take over this responsibility and simultaneously put them in contact by email.
We also discussed on the proposal of counting with Pakistan as the place where the forthcoming WFTU Regional Conference for Asia´s Pensioners and Retirees could be held. Comrade Haji is currently in contact with the two comrades from India and with the comrade from Nepal actually on the board of the TUI.

November and December 2014 Communication No. 8

General Secretariat, Communication No. 8,
November and December 2014


Comrades, these have been our developments since COMMUNICATION No. 7:


1. Comrade Quim Boix took three weeks of holiday, doing tourism in Cuba.
2. The trip to Cuba was also used to hold two meetings (at no cost to the TUI), one with the CTC (Confederation of Workers of Cuba) and another one with the Regional Office for America based in Havana. Comrade Mercè Escudé also attended both meetings, representing the union CSU of P&R of Spain. At the meeting held at the CTC, besides the exchange of information on the trade union situation in Spain, the TUI received extensive information regarding the union work done by P&R within the CTC.Scanned summary files by the CTC comrades, in Spanish, are attached. The meeting at the headquarters of the Regional Office for America of the WFTU allowed us to progress in the preparation of the American Regional Conference of P&R class unions (expected in spring 2015, in Quito, Ecuador, organized by CTE). Comrade Ramon Cardona committed to work for the success of the Conference. The Newsletter of the WFTU in America published a photo and brief chronicle of this meeting.
3. We reiterated efforts to organise in Bahrain the 2015 annual meeting of the management teams of P&R TUI. After many email exchanges we were finally able to send, on December 30th, calls in 3 languages (English, French and Spanish), to try to make the annual meeting of 2015 on March 1st in Bahrain's capital. It has been requested that that each TUI leader summoned reports urgently whether he/she can attend (if his/her union can pay the travel expenses). If there is insufficient quorum for the meeting in good condition, it will be delayed and replaced by a VIRTUAL meeting, ie, an exchange of views and agreements made through emails.
4. The official request for the recognition of the TUI was sent to the ILO. See the letter in ANNEX 1.
5. A reminder was sent to all members of the direction of the TUI to specify their respective work programs, except the Secretaries of Finance and Propaganda, since they are the only ones who have already submitted their written proposal. See the proposals of these two Secretaries in COMMUNICATION No. 4.
6. Comrades from All India BSNL union (from India), were thanked for their economic contribution of $200 as 2014 and 2015 fees.
7. Greetings and best wishes for success for 2015 were sent to all available contacts, asking them to be forwarded as widely as possible to remind both the existence of P&R TUI and the need to fight for the claims defined in our First Congress. We will try to have this new year greeting is as many languages as possible (check our web to see them).
8. A meeting with the four people involved in the main web management of P&R TUI was held in Barcelona. Our website still needs an add-on for decentralized management, in each language.
9. Localization was requested to contact designers who can assist the Secretary of Propaganda to make posters or other materials to broadcast the ideas of our struggle.
10. We received an invitation from the Pakistani union PLF to visit their country (they will assume all expenses, including airfare) and hold meetings to both broadcast the agreements of the Founding Congress of the TUI and to get to know the P&R reality of this Asian country.
11. Specific proposals to advance the preparations of the 5 TUI Regional Conferences, one per continent were made to the comrades involved in them.
12. It was proposed that the two Commissions elected in Congress (Technical and Research, plus Control of Finances) draft and implement a work plan for their respective tasks.


1. Comrade Alain Rodriguez, Secretary of Propaganda, was careful to finalize the proposal of the Secretary General of the TUI, preparing the 2015 greeting 2015 which was sent as P&R TUI of the WFTU.
2. The comrades of PAME from Greece called on December 10th 2014 for actions to fight again in the streets, to give continuity to the actions of last June.They claimed: 1) Recovery of everything which they have been deprived from with economic reforms.2) 13th and 14th pension pays,corresponding to summer and end of the year.3) The immediate payment of pensions.4) The restoration of social tourism programs and balneotherapy.5) Public and free Health Care. You can see the photos: .

3. The comrades from Argentina continue taking to the streets every Wednesday and collecting increasingly popular support for the claims of P&R. Each week they send us their newsletter.
4. The comrades from Australia are still battling for the rights of P&R in this huge country. Each month they send us their newsletter.
5. Regarding possible ways to celebrate the first anniversary of the existence of the P&R TUI of the WFTU, only the Secretary of Propaganda and the comrade from Algeria made proposals. Therefore, we will leave the celebration until a better occasion turns out.
6. The comrades from Bahrain published in their union newsletter from last November the activities developed by the P&R from their country, including harsh criticism to their Ministry of Labour.
7. The comrades of Ecuador, aided by other leaders of the TUI in America, are still preparing the First Regional Conference of P&R class unions of their continent.
8. The same happens in Asia and Africa, where the respective comrades are participating.
9. In Europe and the Middle East, we are more delayed in the preparation of our respective Regional Conferences.

Letter requesting recognition of the ILO

Dear Sirs and/or Madams,
Firstly, I'd like to greet you on behalf of the Pensioners and Retired (P&R) who, joined in unions from the five continents, celebrated this year 2014 the First World Congress of P&R Trade Unions.
In this World Congress created the TUI (Trade Union International) of P&R (Pensioners and Retired) of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).
On our website ( you will find all the information concerning our Founding Congress.
We address to the Governing Body of the ILO so that our existence is recognized as a world union organisation.
We want this recognition to be treated as appropriate within the ILO, especially to give us the right to intervene before the plenary of the annual Conferences of the ILO. Specifically, we ask to participate it in the 104th Session of the International Labour Conference, to be held in June, 2015.
I personally held a meeting in June this year in the offices of the ILO headquarters in Geneva with the following:
Pierre Martinot-Lagarde, Special Adviser (PARDEV).
Maria Helena Andre, Director of ACTRAV
Anna Biondi, Deputy Director of ACTRAV
Regarding what was dealth with in these meetings, please fins the corresponding files attached:
1) The letter of request to be recognized as TUI by the ILO.
2) The statutes of the P&R TUI f the WFTU.
3) The composition of the union direction, elected at the Founding Congress .
4) A summary of our activities.

We are available to provide all necessary supporting documentation.
We rely on the correct reception of this message, thanking you in advance to confirm us (by email) that have addressed it to the right the ILO departments and the right people.
Yours Truly,
Quim Boix
General Secretary of the TUI of Pensioners and Retired (P&R) of the WFTU
0034    609547814
Paseo de San Juan, 176, 5th, 3rd; 08037 Barcelona; Spain

September and October 2014, COMMUNICATION Nº 7


Comrades, I give an account of what has been done since COMMUNICATION 6:


1. It took the initiative, to which the majority of members of the Executive Board of TUI gave positive response, sending 300 €, the limited finances of the TUI, for solidarity with Palestine organized by the WSF. Take this opportunity to remember the importance of each union to pay dues of 2014.

2. We have spread the document that summarizes, in Spanish, the work being done in Euskadi by P&R LAB Union, affiliated to the WFTU.

3. As Secretary General of the TUI I participated, together with the Secretary of Finances of the Spanish Union of P&R CSU, the comrade Mercè Escudé, in celebration of the International Day of Action October 3 held in Lisbon on October 3 and 4. I sent varied information. I include as Annex 1 the text of my speech in Lisbon, and as Annex 2 other documents handed out in Lisbon concerning the reality of CCOO in the Spanish state.

4. Taking advantage of the trip to Lisbon, explained in the previous section, we have visited (Mercè and me) a part of class unions of the Spanish State. This time the periphery of Spain: LAB and ESK (Euskadi, Basque Country), CSI-current Left Association (Asturias), CUT and IGC (Galicia), SAT and SDT (Andalusia). They have said that will help the success of the First European Conference P&R TUI. In Galicia,
the Union organized a rally to give continuity to the presence of the WSF in the struggle of the workers of the international company Citroën (Vigo) against dismissal of union leaders. In Andalusia organized two public events. I have sent pictures and posters. The Unions visited have not paid anything of the journey, except stay in Lisbon, so Mercè and I have spent (our personal money, never reclaim the WFTU P&R) 1,500 € 4,500 km in a 16 day tour.

5. I started preparing the dossier to present to the ILO to be recognized by the ILO as an international organization. So we have the right to speak before the plenary of the forthcoming Conference of the ILO, to spread the struggle of P&R worldwide.

6. We have already received three fees from 2014, the Greek PAME, and the Spanish CSU and Jubiqué. It is necessary that the other Unions pay their fair share, by the end of 2014.

7. According to the Financial Secretary has launched a campaign to raise funds for P&R WFTU. See Annex 3 for the basic document of this campaign. In Spain a friend of TUI P&R WFTU has already provided € 200 for this season.

8. According to the President of the UIS, Comrade Koumpouris Dimos, has asked the comrades at Bahrain if it is possible to hold the annual meeting of the board of TUI P&R there in February 2015 (as offered at the end of the Barcelona Congress). Each member of the Direction (all who receive this COMMUNICATION Nº 7) must confirm, when receiving the invitation letter, his willingness and possibilities of presence at the meeting, so the meeting may be is as useful as possible.

9. From November 11 to December 4 I will have a "break" (a tourist trip) to Cuba. Besides resting I hope to have some meetings with the CTC and its pensioners. My internet connection will be more sporadic than usual.

10. In response to the Union of Panama CNTP request, greetings to its XVIII Congress was sent on behalf of TUI P&R. See the text sent at Annex 4.

11. According to the Propaganda Secretary of the PAME, greetings were sent to show our internationalist solidarity with the demonstration on November 1 (supported by nearly 1,000 organizations) and the general strike for late November.


1. The comrades of PAME in Greece called back activities on the streets, to give continuity to the actions of last June, and thus prepared their participation in the International Day for October 3rd.

2.- Argentina’s comrades continue to take the streets every Wednesday and getting more and more popular support for the claims of P&R.

3. In Argentina, we are syndically fighting against the attempt to punish our comrade and member of the board of TUI, Marcos Wolman. As WFTU we are following their fight, which receives widespread support in the country. The last received Comrade Wolman's quote: "In the audience that was cited by the prosecutor in the case, along with my lawyers I presented a written release. During the course of the hearing that is private, at the street congregated fellows from Retiree Organizations, Unions, Social, national and international human rights defenders, national deputies, alternative media, and others. Comrades, your concern for the development of this case is further evidence of international solidarity, against an injustice that aims to halt our struggle. Thank you very much all our TUI P&R WFTU. Solidarity is the only way, and we are convinced that we will achieve what we set out. "

4. There have been several places where P&R participated in the International Day of Action, October 3, organized by the WFTU. But there have been very few who have sent written or graphic information.

5. In Ecuador CTE continues to prepare the First American Regional Conference of Trade Unions P&R class.




I speak on behalf of the new TUI (Trade Union International) of the WFTU. I mean that was created in Barcelona last February with the presence of some 100 union Pensioners and Retirees (P&R) from dozens of countries on five continents.

Is the tenth TUI of the WFTU, in order of creation, but the bringing together trade unionists with more years of experience of class struggle. A struggle in which we form this TUI wish to continue participating until we exhaust the strength to keep struggling.

We are Pensioners and Retirees, and we don’t depend on an employer, either public or private. We organize our time in terms of our personal objectives, and as members of the FSM these goals are the destruction of capitalism and end imperialism. We have struggled for decades to do.

October 3 this is the first in which we operate as TUI in actions Internationalist Struggle Day. From Australia; through India, Pakistan, Nepal and other countries in Asia; in Bahrain and elsewhere in the Middle East; through Greece, France and Spain in Europe; from Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal in Africa; passing many Latin American countries: Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina; and more.

We demand an adequate pension enough to live with dignity. Claim public services (which generate stable jobs in health, education, leisure, transport, assistance to people with disabilities, etc.), we demand lower retirement age (for young now they can access unemployment jobs that occupy the elderly). This compares with the proposals of the Troika, here in Portugal, and in Europe, is showing that the IMF plus the EU, the European Central Bank more, just want to increase the benefits (that’s are astronomical) of multinationals while most populations are decreasing their quality of life.

The pursuit of claims that we adopted in our Founding Congress as TUI will not only result in better living conditions for P&R but will also help to target the WFTU that people who want to work have a job indefinitely, stable job and with proper working conditions.

Capitalism just like the existence of pensioners exists for private pension plans, and so makes them great benefits. I think I must denounce unions ITUC International Trade Union Confederation, which support the existence of these private pension plans, such as the CCOO and UGT in Spain (these unions have also signed several times, the last few years, repeated cuts in favor of the rights of pensioners).
For capitalism the P&R should live few years enjoying our retirement. We are no longer productive, and represent a significant expense in state budgets. So while the president of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) stated that P&R are no longer productive, labor minister of Japan said on TV that his country should commit hara-kiri P&R (not me making it up, but said so seem outrageous) to die with dignity and not be a burden or their families or for public finances. That's the vision that operators and managers of capitalism people who have worked ten years providing our effort to improve society.

The struggle of P&R has not started now, is long lasting and will be, as the examples of Greece and Argentina. In the first take more than 60 years in unions organizing the P&R (on June 19 carried 20,000 to the streets of Athens), while in the second the P&R already carry almost 1,200 followed Wednesday demanding better living conditions before Parliament Buenos Aires, led by union P&R who attended our founding congress.

We are achieving significant victories in our claim, as in the case of Bolivia, where the union struggle has helped to attain the right to retire at age 55 men and 49 women with 3 or more children. But in some cases these victories have played tough battles as that given 2004 in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where they killed 20 P&R they did a hunger strike with which they prevent to applying cutes in their right from the World Bank has impose to the president of the country.

We will continue to learn all the struggles, we will continue to strengthen the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist positions of the WFTU, and, until the last day of our lives, we will contribute to the struggle for socialism, which is the real goal for all those who live by their work.




For many readers, this statement may seem a very strong one, but it is also unfortunately so true that it is already difficult that this trade union could recover its former condition. Let’s not go into when CCOO ceased to be a class-conscious organization; let’s just remember that this trade union, founded 50 years ago, does no longer comply with the “necessary requirements for a class-conscious trade union” which were stated in its foundational documents.

This text’s approximately 4,000 characters which I have been told to limit myself to, won´t allow me to go into a detailed explanation. I will do that in future articles if I am given the chance to. But I want to review now, point by point, what CCOO was in its origins (when it was an important reference in Spain and abroad), and not what it has become today, making it clear, however, that I am talking about the trade union as a whole, and, especially, about its current leaders, and not about specific cases or about important sectors of the trade union’s base, which is honest and struggle-oriented (but whose voice is heard less and less by the leadership).

CCOO is no longer a class-conscious trade union, as it doesn´t defend the working class, the exploited, from the real attacks of its enemy, the ruling, bourgeois capitalist class. It denies the existence of class struggle by simply not talking about it (contrary to what it did in the past) in any of its documents, neither in its congress documents nor in its main resolutions. Moreover, it has acquired, in its “official language”, the terms used by the enemies of the working class; for instance, using “social agent” instead of social class.

CCOO is no longer an independent trade union capable of helping workers to realize that they are exploited and that the added value of what they produce is taken away from them. Its training courses depend not only on EU and bourgeois governments’ subsidies, but its contents do not include anything that may contradict the capitalist concepts about society.

CCOO is no longer a democratic union, as its leaders, through their decisions, do not respect their workers´ opinions. In most cases, the affected workers´ claims are not even taken into account (the recent conflict at PANRICO is, among many others, one of the most recent and painful examples), and, even if workers are consulted, their opinions are put aside if they don´t agree with those of the leaders.

CCOO is no longer a trade union that represents the working class after having signed many Social Pacts whose execution follows the employers’ claims. One of the most outrageous and recent ones has been the acceptance of the new cutbacks in pensions, especially bearing in mind the fact that there´s enough money for them.

CCOO is no longer an assembly-style organization. It continuously takes its decisions without calling the necessary assemblies in which to discuss and develop the much needed debates as the only way to reach true agreements based on workers´ points of view and demands. Its last assembly-style decision was taken during the 1980s in Catalonia, when assemblies were called in all its regions to decide whether or not the Social Pact was accepted. Most of the workers voted “NO” to the agreement, while, at the end, the leadership voted “YES” at the Spanish national meeting.

CCOO is no longer a participatory trade union, as its leaders draft in their offices their proposals for the negotiations, trying afterwards to present them as the best possible proposal for the workers. In reality, the current CCOO leadership does not hold any consultations with their affiliates prior to signing major agreements with the governments (headed by PP or PSOE) and the employers.

CCOO is no longer an unitary trade union because it doesn´t strive for the union among the various trade unions, while, at the same time, accepts the division imposed to the working class by the employers. At this point I want to mention different agreements signed by CCOO, as the one at Pirelli, signed at the end of the XX century, in which it accepted different payment and working conditions based on seniority in the company and on other criteria.

CCOO is no longer a struggling trade union. It never calls to actions really useful in order to force the employers to yield to the just claims of the workers. During the last years, it has just called actions (strikes and demonstrations) only to justify its own existence, but not as a useful tool in the hands of the working class.

CCOO is no longer a socio-political trade union, as it doesn´t take part –only once in a while and always following other organizations’ steps– in neighborhood struggles or in any other conflicts connected with solidarity, housing or environmental claims that used to be part of its agenda in the past.

CCOO is no longer an internationalist trade union, as it doesn´t stand for unity of the working class beyond the national borders established by the bourgeoisie in order to keep the world capitalist system, and no longer criticizes (as it used to do) imperialism imposed by capitalism in order to steal raw materials from the peoples of the world, as the colonists did in the past. The most outrageous recent example of this attitude lies in the support given by CCOO (through its partnership at the ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) to military actions during the invasion of Libya by NATO.

I don´t want to analyze the sad and numerous cases of corruption in which several member of CCOO are involved, or to make any further comment on the fact that the two general secretaries following Marcelino Camacho, Antonio Gutierrez Vegara and José María Fidalgo, have respectively ended at the ranks of PSOE and PP. This is the logical outcome of the abandonment of the class-conscious positions.

Quim Boix Lluch, founder member and former national leader of CCOO, and current leader of the WFTU (CP, Presidential Council), General Secretary of TUI of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R);


Circular of the Secretariat of Finance of TUI of P&R of WFTU

Dear comrades:

The delicate financial situation in which our UIS is found forces this Secretariat to look back on previous circulars and to introduce new proposals so that we have a minimum financial base to
be able to carry out the most urgent tasks that the growing union activity of our UIS is demanding.

It is necessary to say in this introduction, with affection but with firmness and responsibility, that none of the recommendations or suggestions have been fulfilled, recommendations that, applying the Statutes approved in the First Congress, we did in previous communiqués, referring to the finances according to the number of affiliated members of each organization and to the quotas that derived from that.

Except for four organizations that have been loyal compliant of the congressional agreements and that have had and have sensibility and understanding about the finances, the other organizations have not responded, neither have they explained their impossibility to comply with the mutually binding principle of the economic aid.

This Secretariat wants to indicate that, after the Congress, the only expenses of our UIS have been the active solidarity with Palestine and a trip of our Secretary General to Greece to preside the fight of 20,000 PyJ of that country. The trip of 4,500 Km carried out by Quim Boix for the development of the UIS by Spain and Portugal has cost nothing to the UIS: it was paid by him and his partner.

The many pending matters for the next months make the financial contributions from the organizations of the UIS of P and J immensely urgent. Among these pending matters there is the celebration of the statutory annual meeting of the Executive Committee, to be carried out in Bahrein, and the planned activities in Africa and America.

In order to help the organizations to collect money as quickly as possible this Secretariat suggests to ask for money directly to people or organizations that either are affiliated to the UIS or that are sympathizers with or friends of the UIS.

These practices have already been carried out in some of the affiliated unions and have given a good result (for instance, to finance the Foundational Congress in Barcelona).

It´s because of it that we invite all the receivers of this Circular to start carrying out the arrangements indicated further up in this paragraph, given the urgency of the financial situation already indicated in previous lines.

Let's also recollect, by means of this momentary farewell, that this Secretariat does not have any information referring to the names and e-mails of the people responsible for the finances of the unions affiliated to our UIS. To provide this Secretariat with this does not it cost any money and helps in the organization.

Awaiting your prompt response to all suggestions of this Secretariat, the responsible of the Secretariat of Finances says goodbye to you with a strong trade unionist internationalist hug.

José Maria Lucas Ranz.
Responsible of finances secretariat of TUI of P&R of WFTU
Spain, October 29, 2014


Greet the XVIII Congress of the CNTP

From Spain, and on behalf of the UI (Union International) Pensioners and Retired (P &R) of the (WFTU), I greet Elberto Cobos, secretary general of the CNTP, and through it all congressmen. You made XVIII Congress at a time when capitalism is showing with its structural and systemic crisis, his inability to be the future of Humanity. We analyze the 3rd of October in the WFTU Association Conference held in Portugal to celebrate 69 years since its foundation and to continue the fight against unemployment.

There, union members from 5 continents we set as a goal the destruction of capitalism, which is the cause of all the great evils (including imperialist wars) suffering peoples of the planet. To do all the exploited, led by class unions, are cooperating with organizations fighting for socialism, a society without exploited or exploiters.

A society in which everyone has enough to live decently and each should contribute according to their abilities. A society in which people over 60 years (a figure that in the future may reduce to 55, as it has done Evo Morales in Bolivia) have sufficient state pension to live a decent life. A society that if someone cannot find work either public administration that ensures the salary and contribution to his pension.

We, pensioners and retirees from five continents, we founded this tenth UI WFTU, accumulated decades of experience in the trade union struggle, and we know that despite the difficulties, and in the end it will be the working class that expire . It cannot be otherwise, since a world without workers would not work, while a world without exploiters is not only possible but it is also necessary and soon.

We repeat the greeting of union veterans from around the globe to its XVIII Congress.


LIVE INTERNATIONALIST! Barcelona on November 1, 2014.


Solidarity with PAME and all the Greek workers

The International Trade-union of the Pensioners and Retired of the WFTU expresses its solidarity and its support for the actions being established in Greece against unemployment and against the antisocial policies of the government and the Troika.

We salute the strong efforts put in place for the national rally set to take place on November 1st 2014 in Athens; we salute the participation of more than 844 organizations, trade-unions, federations, farmers, women and youth associations from all Greece.

We also strongly support the general strike set to take place on November 27th 2014.
Unemployment is one of the most important subject with which we have to deal in this capitalist crisis. Governments have to guarantee retirement pensions for those who seek work and for whom capitalism does not provide any, those who seek work are not responsible for this capitalist crisis.

The TUI of P&R expresses its solidarity with the PAME, with heroic Greek workers and with the workers from all over the world who fight and struggle for their rights against capitalism.

Long live the trade-union of class!

Long live the working class of Greece!

Long live the working class of the world!

Long live the proletarian internationalism!

Long live the WFTU!

Barcelona 28-10-14

Quim Boix CP, Presidential Council of WFTU
General Secretary of TUI of Pensioner


July and August 2014, COMMUNICATION Nº 6

General Secretary, COMMUNICATION Nº 6,

July and August 2014


Comrades, I explain our work since COMMUNICATION nº 5:

1.- We have reminded all the members of the Direction the necessity of presenting their written work plan. For the moment, only the Secretariats of Propaganda and Finances have done so. This must be done as soon as possible, since we were elected members of the Direction of the TUI to make it work.

2.- It has been sent to all the members of the Technical and Investigation Commission the letter (see ANNEX nº 1) stating that until the reunion beginning 2.015 at Bahrein, comrade Palmos Panagiotis will coordinate its work. Es necesario que esta Comisión empiece a trabajar colectivamente y elabore los estudios que le corresponden según establecen nuestros estatutos.

3.- We have distributed a letter (see ANNEX nº 2) from the President of the TUI and its 5 Vice-presidents, so, as P&R, we are present specifically at the actions of the WFTU on October 3rd. Compromises from USA and India have arrived for this. Now it is necessary to widen this, still short, list of compromises. THE ACTION OF OCTOBER 3rd IS A GREAT AIM FOR ALL THE WFTU.

4.- As TUI we have protested strongly against the genocide suffered by the People of Palestine. (see ANNEX nº 3). We have known of the solidary activities carried by organizations of P&R of the new TUI of the WFTU, like is the case of Colombia.

5.- As TUI, and thanks to the good work of the Secretary of Propaganda (coordinated with the General Secretary), we have appeared publically and solidary with the XIII Congress of the TUI of Transports. (see ANNEX nº 4).

6.- It has been spread the la account , for all organizations affiliated to the TUI, to pay the quotas of the TUI of P&R corresponding to 2014, according to the approved statutes. For the moment there are scarce organizations that have compromised to pay its quota, so we remind all organizations their will and obligation to fulfill this congress accord. The account where each Syndicate must send the money is:
Titular: Central Sindical Unitaria
Entity: La Caixa

Nº account: 2100 0856 98 0200529700
IBAN: ES20 2100 0856 9802 0052 9700

7.- We have a new affiliation to the TUI of the WFTU, that of the P&R of trade union SYNAR of the RDC (Democratic Republic of Congo).


First a rectification of point 1 of COMMUNICATION Nº 5
There was an error in the oral translation or interpretation of the words of the delegate of Bahrein. What took place in Bahrein last April was not the Regional Conference of Middle East, but the creation of the Syndicate of P&R of their country. I sent by e-mail all the information that finally arrived from them.

1.- Comrade Martha Hervás, Vice-President for America, with the help of the Direction of the CTE of Equator and the Regional Office of America of the FSM, has set forth the First Regional Conference of the TUI of P&R, corresponding to the American continent. We rely on all the class organizations of this region will help to the success of this important Conference, specially the persons of America that are members of the world management of the TUI.

2.- We remind Vice-presidents corresponding to other Regions (Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East) that they must, AS AGREEMENT OF FOUNDING CONGRESS OF P&R OF THE UIS AT BARCELONA, to prepare and convoke soon the respective Regional Conferences, communicating all the details (as soon as they are clear) to the Genera Secretariat.

3.- We cheer the documents that we receive regularly from the P&R of Argentina. They show they are carrying an important class fight, week after week, (they have been more than 1.170 weeks fighting at squares and streets) to get the fair rights for the P&R of their country.

4.- We also cheer the work of the P&R of Australia. Its monthly bulletin shows the advances of the fight.

5.- Also we must thank the PAME syndicate of Greece all the support it gives to its P&R organization. We have remarked their activities of great diffusion for the important fight of the P&R of Greece, specially the last June 19th, referenced at COMMUNICATION nº 5.

6.- From Pakistan we have received the compromise of carrying an important meeting of P&R in September. We wish them success and we wait information from their results.

ANNEX nº 1



In the meeting we have held today as first responsible of the Direction of the TUI of P&R of the WTFU, we have observed that the Technical Commission and of Investigation that we elected at the Congress of Barcelona has an adequate and important composition but its members don’t communicate between them.
To promote the collective work of this important Commission of the TUI, and to unload tasks from the General Secretary, that will continue following this work, along with the rest of direction jobs, we have demanded comrade Palmos Panagiotis that, until we collectively ratify collectively at the Bahrein reunion (beginning 2015), to coordinate the work of the Technical and Investigation Commissions of the TUI.

We demand you to collaborate with comrade Palmos Panagiotis that will next contact all of you, with copy to the General Secretary.

Receive a cordial salutation from:
Dimos Koumpouris Quim Boix
President General Secretary
Athens 19/07/2014

ANNEX nº 2

Text of TUI of pensioners of the FSM for the action on 3-10-14.

Dear comrades,

The presidential committee of the FSM has decided, in its last reunion on 15.2.14 in Rome, under the framework of the decisions of the last congress, that the 3.10.14 will be a day of action against unemployment.

Under this framework, activities by trade unions were discussed and organized against this big problem with extensive dimensions in the world. This problem is a deep and unsolved problem of capitalism taking extensive dimensions during the period of capitalist crisis.

The pensioner’s organizations, members of the TUI of pensioner which is part of the FSM have to participate in all the actions of the popular movement against unemployment, poverty and anti-popular measures taken by the exploitative system whose gains are increasing. Pensioners are veterans of labor but not veterans of the struggle; it is crucial considering our struggle as dynamic part of the working-popular movement.
In this context, we urge all pensioner’s organization in the whole world to participate in cooperation with working trade unions, to organize their actions in the beginning of October and continue this path of struggle highlighting all our problems we are facing, until October next year, when the FSM completes 70 years of its foundation.

The types of actions and protests will take place in cooperation with trade unions but also independently with pensioner’s organizations. To use all forms of protests rallies, meetings, lectures, protests in governmental departments, parliaments, international organizations. To utilize culture to organize concerts, theatrical performances, excursions to historical places. Our requests have to promote the necessity of struggle and the demand of a better live compared to the wealth we produce and not with the scrubs capitalists and governments give to us.

In our requests it is important to demand that all benefits have to be given to unemployed during their whole duration of unemployment, free medicine, doctors, hospitals, and medical exams. Demanding pensions and wages, health that will allow us to live with dignity. Programs of school buildings, social housing, clean water. Defend peace, against wars that imperialist unleash to obtain new resources of wealth and profit.

To promote, (especially we older) who have the knowledge and experience of how these problems and which were solved for many years in countries which the working class had the power.
Condemning the Nazi, Fascist, groups that are developing. The exploitative nature of the unjust and destructive barbaric capitalist system of impasses. That today with the opportunities technology gives us the production we can live better if it serves the needs of the people and not the profits of monopoly groups.

To make known the necessity of social alliance of the working class with small self-employed farmers. The need of the socialized economy and power of the people for the economy to serve the interests of the people and not the profits of monopoly groups.

This work and action has to be promoted in every country because it is very useful for our TUI and for the FSM to exchange experience which will help us having objective opinions and useful conclusions which are necessary tools in our work.

President: Dimos Koumpouris Vice-president for Africa: Lázaro Kimankata Vice-president for América: Martha Hervas Vice-president for Asia: Mohan Bahadur Vice-president for
Europe: Vladimir Kapuralin Vice-president for Mettle East: Abbas Abdul

ANNEX nº 3

Solidarity of the Trade Union International of the Pensioners and Retired
(TUI of P&R) of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) to the Palestinian workers and to the Palestinian people.

On the name of the millions of members whom it represents, the TUI of P&R of the WFTU announces its total solidarity with the Palestinian people and its profound indignation in front of murderous bombardments of Israel on Gaza.

The TUI of the P&R condemns the criminal state of Israel , responsible of scenes of horrors with their procession of broken lives, of women’s and children’s bodies, burned and ripped, illustrating the horrible crimes committed by the Israeli army, more than 700 dead people, thousands of wounded persons, hundreds of destroyed houses.

The TUI denounces the United States and the European Union which support, even encourage the murderers of Palestinian people.

We denounce the genocide of the Palestinian people.

The TUI of the P&R demands:
f a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem for capital

The TUI of P&R expresses its solidarity and its support to the Palestinian workers and to the
Palestinian people.
July 24th, 2014

ANNEX nº 4

Greeting to the XIIIth Congress f the TUI of the transport workers of the WFTU


In the name of the millions of members it represents, the TUI of the P&R (Pensioners and Retired) of the WFTU greets the XIIIth congress of the transport workers and wishes you a lot of success in your work, your debates and resolutions.

Your congress is held during a period of profound anti-labour offensive on all continents, which capitalism and governments support while trying dump the weight on to the working class., The transport, the strategic sector for capitalism is an integral part of the process of globalization, production and trade and supplies to the exploiters the vital distribution of production by creating a direct link between companies and world markets, strengthens the increasing trade; all this confers on transport a strategic position.

The resources, the products circulate on the planet in a continuous flow, without the same compulsory limitations imposed on people when their immigration is of no use to capitalism

Multinationals, with their subsidiaries, established themselves in several countries:
- to have a direct access to raw materials
- to be able to by-pass certain obstacles in trade
- for the search of the cheapest workforce

Multinationals are a threat for states, creating their own economic space independently of them, they exploit for their selfish profit the disparities of the social or environmental legislations.

Multinationals massively exploit the natural resources of a country or re-locate their most polluting activities towards the least demanding states.

Besides influencing states by an unacceptable lobbying, their power goes as far as controlling governments and even overthrowing a regime which is not in their best interest.

A historic example of this, the multinationals which participated in the military coup d’état against Salvador Allende in the same country where this XIIIth takes place, in Chile in 1973.
Multinationals, and especially those of the transport, deprive the states of means to intervene in their economic evolution, in the standard of employment, the standard of living and the social welfare of the populations; they play a major role in globalization by implementing the financial globalization, the world organization of production, the free circulation of goods. They are the key factors to a growing exploitation of ex colonial countries.

These companies need the transport to forward their products as well as to send their message. The paralysis of transport by a general strike on an international level would totally block the economy; this explains the strategic importance of the TUI of transport to coordinate the struggles on an international level.

Concerning the social problems of the transport sector, we have to remember that this sector undergoes unprecedented attacks of various governments who want to destroy all public services with consequences:
massive deletions of jobs in all public sectors of transport be able to transport in the lowest possible price towards consumer markets products made in the countries which practise social, fiscal and environmental dumping.

The consequences of these policies confront the workers with a global offensive which has the same effects in every country and gives the labour class union big responsibilities and an enormous challenge.

A strong TUI of transport is essential to unite the transport workers of the planet to defend their demands on an international level. And so, from the actual problems of every country, we can develop a large protest movement and fight against the capitalist policies which have as a consequence the grave problems with which the workers and the peoples are confronted today, despite the objective differences which exist in the labour union at a global level.

This congress has to strengthen the WFTU, the only world association of labour unions which fights against the capitalist exploitation, against the imperialism, the only class organization on a global level.

The TUI of the P&R of the WFTU wishes you a big success for your congress, you can count on the solidarity, the collaboration and the support of the union veterans who make up the TUI of the P&R of the WFTU.


Quim Boix,
General Secretary of TUI of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R) of WFTU
Barcelona, September, 2014

July 2014, Comunication Nº 5


Secretaría General, Comunicación N ° 5,
07 de 2014
Camaradas, Este Es Un from relato de lo TODO Realizado el numero 4 COMUNICACIÓN:
A) SECRETARÍA GENERAL (GS) Cuentas del Trabajo Realizado:
1.-Yo estába en Ginebra del 26 de mayo al 6 de junio, Con Motivo de la Conferencia 103 de la OIT. Este Viaje, Hotel y Comidas no cuestan nada en Absoluto al UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados PORQUE Mercè Escudé y me cubrieron TODO El coste de Nuestra Economía y personal directa (ADEMÁS No Se OFRECE Ninguna Sindicales y Actividades Personales).
En 05/27/14, Que asistieron a la Reunión convocada Por La Federación Sindical Mundial párr planificar la Presencia de la Clase-sindicalismo en la Conferencia 103 de la OIT. En Esta Reunión Le expliqué , A Los Miembros De Los los Sindicatos De Los 5 Continentes, la Celebración del Primer Congreso Mundial de Pensionistas y Jubilados. Yo les di La Información Relativa a los Documentos aprobados y Otras Decisiones Que Tienen Que operar la nueva UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados (el n º 10 de la Federación Sindical Mundial). Also repartido en 6 idiomas (Inglés, español, frances, portugués, Ruso y ÁRABE) our Discurso de como P & R a la Conferencia 103 de la OIT. Es, COMO ANEXO 1 de la Comunicación n º 4 (junio de 2014). Era Una Oportunidad párr HACER Contacto Con las Organizaciones Sindicales noticias de los 5 Continentes Interesados ​​en Ayudar a ejecutar la UIS de P & R.
02/06/14, Pude Tener Una Entrevista con Las señoras Maria Helena André, director, y Anna Biondi, director Adjunto, responsable de la Oficina de ACTRAV (Oficina de Actividades Para Los Trabajadores) de la OIT, Que se encarga de la UIS. IT SE comprometieron un Ayudar a la UIS de P & R reconocida Como Una Organización Internacional Sindical de la OIT, Pero Ellos insistieron En que "llegamos tarde" párrafo intervenir en la Plenaria de la Conferencia de la OIT de 2014.
Al Mismo Tiempo (2-06 -14) me Reuni estafa Pierre Martinot-Lagarde , Otro Funcionario de la OIT, Asesor Especial del Departamento de Las Relaciones y el Apoyo a Programas Externos Llamados "PARDEV". Este es el oficial Que tramitará la Solicitud oficial de Que debemos someternos un reconocido Por Ser el Consejo de Administración de la OIT, COMO IEU a la OIT. Ya Tengo La Lista de Documentos a Presentar una y voy a prepararlo de Acuerdo a la Dirección Central de la FSM.
Also Conoci un Lubna Moussli, secretario responsable de la instancia de parte Llamada "Trabajadores" de la OIT, la señora Raquel González, párr una organizadora de la ONU estafa Entrevista ella. La señora González es el Representante de la CSI en Ginebra, y Por lo Tanto Ella Fue la designada responsable del Grupo de los Trabajadores en la OIT. Este es Otro EJEMPLO de La Falta de Democracia Dentro de la OIT.
me llamaron Para La Entrevista con la señora González párrafo 3.6.14. Tengo Un Correo Que dados Que proponemos es Que el. P & R UIS ESTAR Afiliado al estilo de "CSI" No Tienen Verguenza En Su metodo de gestion, Organizaciones descargarlo pulsando Afiliadas, incluyendo los de CSI inclusó las Organizaciones Que: hemos Presentado desde El Principio de como Miembros de la Federación Sindical Mundial. Este Es Un Signo de la desesperada Situación de loss de la Membresía de la CSI. En Su Tercer Congreso (Berlín del 18 al 23 De 2014), Qué FIJA UNA Meta de Obtener 20 Millones de soles Miembros.
Sobre la Realidad de CSI hoy, pongo Una Reflexión personal about this Confederación Internacional en el ANEXO 4.
La Entrevista con la señora era González, al Igual de Que Los Otros mencionados, Una Muestra de "cortesia" y las buenas Palabras Que se Dębe comprobar si era sincera.
teoricamente, es un Través de ESTOS Funcionários de la OIT Que Tienen Que Llegar A La Información y las Invitaciones UIS una Participar en Actividades (con Presupuestos de Millones de Dólares) Que la OIT organizó Centralizada y Descentralizada en Todo El Mundo.
Si ALGUNO de los Miembros de la junta de la UIS P & R Aprende Actividad de La Que OIT considera Relevante, Dębe notificar a la Secretaría General de la P & R HACER Para Los Arreglos correspondientes.
Ver ANEXO 1, mi Sobre report Lo Que Creo Que es la OIT.
En Ginebra, Hice Varias Reuniones Bilaterales estafa Delegaciones de Diferentes Países. Also nos reunimos Con Dos sindicatos Miembros de Ginebra. De Ellos, él recogido 200 Suizos párrafo AÑADIR A Las Finanzas de la UIS de P & R.
Also in Ginebra Que podria HACER Una larga Entrevista con Valentin Pacho, responsable de la UIS en la Dirección de la FSM, Que ayudará al Desarrollo de la Paz y la Reconciliación.
2. - Con El Acuerdo del Ministerio de Hacienda, y La Respuesta a la PETICIÓN del compañero VICEPRESIDENTE párr América P & R, Ayudamos una estafa Martha Hervas 260 $ párr Pagar a instancia de parte de Su Viaje desde Ecuador a Colombia, A Donde sí desplazó párrafo que responde la Invitación recibida de P & R de Este País. Viaje Su unión CTE Habia Pagado a La Habana. : Todas ESTAS Actividades hijo en el SENTIDO de Realizar la convocatoria del Primer Congreso de Sindicatos de Clase P & R de América.
3.-18 de junio me trasladé a Atenas Para Que coincida la de la estafa Invitación de P & R del PAME y Participar en La Accion panhelénico 19/6/14 de P & R celebrada en ciudad de la ESA. Los Gastos de do estancia en Atenas eclipsados ​​el PAME P & R y, a instancia de parte Pequeña una, la FSM. El viaje (€ 319.28) POR Pagado FUE Las Finanzas de la paz y la Reconciliación.
View the report en el Anexo 2 de Viaje a Atenas Con Toda La Información Importante, Sobre Todo en el ANEXO 2.2 del Resumen de la camarada Dimos Koubouris Que detalla Todo el Proceso de Preparación Que asegura El Exito of this lucha.
4.-Tuve Reunión Una (20/06/14) en la Secretaría General de la FSM, George Mavrikos Aprovechando el Viaje a Atenas , porqué no REUNIRSE podido: hemos en Ginebra. Ver ANEXO 3, de la ONU Resumen Inglés de Los Temas. Cubierta
1.-En la Reunión de la Federación Sindical Mundial en 27/05/14, en la sede de la OIT, Que Conocí Por Primera Vez Que se habia Hecho, Pasado mes de abril, en Bahrein, el Congreso Regional del UIS asistieron countries MUCHOS de los delegados de la región párr Constituir la paz y la Reconciliación regional UIS. Mi sorpresa FUE Enorme (ya Que No Se Dieron Cuenta Que Ellos llamaron un this Congreso) y de Inmediato me pidio Que à partir de Bahrein, Deben enviar las Naciones Unidas Informe Escrito Detallado Que me referiré a los Miembros de la UIS CUANDO lo Reciba. El compañero Alí Al Binali sí disculpó Por El RETRASO en Informar from Que estuvo 70 dias en prision POR ACTIVIDADES DE COMERCIO-Sindicales ( No Sé mas detalles Sobre this arresto).
2.-Los compañeros del Frente de Francia Unión Clase Participó en 03 / 06.14, en París, en la gran acción de protesta en masa de P & R de Francia. Enviaron Información (fotos y Documentos) a Todos los Miembros de la Dirección de la UIS. Lo Importante Más párr El Trabajo de Nuestra UIS FUE la Difusión Masiva de la ONU document in el Que informó Sobre la Creación de P & R UIS en Barcelona.
3.-Acompañante Martha Hervas ha Estado en Colombia. El Resumen de lo Que se Hizo ALLI FUE Enviado a los Miembros de la Dirección de la UIS Por Correo electrónico. Ver ANEXO 5.
al TRATAR de la OIT?
"OIT Nació en 1919, Despues De Una guerra horrible y generalizada, Basada en la idea Que Una paz duradera Mundo SÓLO podria lograrse CUANDO SE basa en Un trato justo Trabajadores. En 1946, la OIT sí se convirtio en La Primera agencia de las Naciones Unidas "En 1919, La Clase Obrera Tenia Una Referencia de Gran Alcance en la URSS, el unico País en El Mundo Donde el Capitalismo Habia Dejado de Existir.
Las Fuerzas de la Izquierda acepto la . Composición Primaria de la Junta Directiva de la OIT Desde ENTONCES, this Composición ha jugado clave Papel de las Naciones Unidas en las OBRAS Y el Desarrollo de la OIT y FUE construído de la siguiente Manera: 50% de designados de los Miembros de mesa Por los gobiernos; 25% Por nombrado . del los Empresarios, y El 25% nombrados Por los sindicatos Con El Regreso del Capitalismo un los Países Dedicados anteriormente a la construcción del socialismo, la OIT CONFIRMO do Objetivo en La Defensa del Sistema Económico Capitalista.
Podemos Como leer site in el web de la OIT de:
"El hijo de Los Objetivos de la OIT la Promoción del Trabajo Derechos, la Promoción de Oportunidades párr ONU Trabajo decente, el Mejoramiento de los Sistemas de Protección y la Salud y el Fortalecimiento del Diálogo y La Discusión en materia laboral. sociales
Podemos Como UIS Aceptar ESTOS Objetivos Generales , MIENTRAS Que al Mismo Tiempo Que mantenemos Nuestras discrepancias en los Diferentes Puntos de vista CUANDO TRATAR estafa Asuntos COMO "trabajo decente" y "Diálogo".
Nosotros Para, Pensionistas y Jubilados, Que No Habra Ningun Trabajo decente reales, Siempre y CUANDO Todos los Habitantes de la tierra en sí ha concedido Ninguna de las 5 Principales Objetivos establecidos Durante la Reunión de Acción Internacionalista celebrada en 03 de octubre: 1) Agua potable; 2) La comida Suficiente, 3) Sistemas de Salud Pública Con La Calidad y el Acceso Libre PARA TODOS, 4) Sistemas de Educación, Cultura, Ocio y Transporte Con La Calidad y el Libre Acceso Para Todos, 5) Una Vivienda Digna.
Nosotros Para, El los pensionados Y jubilados, no ganaron 't Ser Verdadero Diálogo MIENTRAS exista el Capitalismo y el imperialismo. Como hijo OEN Sistemas La Principal causa de la Explotación, Las Guerras, el Genocidio y el robo, el dialogo verdadero en sí convierte en imposible. A lo sumo, de Podemos Llegar a Acuerdos Temporales y, al Mismo Tiempo Que continuamos estafa Nuestra Lucha párr Acabar Con La Propiedad Privada de los Medios de Producción y Acabar Con La OTAN y las Plataformas de Cualquier del Otro imperialistas. Los Que Apoyan el punto de la OIT Utilidad en el Hecho De Que Dentro of this organization Diversas Normas y respectivos reglamentos estan Escritos Con El Fin de Guiar el buen FUNCIONAMIENTO de la Actividad laboral.
Sin embargo, PARECE Que se olvidan de Que las Normas y respectivos reglamentos Escritos y aprobados Por La OIT hijo Solo Un Teórico Orientación Que los gobiernos no estan obligados a cumplir estafadores contradictorio CUANDO AÚN ratificado mar Por Ambás, COMO SE Puede ver estafa El asesinato de los Sindicalistas Colombianos, los Accidentes de la Industria de como los ocurridos en Bangla Desh en 2013, y Los restos de minería Sucedió en Turquia baño 2014. hijo ESTAS reglas Solo Una instancia de parte de los AEE Leyes, Constituciones Y Declaraciones (incluyendo la Declaracion de los Derechos Humanos), Destinados a la Ampliación y tranquilizar el Capitalismo COMO Económico Sistema de las Naciones Unidas y Político Que, Como La Esclavitud, ESTA Obligado una Desaparecer.
Continúa FSM do lucha Por La Mejora de las Normas y respectivos reglamentos emanados de la OIT, Pero Con POCA Confianza En El Como punto de partida desde dónde son los cantantes de Podemos PONER FIN A la Explotación del hombre Por el hombre. Es here Donde las Grandes Diferencias Entre la Conciencia de Clase del sindicalismo de la Federación Sindical Mundial y la conciliadora sindicalismo de Clases practicada Por Las mentiras de La CSI. Confederación Esta, la CSI, REALMENTE Confiar y Tener Confianza en la Utilidad y de la OIT en el Que Papel desempeña. En Realidad, sí utiliza la OIT Como un Medio párr asegurar y Continuar estafa do sindicalismo de clase- La Colaboración Que se està Perdiendo Trabajadores y el Apoyo popular. (article de Ver Quim Boix "¿QUE ES HOY LA CSI?")
Hay Verdadera Democracia Dentro de la OIT, Segun la CSI ha Ocupado los Puestos designados el 25% de los delegados a Los sindicatos ( Con La Excepción de la ONU Puesto Designado párr La Primera Vez Que los sindicatos chinos en el Año 2014). Por Eso las Decisiones adoptadas Por La OIT hijo solo "buenas Palabras" párr los sindicatos Que PARTICIPAN en la Lucha de Clases. MI PROPUESTA DE TRABAJO A LA OIT: Sobre la base de las ideas de las mencionadas anteriormente, mi propuesta de Trabajo de la OIT (Una propuesta Que Dębe Ser discutido de Manera colectiva) Es el siguiente: 1) Un Cambio profundo en el Lenguaje utilizado Por La OIT lo Por Que da una cola lo TODO Su Nombre real din del Concepto de "Lucha de Clases" y denunciando el BSG de Nuevos de Términos párrafo disfrazar Otros Conceptos cuentos de Como "explotador", Convertido en "empresario" "sindicalista" y, Convertido en "trabajador ". 2) Tomando SUS Normas y respectivos reglamentos Con El Fin de demostrar Que No Se cumplen en el los paises capitalistas. 3) El USO de de plataformas párr Difundir las Ideas de la OIT apoyadas Por La FSM Con El Fin de ampliar El Número de sindicatos Recién sí dedican a la Lucha de Clases. 4) INMENSA Económicos en Beneficio de los Trabajadores en Lugar de la Ampliación y Obtener Una instancia de parte de los Recursos de la OIT. Mantenimiento del Sistema Capitalista y do EDAD real de Explotación impuesta a la Humanidad Entera ENFOQUE Y CADA Sugerencia enriquecer this propuesta Sera Bienvenida. Quim Boix secretario General de la UIS (Internacional de Sindicatos) de Pensionistas y Jubilados -. Miembro del la Federación Sindical Mundial http : // = Idioma es? ANEXO 2.- INFORME SOBRE EL VIAJE DEL SECRETARIO GENERAL DE LA UIS A ATENAS Por la mañana del 19 de junio 2014 , Entre sí celebro Una Reunión en la sede del PAME el Presidente y el secretario General de la UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados, camaradas Dimos Koubouris y Quim Boix. Camarada Palmos Panagiotis (Miembro de la Comision Técnica y de Investigación de Nuestra UIS) y Otros compañeros de la Dirección del PAME (Pensionistas y Jubilados) Also estuvieron presentes en la reunión. Un Resumen de los Diferentes Elementos Que aparecen en el ANEXO 2.1. Durante La Tarde, desde las 17.00 horas a las 21.00 Horas, Una Acción reivindicativa SE LLEVO Por Pensionistas y Jubilados de Toda Grecia (ver ANEXO 2.2., INCLUYE Que el Resumen de Por lo Informado el camarada Dimos Koubouris y en el ANEXO 2.3. el emitido Discurso Por Quim Boix un 20,000 personajes presentes en el Evento). ANEXO 2.1.- Resumen de los Puntos Tratados en La Reunión del secretario de la FSM UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados Atenas Presidente y General, 19 de junio 2014 1) Felicitar a Nosotros Mismos Por El Hecho de Ser Capaz de discutir Nuestras preocupaciones Mutuas de COMO Máximos Representantes de la UIS. Vamos a Seguir haciéndolo Tantas Veces COMO necesitemos en el Futuro. 2) PreparAR las DIRECTRICES DEL Por UIS 'su Participación en el Día de la Lucha Internacionalista convocada Por La Federación Sindical Mundial, Que se celebrará el prximo 3 de octubre. ESTAS DIRECTRICES DEL sí Harán Constar En Un Documento Que se firmará Por Dimos Koumpouris de Como Presidente de la UIS y Por el cinco Vicepresidentes Regionales. 3) Para La Puesta en Marcha camarada Dimos el Seguimiento de la Realidad RELATIVAS AL our UIS en Europa. This sede ubicada en Atenas. tarea en sí llevará a cabo la de la estafa Ayuda de la FSM 4) Comience un PreparAR La Reunión de Liderazgo colectivo del IEU Que se celebrará en Bahrein el prximo marzo 2015 En Esta Reunión debemos saldo no HACER de la DESARROLLADO Durante el trabajo de imprimación Año de UIS 'existente y he aquí Por Tanto colocar las Propuestas Para El Próximo Año Con La aprobacion de los Horarios de Trabajo de los Diferentes secretarios y de la Comision Técnica y de Investigación. 5) Pregunte camarada Palmos Panagiotis párrafo coordinar El Trabajo A por realizar el. Comision Técnica y de Investigación 6) Recordar a: Todas las Organizaciones adheridas a la UIS la Necesidad de cumplir - Durante El Presente 2014 -. estafar article 48 de Nuestro reglamento y HACER SUS Contribuciones Monetarias A Las Finanzas centrales de la UIS Por El Momento, SÓLO DOS Contribuciones sí Han Hecho, los de Jubiqué (España), Que contribuirá Con Una Asignación anual de 700 €, y de PAME (Grecia) CON UNA aportacion De 2.000 € al Año. 7) PreparAR ONU expediente en los Pensionistas Y Jubilados Realidades 'Todo El Mundo, SUS Demandas Y Luchas.


ANEXO 2.2.-
Atenas, 24 de junio 2014
A la Secretaría de la Federación Mundial de Pensionistas y Jubilados, Quim Boix,
Informe Sobre la acción de los Pensionistas en Grecia
Desde Principios del 2014, una causa de los Principales Problemas en el Acceso Público Salud Pública, reformas nos podemos deducir de pensiones y AUMENTO de los Impuestos Que Deben Pagar los jubilados en Grecia; . Organizaciones de jubilados de han Organizado y planeado MUCHOS Eventos Importantes en: Todas Las Capitales De Las Diferentes Regiones del País
Para El Exito de Los Eventos, sí llevaron a Cabo Una serie de Actividades:
sí celebraron -Asociación Reuniones en: Todas las Regiones del País, la de la estafa Participación Exitosa y la de la estafa Asistencia de algunos Miembros de la Administración
de materiales -Agitating FUE Elaborado y Distribuido a: Todas las Asociaciones, el material Que proporciona Información Sobre La Situacion De Los Jubilados Y Que estableció de el Marco Para La Lucha contra el los Problemas de Salud, Entre Otros
-La mayoria de Las Organizaciones mantuvo Reuniones, Desarrollo de plan de la ONU de Acción en cada en Por región Diferentes Vías; materiales de Agitación Entrega en Los Bancos , en la Agencia Para La Gestión de Programas y Subvenciones Para Los Ancianos, en los Hospitales y Centros de Salud y en Todos Los Lugares Donde sí reunen el los jubilados
-ES Varias áreas, Asociaciones de jubilados realiza Acciones de Agitación en Colaboración Con Los Comités Populares y Also Con Los sindicatos.
Tiempo Mismo-Al, Varios sindicatos de han beneficiado of this ACCION ONU de la estafa AUMENTO de Los Nuevos Miembros.
150 Principales Organizaciones De El los jubilados es 40 Ciudades participaron en ESTAS Actividades, En El Que el material de informativo en sí distribuyó la de la estafa Participación de millas De Pensionistas.
El 30 de junio de 2014, sí celebro Una Reunión de la Administración Central de la Federación de Jubilados y Pensionistas Organizaciones, reconociendo los Resultados Positivos of this Trabajo y Decidir Que la Demostración de Pensionistas Nacionales sí organizaría en Atenas contra Los Nuevos reformas nos podemos deducir en Sanidad. Medidas y Las Nuevas contra los Trabajadores de la Syetem Seguridad Social y Pensiones, Esta Vez Con La Participación de los sindicatos
La Manifestación FUE no SÓLO Organizan un nacional Nivel: las Organizaciones de jubilados Also Organizan Actividades de Agitación y propaganda Durante 45 Días.
y Reuniones las Manifestaciones fuerón organizadas en Todo el País y los Materiales de Agitación sí distribuyeron (Folletos y Carteles), aire debates Organizados baño los Lugares de Reunión; Y DIVERSAS Acciones de Asociaciones de jubilados fuerón desarrollados párr permitir la confluencia Organizada de Los Pensionistas baño Atenas.
La Manifestación, Que se celebro en la ciudad de thecapital del País, FUE novedades de uno de los mas Importantes de LOS ULTIMOS Jahr: La Que asistieron Cerca De 20.000 Personas Que Llegaron. Athens de Toda Grecia Por tierra, mar y aire
en la Manifestación, Miembros de la Federación Mundial de Pensionistas y Jubilados estuvieron presentes e intervinieron :. do secretario General, Quim Boix y Su Presidente, Dimos Koubouris, Entre Otros
Despues, la ONU Gran Marcha Hacia el de Parlamento SE REUNE y Una Resolución Dirigida a Todos los Partidos Políticos en el de Parlamento griego FUE entregado, partís TODO EXCEPTO el fascista Amanecer Dorado; y Una Representación de la Manifestación ha teñido Una Reunión Con El Primer Ministro.
La Actividad de las Organizaciones de jubilados en Grecia Continuará en Colaboración Con El Movimiento sindical.
Saludos Fraternales estafadores,
Dimos Koubouris

ANEXO 2.3.-
Amigos y camaradas, Pensionistas Jubilados y: Hablo Como secretario general de la Organización Mundial existente Hoy de Pensionistas y Jubilados. La Clase Sindical Internacional Que: hemos Creado en la ciudad de Barcelona, ​​el Pasado febrero, la de la estafa Presencia de Organizaciones de jubilados en los 5 Continentes, incluyendo el PAME. El secretario general de de la paz y la Reconciliación en el PAME. Camarada Koubouris Dimos, Que esta al Lado de Mí, FUE electo En Este Congreso de Como Presidente de this nueva Organización Internacional. Ellos reciben un saludo de la lucha y la solidaridad de las Decenas de Millones de PyR ESTAMOS Organizados en sindicatos y Asociaciones de Clase de Todo El Mundo. Somos instancia de parte de la Federación Sindical Mundial. Hoy en Día el 20% de la Humanidad, Que es de UNOS 1.500 Millones de Personas en el planeta, Es Un jubilado o Tener las Condiciones párrafo Ser el. Ergo, Tiene Más de 60 Jahr, aunque los gobiernos anti-imperialistas en countries de como Bolivia, this Condición y los Derechos Legales correspondientes sí obtienen unos los 55 Jahr, Los Hombres y las Mujeres de EDAD 49 Madres de 3 o Más Hijos. Ellos Also Deberian Tener Derecho a Una pensión Pública, permitiendo a la Gente a Vivir con Dignidad, Que Por Accidente o Enfermedad profesional, no pueden ejercer do profesion habitual. Y this direction derecho no envíale ESTAR condicionada Por Año trabajado, Cuando Es El Capitalismo el Que crea Desempleo y evita Que El Trabajo Que DeSean. El Derecho a las Pensiones Públicas Que empezamos estafa Décadas de Clase y Laborales Luchas Que Ahora Que Queremos transmitir un ELIMINAR las Pensiones Privadas Seran Difíciles de conseguir Por los Jóvenes de Hoy y Solo beneficiará a los Grandes Bancos y Sus partidarios, de como el sindicalismo, la Conciliación de Clases, practicado Por La CSI, la CSI y la CES, la Confederación Europea de Sindicatos. El Capitalismo nos dificultan o impiden this direction derecho. Asi Que Los Lideres del FMI afirman Que los Pensionistas Viven MUCHOS Jahr, Ya No Somos Productivos. El Ministro de Trabajo de Japón, Lo Que Refleja La voluntad de Las Multinacionales capitalistas, ha Llegado un Recomendar, en la Televisión Pública, El Suicidio (haraquiri le Llaman Alli) Los jubilados. No Socios de heno. Los Pensionistas no van a Suicidio CoMeter, o Grecia, o Europa, ni El Mundo. Vamos a Seguir Luchando Por Nuestros Derechos justos . Luchamos Por Un Público de pensiones Que permita una Cada País Una Vida Digna, Una Vida en La Que consiguio el agua y la comida sana, Una Vivienda adecuada, la Salud Pública y la Calidad, y Una Atención adecuada en FUNCIÓN de Nuestra EDAD y Realidades. El Dinero en el Planeta Tierra, Más Que Suficiente párr asegurar Que: Todas las Personas Mayores de 60 Jahr TIENEN UNA Pensión Estatal Suficiente párr Vivir con Dignidad. Recordemos de Que las 85 Personas Más Ricas del Mundo de han monopolizado La Misma Riqueza Que 3.500 Millones de Personas Mas Pobres, es Decir, 85 personajes Son Más Ricos Que La Mitad de la Humanidad, o DICHO de Otra Forma, Cada uña de ESTAS 85 las Personas es Mas rico de Que 41 Millones de Personas de juntas. Eso es el Capitalismo y la INJUSTICIA consustancial, y permanecerán ASI Hasta Que destruyamos Nuestra Lucha COMO Pensionistas, Junto A Toda La Clase Obrera. La acción de hoy, ASI COMO aquellos Que se Han Realizado y sí realiza es de Todos los Países del Mundo, mostrar Nuestra Capacidad Para Ganar this batalla. Solo Quiero Recordar Que: hemos ganado Grandes Pensionistas de batalla. Me refiero a La Que Gano el Pensionistas y Jubilados Ecuador, Hace apenas 10 años, contra el Fondo Monetario Internacional. This gran organization del Capitalismo reduciría a la Mitad de las Pensiones Públicas. mundial El Primer Ministro de Ecuador, Lucio Gutiérrez, una continuacion, Como un lacayo de los Grandes Negocios, acepto la propuesta, Pero No Pudo llevarlo a cabo; . no Pudo Hacerlo debido a la lucha Enorme Que organizó el los jubilados Pensionistas Y Murio 20 Pensionistas en la huelga de Hambre Impresionante DESARROLLADO, Pero las Propuestas del FMI no fuerón derrotados y Mataron a millas De Pensionistas de han muerto, si La Mitad de las Pensiones Públicas. Pensionistas, al Lado de la Clase Obrera, de La Que somos instancia de parte, va de A Ganar Muchas Más Batallas . Con our Antigüedad y Experiencia de lucha vamos a Ayudar a Destruir el Capitalismo, Que Es El gran flagelo de la Humanidad. EXISTE Ya, en Dakar, Senegal, UN museo de los horrores de la Esclavitud. Más pronto Que Tarde La construcción del museo de los horrores del Capitalismo, Qué párr Las Generaciones Futura No Se repiten las Experiencias de Explotación del hombre Por El hombre, el saqueo de los Recursos Naturales, o de Número entero Genocidio (Afganistán, Irak, Libia pueblos y Ahora tratan de Siria y Ucrania ) en Beneficio De Los capitalistas Multinacionales. La Unidad y la lucha de la Clase Obrera y las Luchas de como la de hoy, cne aseguramos de ESTAS victorias. PENSIONISTAS Y jubilados no dejarán de Luchar Por Un Solo Día de Nuestras Vidas. Tenga la Seguridad de Que Vamos A Destruir el Capitalismo y Construir Una sociedad socialista. Un mundo pecado Trabajadores es imposible. Un mundo pecado patrones explotadores es Posible y Necesario. Este Nuevo Mundo, el socialismo, de Todos Hara Que suceda. assistance FSM nos. VIVA LA CLASE OBRERA ! VIVA AL internacionalismo proletario! VIVA AL PAME! VIVA A LA FSM! Atenas, 19 de junio de 2014 secretario general de Quim Boix FSM Consejo Presidencial de la UIS (Unión Internacional) Pensionistas y Jubilados (P & R) de la Federación Sindical Mundial

La Reunion sí utilizó párrafo Informar Con Todo detalle en el congreso celebrado al secretario general de la Federación Sindical Mundial en Barcelona, ​​el Pasado febrero 2014, ASI COMO Sobre las Actividades en Curso ACTUALMENTE Realizado por la UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados en Cada Continente. La Partida Mas Importante sí Centro en los Preparativos de la Presencia og la UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados en el Día de la Lucha Internacionalista, Que se celebrará el 3 de octubre convocada Por La Federación Sindical Mundial.
La Réunion Sirviö Also párr analizar La Realidad del comercio español. del sindicalista ESTO Ante, del tanto Quim Boix y Valentín Pacho coincidieron en la importancia de PROMOVER la Presencia de la FSM en España. Quim Boix sí comprometió a Tomar las Medidas necesarias En Este SENTIDO, continuando Con las Actividades Que ha Venido desarrollando desde abril de 2011, nombrado CUANDO el Miembro del Consejo Presidencial de la FSM.

El Fin de Obtener Una Mejor Comprensión de la Realidad del Movimiento Sindical Mundial Hoy, él analizado los Documentos de forman Tercer Congreso de la CSI, Que se cele en Berlín 18-23 de mayonesa. 2014
Los Documentos del Congreso sí pueden ENCONTRAR en el cuatro idiomas en el site web: (from this site Que él Seleccionado ocho Que Textos ESCRIBIENDO Estoy Que he aquí Muestra here).
web En Su Sitio, escriben: "La CSI Representa unos 176 Millones de Trabajadores en 161 Países y Territorios y Cuenta Con 325 Afiliadas Nacionales." Este numero, embargo de pecado, es pecado duda FALSO (inclusó en el Congreso sí redujo publicamente unos 170 Millones de Dólares). EJEMPLO Por, los sindicatos estadounidenses Afiliadas a la CSI de han admitido Perdidas Importantes en sus Información Miembros (MAS tercio de las Naciones Unidas). This Puede Ser La Razón Por La CSI, en do Congreso de Berlín, sí ha fijado el Objetivo de Llegar A 27 Millones de Nuevos Miembros.
Otro dato, obtenido de la USB (Unioni Sindacale di Base) de Italia, Asi Como de los Líderes de la CSI en Ginebra, es la gran loss de Miembros de la CGIL, la Histórica Confederación de Sindicatos del italiano Que se pueden comparar a la CC.OO. españoles, los Cuales de han abandonado SUS POSICIONES de el clase y sí transformaron en Colaboración de Clases centrales Sindicales. Hoy en DIA, la Mayoría de los Miembros de la CGIL hijo de P & R (Pensionistas y Jubilados) debido una Que los Trabajadores Activos Han Dejado la organization. Mantiene el los pensionados y jubilados, debido a la Normativa italiana Que Establece Que los pensionados y jubilados Que Ser Miembro de las Naciones Unidas sindicato "ADMINISTRA Que el Pago de la pensión", y este "Reconocimiento" por el Estado burgués es en Realidad SÓLO SE ADMINISTRA a la CGIL y no el USB.
Este Colapso de la afiliacion va de la mano ONU de la estafa Colapso alcalde de Sus Cargos Sindicales. MIENTRAS II Congreso de la CSI (Vancouver, Canadá, junio de 2010) FUE presidida Por Representantes del FMI y la OMC, en el Tercer Congreso el Discurso inaugural pronunciado FUE Por el Genocidio Alemán y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores a favor de la OTAN. of this Manera, la CSI, Una Vez Más Muestra do dependencia del Poder burgués Que esta financiando ella.
Teniendo en Cuenta La Gran CANTIDAD de Dinero Que recibe de la CSI del Aparato Estatal burgués, COMO ASI el Colapso de Miembros (Lo Que Conduce SUS Organizaciones españolas, CC .OO y UGT, párr despedir a cientos de Empleados asalariados, y, recientemente Más, Decenas de abogados en Do Oficina Jurídica de Barcelona), es SÓLO el Financiamiento "externo", Que permite comprender el Tipo de Congreso Que se ha celebrado. parecia Que el Congreso de Una Empresa Capitalista multinacional Con Todo el lujo Que lo Rodea. . Las Imágenes Que sí pueden ver en do site web lo demuestran
en sus Información en documentos, Que Una Vez Más utilizan la fraseología Preferido Por El Capitalismo financiarlo: "Agentes sociales" en Lugar de "Clases sociales", "paz en Siria" en Lugar de "la OTAN Genocidio "," trabajo decente "en Lugar de" PONER FIN A la Explotación del hombre Por El hombre ", y Mucho Más de lo Mismo.
Es Evidente Que No Tienen Ninguna Otra Opción Que fingir Que defienden a los Trabajadores para, Pero sí olvidan rápidamente Sobre los asesinatos colectivos constituída Por los Grandes Accidentes de Trabajo. Ahora SÓLO Hacen Hincapié en el de Turquia, debido una cola ya consideran el de Bangladesh heno Que resolutor Que Con El pacto Que firmaron COMO CSI, CON EMPRESAS Las Multinacionales textiles, pacto de la ONU Que ESTOS ULTIMOS no cumplen.
todavia estan a favor de Pactos Sociales, COMO La que se menciona en Bangladesh, Que se reproducen en los countries where pueden traicionar los Trabajadores asalariados. Este es, EJEMPLO POR, el Caso de la CC.OO. español, Que firma pactos de despido en contra de la Voluntad de la asamblea de los Trabajadores PANRICO Que han del Estado en huelga indefinida Durante ocho Meses Con El Fin de defensor SUS Derechos Laborales.
In capitalistas SUS Criticas de los gobiernos, utilizan Terminología de Como "han Fracasado "con el de fin de confundir a los Trabajadores para. This es la gran confusión ideológica de la CSI, es Decir, Trabajando en Conjunto Con La Gestión Con El Fin de Crear confusión ideológica en la Clase Obrera. No de han fracasado, Que Han Hecho lo Que el Interesado capital de gran, y es ideológicamente Absurda De Que la CSI Tiene fe en el G-20 y Otras Plataformas del Capitalismo, de como envíale verso mundial en los Textos de los Líderes de Este tema de Confederación y Señal, y Also in La Plataforma de Colaboración Entre la CSI y el G20 (lo Llaman del Trabajo 20 - L20)
Entre SUS Resoluciones de Sus congresos, PODEMOS Destacar el Apoyo a la OTAN en Ucrania, el Enfoque Sobre los Cambios Climáticos (des Analiza Que el tema de el Movimiento Sindical de Clase en Una Manera Diferente de la Colaboración de Clases), o Propuestas Sobre de Como mejorar la Economía Mundial "Capitalista" con "ideas", de como el Segundo Plan Marshall párr Europa, Qué es La Apuesta de la instancia de parte europea de la CSI (el presidente de la CES y secretario general de CC.OO de, Fernández Toxo, considera Que es la Salvación Para Los Trabajadores CUANDO, En Realidad, es uña de las Posibles Acciones de un Ser Tomadas Por El aire capitales gran El Fin de Seguir logrando Grandes ganancias).
Otra de Las "estrellas", una Quien Los Lideres de la CSI utilizan en los debates Durante do Tercer Congreso, FUE el ideólogo del gran capital Sony Kapoor del think-tank internacional Re-define (Una Empresa de vanguardia en los Consejos Locales A los capitalistas) Con El Fin de demostrar Que Que no Quieren PONER FIN A la Explotación del Capitalismo. esta "estrella" Defiende Una Vez Mas los Fondos Privados de Pensiones de como los Grandes Paquetes De Capitales CAPACES de Liderar la Secretaría de Economía (DIJO textualmente: "ESTOS Fondos Deben Ser invertidos baño Infraestructura, el Dinero Dębe Ser Invertido Extremo envian a la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa Empresas "). Se Trata de HACER Lo Que CC.OO. ESTA Haciendo en España, es Decir, Tomar Para El Dinero de las Pensiones de los Trabajadores Por Lo Que los capitalistas pueden utilizar párr Invertir.
Su Falta de Presencia en las Luchas de Clase reales les ha Llevado una Destacar COMO "Líderes del Mundo real Movimiento sindical" Jugadores de fútbol, ​​taxistas y Trabajadores a domicilio Que No Podemos explotados hijo Negar , una Excepción de la Famosa y el fútbol millonario Jugador Que se le dio Una Plataforma.
Resumiendo: que Congreso de la ONU no reconoce Las bases, los Miembros De Las Empresas, de la los sindicatos Que "esta al mando" en CSI (Como En El CC.OO.). No ha habido Ninguna Discusión de los Documentos del Congreso de Entre Las bases, los antes de NI, no despues del Congreso. Y A Pesar of this made ​​observable (pregunte una de Cualquier del Líder de la CSI intermedia Lo Que eL o ella SABE de Este Tercer Congreso!), CSI llama a Sí Misma Organización Democrática Más Importante del Mundo.
Pero las mentiras del siempre sí descubren, Mas Temprano Que Tarde. El Movimiento Masivo del sindicalismo amarillo, Que CSI repre y Organiza, párrafo el sindicalismo de Clase Organizado Por La WTUF Sera Poco a Poco sí consolida. La LLEGADA Masiva de los Miembros de la USB en Italia Es Un EJEMPLO de ESTO.
El Futuro Pertenece al sindicalismo de Clase. Un mundo pecado Trabajadores es imposible MIENTRAS Que pecado Mundo ONU Explotación de Los empleadores es Posible y Necesario.
junio 2014
Quim Boix

1.-Despues de leer el Informe Sobre las Resoluciones aprobadas En El Congreso Fundacional de la UIS de Pensionistas y Jubilados adherido a la Federación Sindical Mundial, el los compañeros Miembros de la Organización Colombiana de Pensionados (OCP) deciden INICIAR de Inmediato Una campana de afiliacion Entre Todos los Sectores de Actividades de Trabajo Como La Mayoría de Sus Miembros provienen de la zona educativa, MIENTRAS Que Muy Pocos de Ellos procedentes provienen de los Servicios de Salud, las Comunicaciones, el Transporte y Las Fábricas de cemento. Also comprobé Que, aunque OTROS heno pensioners'organizations, Estós sí encuentran DISPERSOS y pecado NINGUN Vínculo Con Los los Sindicatos existentes. Por Eso del los compañeros OCP ven la Necesidad urgente de REUNIR el alcalde, Número de Pensionistas de Como Posible mar . Bajo las banderas de la solidaridad y de la revolución, de como las Organizaciones mencionadas centraron SUS Actividades Principalmente en los Eventos Sociales
2.-Esta Reunión Also FUE Útil párrafo UNIR los Pensionistas de Todos los Sectores Que trabajan en Todo el País representados Y. Por: Trabajadores de cementeras Ibagué-; Servicios Bancarios Tolima-; Bogotá- Comunicaciones; Profesores Boyacá; Cartagena- Salud y Comunicaciones; ; Los maestros de Santa Marta-; Militares Bogota- aire; Profesores Bogota-; Contadores Bogotá-; Coordinación Bogotá-FSM de.
3.-En Esencia, el RESULTADO generales de la visita ha Sido Muy Útil para mi, ya Que él aprendido de el los compañeros de Como SUS necesidades hijo Iguales a los de Todos los Pensionistas jubilados y. In ESTO, me gustaria señalar el Hecho De Que A Pesar de hectáreas Retirado, los Todovia camaradas Que Tienen Pagar des PORCENTAJE de Sus Salarios Con El Fin de Obtener Acceso a los Servicios de Salud. Increíble y PARECE COMO reales, ESTO SÓLO Florerias ocurrir Despues De Las Recetas neoliberales.
4.-Es Sorprendente la escasa Presencia de las Mujeres en las Organizaciones de Base; . Estan Bajo-en Represento Also EL LIDERAZGO nacional . de Se Hizo ONU Llamado A Trabajar Por La inclusión de las Mujeres en la lucha Por las claims, y Demandas de Los Pensionistas Jubilados Y
Martha Hervas


JUNE 2014 Communication nº4

GENERAL SECRETARIAT Communication number 4. June 2014
Comrades, I give an explanation of everything realized from the COMMUNICATION number 3:
A) WORK OF THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT (GS).- 1. It was stimulated to that in the Day of May 1 there was presence of the pensioners in the actions, but information of the realized was not received specifically. Mainly, the pensioners took part inside the general actions without showing the specific vindications.
2. It has carried on demanding in the face of the bureaucracy of the ILO to be recognized as TUI, and we obtain the first response three months after our first letter. They do not accept our participation in the 103 Conference for a bureaucratic problem of period (according to their bureaucratic periods, we had to warn them before our Fundational Congress). We will insist until the last day of the 103 Conference, and if they do not agree we will denounce it (On June 2, I will be received, as General Secretary of the TUI, in the offices of the ILO). I attach in ANNEX 1 the definitive text to be spread in the ILO, after gathering the amendment suggested by the comrade of India, belonging to the executive direction of the TUI, VAN Namboodiri (The text is available in 6 languages: Spanish, French, English, Russian, Arab and Portuguese). Wide circulation is requested.
3. There have been received the Labor Union's Curricula of the comrades, in the following order: Quim Boix, D Gopalakrishnan, Alain Rodriguez, VAN Namboodiri, ROUANI Djamel and Miguel Guerrero. It is required to other members of the direction of pensioner's section of TUI that they send personal ly his Curricula in 3 languages, if being possible: French, English and Spanish, to be spread.
4. On May 16 there was received a response of the union USB of Italy. They agree to designate a comrade to accomplish with what we agree in the Congress of Barcelona, but given their important task of reorganization as union (due to an important growth in affiliation) we will not have their defined response up to after next summer.
5. The General Secretariat has sent and redistributed the most important information that the headquarters of the WFTU spreads. This help must not diminish the regular consultation of the web of the WFTU on the part of the leaders of the pensioners of TUI.
1. There has received and redistributed plenty of information about union fights of the pensioners in various continents: Greece, Argentina, India, Cyprus, Australia, etc.
2. There has been received, from the Vice President of the TUI for America, a detailed information of her stay in Havana on the occasion of the first of May, and of the meetings and contacts there realized to prepare the First Congress of America of the pensioners of TUI.
3. In Catalonia - one of the Spanish Autonomus Regions -, the pensioners's CSU did on May 22 the public presentation of the agreements of the First Congress of the TUI of pensioners, and also of the contents of the speech prepared to be spread in the 103 Conference of the ILO. Again, there was not achieved that the bourgeois press was echoing the WFTU. Our class enemy controls thoroughly the mass media in the capitalism.
4. The Secretariat of Propaganda has realized an important work of translations of Spanish to the French language; it have allowed to spread texts in the web of the WFTU. Our letter of congratulation to the good work of the comrade Alain Rodriguez.
5. The comrade Jose Maria Lucas, person in charge of the Secretariat of Finance, has elaborated a plan of work, attached as ANNEX 2, which all we, the members of the direction, must study to be able to contribute our amendments and suggestions.
6. The comrade Alain Rodriguez, responsible of the Secretariat of Propaganda, already presented on May 5 his plan of work, attached as ANNEX 3, which already was be sent to all the members of the direction of the TUI. This proposal , as that of finance (and those that must beeing coming from other responsibles), must be studied to be able to contribute our amendments and suggestions.
I speak on behalf of the hundreds of millions of Pensioners and Retirees that there are today in the World. An important part of them are organized in class trade-unions or specific associations that consider Capitalism as the great enemy of Humanity.
I will not expand on demonstrating this feature of Capitalism, but I assure you that a Museum of Horrors of capitalism could be built within a few decades. Horrors that should not be reproduced, just as the horrors of slavery, which should not be
reproduced. Capitalism is three things at once: 1) the current slavery because is involves the exploitation of people (in order to steal them the surplus value generated by their work, as the texts of Karl Marx explain well), 2) the plundering of the riches of the countries that do not belong to NATO (which is the new colonizer world army), and 3 ) it is the stimulus of the most unsupportive values of people (pro-capitalists think that succeeding in life means to sink or destroy the opponents).
In Dakar, Senegal, we can find a Museum of Horrors of Slavery. Sooner rather than later (as Salvador Allende said), there will be a Museum of Horrors of capitalism in which the names of many rulers and many entrepreneurs will appear, so never again decisions like the ones they have taken or are taking (an example of this are the events that took place in the textile in Bangladesh a year ago) are repeated.
Taking into account what I have just said, I will explain the reality of Pensioners and Retired. Both collectives, which sometimes merge into one, receive a payment (private or public) to compensate for their inability to work, whether it is caused by disease, accident or age. It's a great right of people that should soon be included in the category of Universal Human Right.
Nearly a 20% of the 7 billion people who live today on planet Earth can be classified as pensioners or retired, although this condition is not recognized to a very high percentage of them.
The lack of recognition is due to three causes: 1 ) non-acceptance of many diseases as partially or completely disabling for work; 2) many cases of accidental injury (a major part comes from industrial accidents, which by the way employers do not want to prevent as they consider that spending money on prevention decreases their selfish benefits) are not recognized as generators of the right to a pension; and 3 ) there are many countries where a retirement age has not yet been set, an age that should provide the right to live without working (regardless of the fact of having payed contributions, understanding that those who have been involuntarily unemployed in their working lives should not pay another penalty with a decrease of the rights to a decent pension that enables them to live).
From Canada to Spain, passing through Asia and other places, we are hearing that there is no money to pay pensions, that the reserves or funds created for this purpose will be exhausted by the increase of the life expectancy and other arguments.
Those who say this, usually rulers or representatives of financial multinationals (like the IMF), do find money to continue increasing, year after year, their astronomical salaries, their personal pensions and the military expenditures or other items in the public budgets that create (apart from enormous private benefits) destruction and death instead of welfare for the people.
On planet Earth there is also plenty of money. Publicly known figures show that 85 individuals on the planet, who would fit in a small corner of this room, have more money than more than half of the inhabitants of the world, more money than 3,5 billion people. I.e., each one of these 85 richest people has the average equivalent in wealth than 41 million of poor people. Yes, you have well understood, one alone and individually has more than 41 million people.
It is a simple problem of unfair distribution of wealth. I have not said wrong distribution because it is a distribution that the capitalist system itself is interested in perpetuating.
Therefore it is clear that there is money and that there is another possible way to distribute it.
The Pensioners and Retirees of the world claim that this fair distribution of wealth is made soon. Not only because most of us have fewer years of life ahead than the young people today, but also because we believe that people with age have an additional contribution to make to society, our experience and accumulated wisdom.
The history of mankind is full of evidence that the so called elderly are a key element to the continuation of the human species, they have been and remain being the most respected people in many cultures.
It has to be ensured that these people, Pensioners and Retired (disposable under capitalism for being unproductive), can have a decent life, i.e., a life in which the following is guaranteed: drinking water, food, housing, health, continuity in the intellectual training, leisure and transport in their living environment. Today these elements are not guaranteed for many, more than half of the world population in general, and even less for the elderly. Therefore, the WFTU has placed these demands in its Internationalist Day for Coordinated Global Action (held on October 3rd each year).
The Trade Union International of Pensioners and Retired, of which I was elected Secretary General at the World Congress held in Barcelona last February, attended by delegates from the 5 continents, demands the universalization of the right to a public pension which allows a decent life with the abovementioned basic needs covered from the age of 60.
We do not endorse what the representative of the ILO in those territories said publicly in Senegal, at a seminar for trade union training. Verbatim, without blushing, she said that the elderly do not need to have a pension as the ancestral African solidarity ensures that the children and grandchildren will take care of the grandparents.
The right to non-dependency from family or anyone is a basic right that we can claim today as an individual right for all inhabitants of the planet.
This is right that I, on behalf of the only existing global organization of Pensioners and Retired today, demand here for members of this group from all over the World.
Quim Boix CP, Presidential Council of WFTU
General Secretary of TUI of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R)
Work plan proposal to the finance of the TUI of pensioners and retirees
Pending of collective approval
As notified in the previous informative release, through the present proposal this Secretary will try to establish a collective project for general and individual finance in order to make us capable of fulfill our solidary responsibilities to the WFTU while at the same time we create the financial framework to cope with the further development of any project from the TUI through its Director´s board, its different Secretaries and its working teams. For that, we propose the following General Objectives, its particular and complementary aspects and the possible way to enforce it. The scheduled time table for that should be those marked by the Congress mandate. Obviously, periodical information will be released through all our publications on the progress of this working plan to make us able to the development of our trade unionist and political aim.
It may be enforced the payment of contributions and fees by all collective bodies and trade unions of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees according to its criteria and possibilities, as stated in our previous release and approved at the Congress. We proceed, as a reminder, to repeat those contents:
Article 47: Assets of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees is formed by its present resources, donations and legacies as well as those to be acquired in the future while in its term till the next Congress. Therefore, it will be part of these assets all fund collected through fees by those adhered and friendly organizations, and also those coming from legal donations made in its favor, along with archives and documents related to the working and investigation areas.
Article 48: Those organizations members of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees will contribute with an ordinary fee for each person affiliated. Contributions will be made from a flexible basis and taking on account the daily realities of each trade union. Different fees have been fixed, according to the financial strength of each trade union, as follows: 2USD (yearly fee) from those trade unions based in North America, Western Europe, Australia, Persian Gulf and Japan; 1USD (yearly fee) from those trade unions based in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia and Pacific, and Half a USD (yearly fee) from those trade unions based in countries from Latin America, Caribbean and Africa.
To reach this basic and vital aim this Secretary may be duly provided of accurate information on the membership´s numbers at each organization regardless of is size: local, regional or national. So, we may be able to work under strict criteria concerning income and expenses and therefore issued proposals for help and betterment on every level.
● We may be able to create a minimum but useful asset to our TUI of Pensioners and Retirees made from real estate and patrimonial assets. We should not be in a hurry on this matter, but
looking for studying each possible option as the cession for use as local headquarters. Concerning this point, any information on the possibility of access to any premises that may be used as a trade union office should be forwarded to this Secretary to be analyzed from a financial point of view. Only those matters on financial issues approved on a collective basis by the board of directors and other official bodies of the TUI will be in charge of this Secretary. Neither a trade union or an organization would be entitled to make any financial claim unless previously decided and approved by the bodies elected during our first Congress.
● We must help to create a permanent net of any kind of donators for the TUI, being “any kind of donators” only those people and organizations with a background for honesty and class consciousness principles that may be able to help our organization in any way. It may be clearly understood that this Secretary is wide open to receive any kind of information and suggestions on this matter and about this concept and criteria. A general proposal will be issued on the procedure to collect those altruistic contributions.
● As to reinforce the previous proposals for the financing of our unionist activities we may point to two other different ways: asking for public funds from governments and public institutions as long as the granting of these funds doesn´t mean any kind of agreement to may risk or compromise our critical points of view and most of all our trade union´s policies. Other way could lie on the mutual assistance among our organizations to provide its members with programs for cultural and economical inter-change on a personal and collective basis so we may be able to get both cultural advantages as well as some contributions to a better afford of our activities.
● This Secretary propose classic activities very well known by all of us by its previous outcome, but at the same time we understand that current changes in the productive forces, in technology as well as in all areas of human knowledge bring us wider opportunities to act in the field of Financing to be added to our assists on personal creativity and general experience. For this reason, any financial proposal related to a better funding of our organization will be thoroughly taken into account by this Secretary.
Among all this activities we may put our attention in the making of several publishing and propaganda materials that could be sold and therefore produce some kind of financial benefits (materials always provided with a trade unionist contents).
Signed by: José María Lucas Ranz, in charge of the Finance Secretary of the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees.
AN NEX 3. -
Work schedule for the secretary for propaganda:
Alain Rodriguez
Do a press release to various newspapers to introduce them to the new TUI P&R.
Send out a letter to the CGT and the FSU organisations, to the trade unions, the local unions, and to the district unions to introduce them to the new TUI.
Writing and distribution of a pamphlet during the pensioners’ demonstration on June 3rd 2014 in Paris.
Send a brotherly salute from the TUI P&R to the TUI Transport congress in September 2014
Inform about the firms’ actions in the different countries in order to let the working class of the other countries know.
Send out messages of support to trade union organisations struggling around the world.
Spread the information concerning the event organised by the WFTU on October 3rd 2014.
Introduce people to the demands of the TUI P&R

MAY 2014. Communication nº3

SECRETARIO GENERAL, desbloqueo interno,
número 3ª. 05 2014.
. Por medio de la presente declaración Quiero informar a todos ustedes sobre el trabajo llevado a cabo desde la declaración anterior (número 2)
1.-Un texto fue enviado a la Unión RMT comercio en el Reino Unido con nuestras expresiones de condolencia por la tarde paso del camarada Bob Crow. Este texto (en Inglés) está disponible en nuestro sitio web).
2.-A propuesta de la Secretaría de Finanzas fue recibida el 11 de abril de 2014, y posteriormente remitido (en cuatro idiomas) con el fin de liquidar los honorarios ya sus respectivas necesarias para las actividades del día a día de la TUI. (Ver nuestro sitio web).
3.-Colocación de contenido en nuestro sitio web está actualmente en curso. Sin embargo, queda mucho trabajo aún no se ha hecho.
4.-Una carta firmada por el Presidente y el Secretario General se centró en una primera propuesta de trabajo fue enviado a los miembros de la Comisión Técnica y de Investigación. (Ver en nuestro sitio web).
5.-Una carta firmada por el Presidente y el Secretario General se centró en una primera propuesta de trabajo fue enviado a los responsables de las distintas Secretarías. (Ver en nuestro sitio web).
6.-Una carta firmada por el Presidente y el Secretario General fue enviado a los Vicepresidentes de TUI. Como primera propuesta de trabajo, esta carta se centra en la celebración del Congreso Regional durante el próximo año, 2015, aprobado durante el Congreso celebrado en Barcelona. (Ver en nuestro sitio web).
7.-Se celebró una primera reunión entre el Secretario a cargo de Propaganda, el compañero Alain Rodríguez, y el Secretario General de Barcelona (12/04/2014). Varios puntos relativos a los criterios de trabajo para esta Secretaría, junto con una carta de información se discutieron en esta reunión. Esos artículos serán una parte importante para ser incluido en una propuesta de trabajo o cronograma de trabajo para ser lanzado por Alain Rodríguez.
8.-Varios esfuerzos se han llevado a cabo antes de la OIT a fin de lograr un tratamiento adecuado y correcto a la nueva forma TUI este organismo internacional. Sin embargo, por el momento no hemos recibido aún las respuestas que necesitamos. Conferencia 103ª próxima publicación de la OIT será una gran oportunidad para nosotros para tomar nuevas paradas en esta dirección. Secretario General de la TUI tomará parte de esta Conferencia como un importante medio para aumentar los contactos con otros sindicatos, por lo que estos pueden ayudar al desarrollo de lo que se indica en el punto Lumber 6. como anexo 1 adjuntamos el texto que el general Secretario trataría de leer durante la Conferencia. 9.-De acuerdo con el arreglo hecho por el congreso celebrado en Barcelona y respondiendo a la manzana hecha por el Secretario General, nuestros compañeros de Senegal, sindicales URS, han nombrado a su líder, Ibrahima Sene, como miembro de la Comisión Técnica. 10.-Una respuesta positiva se ha recibido del SNAPESTALGER sindical argelino a la propuesta de añadir uno de sus miembros a la secretaría de la TUI para los pensionistas y jubilados. Así, camarada Rouani Djamel, veterano sindicalista que ha organizado previamente los pensionistas argelinos, se convierte en uno de los dos secretarios de la Comisión de Control de Finanzas. 11.-Hemos recibido la respuesta por parte de los sindicatos de Asia para completar nuestra Secretaría con un sindicalista que ser parte de la Comisión de Control de Finanzas. Camarada Haji Muhammad Saeed, de la Federación del Trabajo de Pakistán (PLF), será nombrado para este cargo. Como Secretario General Tengo ponerse en contacto con estos tres compañeros para que puedan continuar con sus tareas. 12.-Después de la frase dura y completamente injusta aprobada por los tribunales griegos contra los trabajadores del acero griegos en huelga, un miembro de la CSU de la TUI en España propuso una declaración de solidaridad que se envió el 13 de abril de 2014.
Cualquier futura declaración de solidaridad que pueden ser propuestos por cualquier miembro de nuestro consejo será enviado - con las modificaciones adecuadas - por el Secretario General y posteriormente se dará a conocer en varios idiomas. 13.-El 21 de abril de 2014 una respuesta del camarada Mohan Bahadur, vicepresidente de Asia, fue recibido. Estamos en contacto con él. 14.-El 28 de abril de 2014 se celebró una primera reunión virtual entre el Presidente de la TUI, camarada Dimos Koumpouris, y el secretario general, gracias a los esfuerzos realizados por el PAME con la colaboración de un intérprete. ANEXO 2 contiene un resumen de las conclusiones de esta reunión. 15.-Se hizo un llamamiento por el Secretario General a participar en las manifestaciones 01 de mayo identificados como los pensionistas y jubilados. Actualmente estamos a la espera de informes sobre este tema. 16.-Una nueva web de la FSM en seis idiomas (Inglés, español, francés, árabe, ruso y portugués) han sido iniciados a partir del 1 de mayo. Usted puede encontrar información sobre la TUI en
1.- gracias camarada Dimos Koumpouris, Presidente de la UIS, para su trabajo (véanse los puntos 4,5, y 6, sección A).
2.-Ver los puntos 2 y 7 Sección A.
3.-Numerosas actividades se han llevado a cabo por el compañero Martha Hervás con el fin de lograr el mayor éxito en su reuniones celebradas en La Habana como una forma de allanar el camino a la preparación del Primer Congreso Americano de Sindicatos consciente Clase de pensionistas y jubilados.
4.-El camarada Dimos Koumpouris, Presidente de la TUI, está actualmente preparando una carta que contiene varias instrucciones para la participación de la TUI de pensionistas y jubilados de la Acción Mundial Día de la FSM, que se celebrará el 3 de octubre de 2014, 69 aniversario de la fundación WFTU's.
5.-En Francia, los pensionistas y jubilados vinculados con el Frente Clase Unionista voluntad liberar el 3 de junio un panfleto llamando a la fortalecida de la FSM. Varias acciones en defensa de las pensiones públicas y en contra de las nuevas medidas anunciadas por el gobierno socialdemócrata con el fin de cumplir con las instrucciones del FMI y la UE se han programado para esta fecha.
6.-pensionistas y jubilados miembros del PAME han llamado a una gran manifestación en la que para exigir derechos adecuados para ellos. Secretario General de la UIS ha sido invitado a participar en esta acción.
7.-Los pensionistas y jubilados de Argentina han tomado medidas durante 1,150 miércoles (una lucha de 22 años) para los siguientes objetivos: "a) Una nueva Ley Precaución social que incluye (entre otras cosas) las pensiones de hasta el 82% del salario percibido por un trabajador activo; b) No hay pensiones de jubilación en el marco del Salario Mínimo, c) siendo esta no menos de 1.000 pesos argentinos, ahora !, con una más al día en todas las categorías profesionales; d) Creación de la Junta Nacional de Precaución Social que será dirigida y administrada por los representantes elegidos por los trabajadores activos y jubilados y con la participación del Estado.
Discurso a la Conferencia 103ª ILO's de los Pensionistas y Jubilados:
hablo en nombre de los cientos de millones de pensionados y jubilados que hay hoy en el mundo. Una parte importante de ellos se organizan en clase sindicatos o asociaciones específicas que consideran el capitalismo como el gran enemigo de la Humanidad.
No me extenderé en la demostración de esta característica del capitalismo, pero te aseguro que un museo de los horrores del capitalismo podría construirse dentro de unas décadas. Horrores que no deben ser reproducidos, así como los horrores de la esclavitud, que no deben ser reproducidos. El capitalismo es cuatro cosas a la vez: 1) la esclavitud actual porque es implique la explotación de la gente (con el fin de robar la plusvalía generada por su trabajo, como los textos de Karl Marx explican bien), 2) el saqueo de las riquezas de los países que no pertenecen a la OTAN (que es el nuevo ejército mundo colonizador), 3) es el estímulo de los valores más insolidarios de personas (pro-capitalistas piensan que tener éxito en la vida significa para hundir o destruir a los oponentes), y 4) el continuo aumento de las desigualdades sociales confirmar la injusticia interna de este sistema económico realmente experimentando una profunda crisis estructural.
En Dakar, Senegal, podemos encontrar un museo de los horrores de la esclavitud. Más temprano que tarde (como dijo Salvador Allende), habrá un museo de los horrores del capitalismo en el que aparecerán los nombres de muchos gobernantes y muchos empresarios, por lo que nunca más decisiones como las que se han adoptado o se están tomando (un ejemplo de esto son los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en la industria textil en Bangladesh hace un año) se repiten.
Teniendo en cuenta lo que acabo de decir, voy a explicar la realidad de Pensionistas y Jubilados. Ambos colectivos, que a veces se funden en uno, reciben un pago (privado o público) para compensar su incapacidad para trabajar, si es causada por una enfermedad,
accidente o edad. Es un gran derecho de las personas que dentro de poco se debe incluir en la categoría de universal Derecho Humano.
Casi un 20% de los 7 mil millones de personas que viven hoy en el planeta Tierra puede ser clasificado como pensionistas o jubilados, aunque esta condición no se reconoce a un . muy alto porcentaje de ellos
la falta de reconocimiento se debe a tres causas: 1) la no aceptación de muchas enfermedades como parcial o totalmente incapacitante para el trabajo; 2) muchos casos de lesiones accidentales (una parte importante proviene de los accidentes de trabajo, que por cierto los empleadores no quieren prevenir, ya que consideran que gastar dinero en la prevención disminuye sus beneficios egoístas) no son reconocidos como generadores del derecho a una pensión ; y 3) hay muchos países en los que la edad de jubilación aún no se ha establecido, una edad que debería proporcionar el derecho a vivir sin trabajar (sin tener en cuenta el hecho de haber pagado las contribuciones, la comprensión de que aquellos que han sido involuntariamente desempleados en la vida laboral no debe pagar otra multa con una reducción de los derechos a una pensión digna que les permita vivir).
De Canada a España, pasando por Asia y otros lugares, estamos escuchando que no hay dinero para pagar las pensiones, que las reservas o fondos creados para este fin se agotarán por el aumento de la esperanza de vida y otros argumentos.
Los que dicen esto, generalmente los gobernantes o representantes de las multinacionales financieras (como el FMI), lo hacen encontrar dinero para continuar aumentando, año tras año, su astronómica los salarios, las pensiones personales y los gastos militares u otros elementos en los presupuestos públicos que crean (aparte de enormes beneficios privados) la destrucción y la muerte en lugar de bienestar para el pueblo.
En el planeta Tierra también hay un montón de dinero. Figuras públicamente conocidas muestran que 85 individuos en el planeta, que cabrían en un pequeño rincón de esta sala, tienen más dinero que más de la mitad de los habitantes del mundo, más dinero que 3,5 millones de personas. Es decir, cada una de estas 85 personas más ricas tiene el equivalente promedio de la riqueza de 41 millones de personas pobres. Sí, has entendido bien, uno solo y tiene individualmente más de 41 millones de personas.
Es un simple problema de la injusta distribución de la riqueza. Yo no he dicho distribución equivocada porque es una distribución que el sistema capitalista en sí está interesado en perpetuar.
Por lo tanto es claro que no hay dinero y que hay otra forma posible para distribuirla.
Los Pensionados y Jubilados del mundo afirman que este justa distribución de la riqueza se hace pronto. No sólo porque la mayoría de nosotros tenemos un menor número de años de vida por delante que los jóvenes de hoy, sino también porque creemos que las personas con edad tienen una contribución adicional a hacer a la sociedad, nuestra experiencia y sabiduría acumulada.
La historia de la humanidad está llena de pruebas que el llamado ancianos son un elemento clave para la continuación de la especie humana, que han sido y siguen siendo siendo las personas más respetadas en muchas culturas.
Tiene que asegurarse de que estas personas, Pensionistas y Jubilados (desechable bajo el capitalismo por ser improductivos ), puede tener una vida digna, es decir, una vida en la que la siguiente está garantizada: el agua, los alimentos, la vivienda, la salud, la continuidad potable en la formación intelectual, el ocio y el transporte en su entorno de vida. Hoy en día estos elementos no están garantizados para muchos, más de la mitad de la población mundial en general, y menos aún para las personas mayores. Por lo tanto, la FSM ha puesto estas demandas en su Día Internacionalista de acción global coordinada (que tuvo lugar el 3 de octubre de cada año).
El Sindicato Internacional de Pensionistas y Jubilados, de la cual fui elegido Secretario General en el Congreso Mundial celebrado en Barcelona en febrero pasado , a la que asistieron delegados de los 5 continentes, exige la universalización del derecho a la pensión pública que permite una vida digna con las necesidades básicas antes mencionadas cubiertos desde la edad de 60.
Nosotros no respaldamos lo que el representante de la OIT en esos territorios, dijo públicamente en Senegal, en un seminario para la formación sindical. Verbatim, sin sonrojarse, dijo que los ancianos no necesitan tener una pensión como la solidaridad africana ancestral asegura que los hijos y nietos se hará cargo de los abuelos.
El derecho a la no-dependencia de la familia o cualquier persona es un derecho básico que podemos afirmar hoy en día como un derecho individual para todos los habitantes del planeta.
Esto es justo que yo, en nombre de la única organización global existente de Pensionistas y Jubilados de hoy, la demanda de aquí a los miembros de este grupo de todo el mundo. ANEXO 2 - CONCLUSIONES DEL ENCUENTRO VIRTUAL ENTRE EL PRESIDENTE Y SECRETARIO GENERAL DE LA TUI P & R de la FSM. En 14/04/28, por teléfono, con la ayuda del traductor, el camarada Amilcar Oikonomou. En primer lugar, gracias a la iniciativa de una reunión de este tipo (y los medios para configurarlo) por el camarada presidente, Dimos Koumpouris de PAME. Contactos como éstos y este método nos ayudarán a mejorar el trabajo colectivo. ACUERDA: 1) Que el Presidente de la UIS, camarada Koumpouris Dimos, escrito en 3 idiomas (Inglés, francés y español) a principios de junio, una carta firmada por el 5 personas también vicepresidente de la TUI, diseñado para estimular la presencia de la paz y la reconciliación en acciones el 3 de octubre, Día Internacional de Acción y Lucha convocada por la Federación Sindical Mundial. Esta carta le dará pautas para el TUI P & R está presente apoyando específicamente las acciones emprendidas por los sindicatos de clase en todo el mundo durante este día internacional.
2) Que P & R PAME invita al Secretario General de la TUI, el camarada Quim Boix, a participar en el acción sindical y la lucha que planea P & R Grecia el 25 de junio 3) Que vamos a utilizar este tiempo en Atenas por el Secretario General de la UIS P & R para tener una larga reunión con el Presidente de la UIS. No se revisarán los trabajos del equipo de dirección de la UIS después de que el Congreso de Barcelona. Por ello, pedimos a todos los miembros de la TUI para dar respuestas, antes del 20 de junio de 2014, a las cuestiones que les afectan planteadas en Comunicaciones 1, 2 y 3 se ha enviado por la Secretaría General. 4) Debido a su facilidad en la comunicación con el Secretario General de la FSM, George Mavrikos camarada, camarada Dimos Koumpouris asume ser el contacto directo entre P & R TUI y la FSM para todos los intercambios que se trate. 5) Compañero Presidente presentará oportunamente su opinión con respecto a los dos últimos documentos enviados por la Secretaría General (la posible intervención ante la OIT, y el lanzamiento de las finanzas de la TUI P & R). 6) Que debemos hacer intercambios como éste todas las veces posibles y necesarios.

APRIL 2014 - Comunication nº 2

General Secretariat, Communication No. 2,
April 2014



Remember what was said in nº 1:

<< The contents of any number of "COMMUNICATION" may always be corrected by the members of the collective leadership elected at the founding congress.
These will always be complementary to the contents of the website of the UIS communications:   >>

The web pages other than Spanish are not much updated.
We will post links to all the webs of P&R class organizations on the planet. Please, send these links.


I pay all accounts made since COMMUNICATION nº 1:

A)      Work of the General Secretariat (SG). -

1 -. The SG has directly contacted each and every one of the people in the management team. I have received replies from all of them except Comrade Bahadur Mohan, Vice-President of Asia. I asked for help about the Secretariat of the WFTU.
The SG has asked members of the Technical Commission of Inquiry to begin their task.

. 2 - The SG asks for suggestions regarding events in the corresponding UIS to send greetings as P &R. For example, Congress of TUI Transport planned for September 2014.
This encompasses in particular the Secretariat of Propaganda, but anyone of the management team can propose a statement signed by the SG, or collectively. The best way to go about is to produce a draft text in at least one of the 3 languages, better the 3, we use to make our communications.

. 3 – I propose that the Public documents produced are signed by the President and SG.

. 4 - I keep stressing the need for translators: I ask people to propose translators in French, English and Spanish.
We need communication between all people who compose the collective leadership, AND THAT IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH SPEECH TRANSLATORS.

. 5 - We have to start putting dates to activities that affect us all.
For example, we already have the date of 3 October as World Day of FSM, this year 2014 focused on the fight against unemployment. P&R supports that there will be fewer people out of work if we win the battle to lower the age of retirement (with all rights) of persons working.
We also know that in March 2015 the group meeting will address the UIS P & R in Bahrain. We can specify the days until we know the date of the Presidential Council of the WFTU provided in Gabon (Africa) beginning the year.
These dates should be considered when dates for regional continental Congresses are set.

6 -I enclose my Sindical CV (Curriculum Vitae) for the knowledge of the other members of the management of TUI P & R. See ANNEX 1. -
I take this opportunity to ask all people who are part of TUI commandment to write (in 3 languages) your Union CV.
If there are no arguments against CV, I will post these on the website of the UIS.

. 7 - I open a collective reflection about the gifts that are sometimes given at meetings or congresses. I ask for opinions. All arguments are in ANNEX 2. –

. 8 - Communicate the FSC of France has already decided the comrade Alain Rodriguez to assume the Secretariat of Propaganda. Our best wishes for this companion in his new job. On April 12 Alain Rodriguez will be meeting Quim Boix.

9 -. I ask to send all the interventions made on 4, 5 and 6 February at the Barcelona Congress. See APPENDIX 3 -. Already videos of the speeches made the 4-2-14, the only ones recorded, are starting to be on the web.

10 -. Presence ILO. It corresponds to us as UIS P & R, being a global organization, to have an intervention at the conference that takes place each year in Geneva in early June. I have asked the WFTU Secretariat guidelines covering the efforts we make to be recognized for these rights (the FSM representatives must be always supported by the ILO).

11 -. Public presentation of the results of the founding congress of the TUI P&R WFTU. We keep making them (I know this was done in Ecuador, Australia, France, India and Spain), but with more advertising and intensity. Our Congress in Barcelona was a global event the bourgeoisie has silenced, but we have to make it known to the whole working class, while getting support to develop the agreements reached in Congress.

B)      Work of other members of management. -

. 1 - The SG has not yet received the Work Plans of the following Vice Presidents: Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Yes it has received the first plan of work of the Vice-President for America, the companion Martha Hervas of Ecuador: traveling to Havana the 1st May for meetings there. TRY TO CONTACT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER of UNIONS of all America. Also, begin preparations for the Congress to decide how to work on this continent as UIS P & R.

. 2 - None of the Secretariats has filed a Plan of Work. We know that some are being prepared.

3 -. I DEMAND that starting from the month of May, every 2 months, each responsible for a task sends a bimonthly report of the work done and place their proposals for the next two months. The person responsible of the first report should have it before May 1.

4 -. Pending to appoint the remaining two people, union leaders, which should accompany Comrade Costas Skarparis at the Committee on Financial Control. The proposal is one from Algeria and one from Pakistan.

5 - Also we expect to know this March the collective decisions of the USB unions of Italy and Senegal, to confirm their proposed presence in management teams.

6 -. Remember that we have a number of completed surveys (11 in Spanish, 11 in English and 8 in French), but we are concerned that more countries might answer. So I start asking members of the UIS to worry about answering the survey for your country (we are missing a few) and ALSO the neighbouring countries or influence.

7 - I ask the Technical and Research Commission to start working on the study of all the surveys we have.

Barcelona, April 2014.

Quim Boix
WFTU Presidential Council
Secretary General of the UIS (Union International)
Pensioners and Retired (H & J) of the FSM
Sant Joan Pg 176 5-3, 08037 Barcelona, Spain.
0034 609547814 (only for urgent matters)

NOTE -.I've put pending issues in red.

Quim Boix i Lluch. Born in 1945. Industrial Engineer degree from the High Technical College of Industrial Engineering, Barcelona 1970.

I was born to a couple of elementary school teachers. Mi father was dismissed by Franco´s dictatorship for being loyal to the Republic.

I joined the students´ struggle in 1963; in 1964 I joined the political struggle.

In 1963 I was appointed student´s delegate of the Engineers´ College of Barcelona in clear opposition to the dictatorship official student´s trade union. In 1965 I was appointed representative by thousands of engineering students on a regional basis in order to establish the Student´s Democratic Trade Union at the Barcelona University (SDEUB).

The opening sessions for this trade union opposed to the dictatorship were held  in a catholic monastery in Barcelona (taking advantage of the meeting right granted to Catholics by the Concordat signed between the Vatican and the Spanish government). After this meeting I was arrested and brutally tortured by the dictatorship´s police. These tortures were the origin of the first demonstration by progressive priest at the streets of Barcelona (12-5-1965). Consequently I was expelled from the University for three years that I spent in jail and in an army garrison in the Sahara´s wilderness, where I was confined as a private after being dismissed of my rank at the University´s Militia, starting my term of service again.

After those three years I went back to the university while I made my living doing various jobs. I was just married then and had my first son, born with some anomalies due to the shock produced by my arrest and subsequent tortures to my wife (Michèle Le Falchier, dead in 2007) when she was pregnant. 
After my degree I started to work as a computers engineer. In 1970 I was fired, I went to labor court (the first engineer in doing so during the dictatorship) but lost the case. Afterwards I went to work in the textile industry just to be fired again due to my activities as a trade unionist. I went to work for a metal International corporation, Boveri-Oerlikon (BBO). There I was appointed as head of the computers´ department for Spain till I was democratically elected as the workers´ spokesman in order to fight for the new collective regulations. I was fired again, as the company considered that those two activities were not compatible. As a result, the workers went to general strike the day I was called by the Judie of the Labor´s Court and sang The International in my support. A partially positive sentence was passed to my right to be under contract again as an engineer, so I had to appeal to the Madrid´s Supreme Court, turned to be unemployed  during the following four years, while I was waiting for a new sentence to be passed.

During these years I worked as a volunteer without salary for the trade union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) – actually I received my wages as social benefits to the unemployed before CCOO signed with the government the agreement focused in deep cuts on social benefits in terms of the money received by the unemployed worker as well as cuts on the terms and conditions of these benefits. During the firt part of this four years period I was the second in charge of the CCOO organization´s branch in Catalonia, and afterwards I worked for the trade union´s Secretary as responsible of Professional Technicians and cadres (TPCs) apart from being elected member of the Executive Council of CCOO when Marcelino Camacho was its General Secretary and second responsible for TPCs on a national basis.

At this post I traveled very oftenly to France, Italy and Portugal to keep in contact with the class conscious trade unions of these countries.

After losing before the Highest Court (it happened in 1980; in spite of the political changes operated in the country after Franco´s death, nothing had changed concerning the bourgeoisie´s hegemony over the Justice system) I went to work from a private company to a state-owned enterprise, where I was appointed Engineer for the municipality of a small town near Barcelona: Montcada i Reixac.
During my working life I have been fired eight times, arrested 11 times and tortured in several occasions. I have been judged twice by the dictatorship´s court known as Public Order Court (Tribunal de Orden Público / TOP) that followed the fascist’s war tribunals. I was sentenced twice to serve time, six months each that I did in different jails.

I joined the Communist Party in 1964, taking part in all kind of responsibilities. In 1981 I was spokesman for those at the Party opposed to the EuroCommunism who won, on a democratic basis, the 5º Congress (in spite of the trying’s by Santiago Carrillo to avoid it). This was the first Congress legally held by the Catalan Communist of the PSUC. My last political task (prior to my current political responsibility as member of the Guarantees Commission of the PCPE) was as responsible of International Affairs of the Communist Party of the Spanish Peoples (PCPE). I held this post during 18 years till 2009; frome then on I continued my work helping the further FSM´s development.

At 65, being the highest union representative in the company I worked for, I became a pensioner thus funding the CSU (Unitary Trade Union) of Pensioners and Retirees of which I´m currently President.
I was responsible of the Solidarity Commission with the Political Prisoners during Franco´s dictatorship (at this time I got in contact for the first time with the FSM, as the Spanish workers and political prisoners received a huge support from this organization. I was founder member of four local associations in Barcelona – my town. I also took part in other several platforms of unitary concern as the “Xarxa Contra els Tancaments, l’Atur i la Precarietat” (“social net against cuts, closures and precariousness) that set the first stages to coordinate the alternative and class conscious trade unionism in Catalonia – opposed to the collaborating trade unionism of CCOO and UGT.

In 2005, in Havana, Cuba, I took part in the XV Congress of the FSM as Spanish Observer and as a representative of the class conscious trade unionism opposed to the collaborationist trade unionism developed by CCOO (at this point we must point out that CCOO left the FSM at the end of XX century in spite of the help it received from the FSM during Franco´s dictatorship).

I represented the FSM in several international activities of solidarity and support to the Sahara during three consecutive years (EUCOCO). I was also present at the congress of UGTSARIO in the liberated territories of Tinduf and also ar the International Conference RANSA 2009 (High Level meeting for Food Security) held in Madrid. I took part in several meetings held in Europe by the FSM as wwell as in several international trade union´s seminaries.

At the XVI Congress of the FSM (held in April 2011) I was elected member of its Presidential Council. At this Congress I pointed, on behalf of the CSU of pensioners and retirees of the Spanish state, to the necessity to organize the International of Trade Unions of pensioners and retirees (UIS number 10) of the FSM. George Mavrikos took note of this proposal to appear in the conclusions approved by the 16th Congress.

For that reason I was called during the 16ª congress to the first International of pensioners and retirees along with the other pensioners that were also delegates in the Congress. Afterwards I was elected as President of the Committee in charge of preparations of the First World Congress of Trade Unions of pensioners and retirees attached to the FSM. (see: )..

During two years we prepared this great event that took place in Barcelona in February 2014. At this Congress I was unanimously elected as General Secretary of the new International of pensioners and retirees at the FSM.

Barcelona, March 2014.


Reflections on gifts.

I want to start by explaining that in Barcelona in February 2014, in the Founding Congress of the TUI PyJ WFTU, I, as SG, received the following gifts: a) clothes from India (of the two delegations), b) a book of Cyprus, c) a bottle of liquor of Greece; d) 2 wooden objects Nepal e) 6 watches from Bahrain f) cigars, cigarettes and poster from Cuba, and probably forgot some (I apologize).
I THANK those who made each of the gifts. Given the dynamics of Congress I did not personally thank anyone (eg Bahraini comrades gave me watches while I was driving the car falling almost asleep -bringing them to search the flight back to their country).
I know the gifts were also received by other delegates and leaders of the new UIS. In several cases the deliveries were made in public, always with the aim of showing appreciation.
Some also received personal gifts, not everybody (it was not possible for the 60 that made militant and voluntary), comrades who helped the organization and functioning of Congress. I know some cases, certainly not all.
It is a good habit of mankind, dating back to the origins of the history, centuries and millennia, the exchange of gifts. And specially when there are meetings or international events.
Gifts are a token of friendship and leave a good memory in people receiving and satisfaction corresponding to the attention received by the person who has traveled to another country and delivered the gift.
So far no problem.
Reflection concerning the open gifts that do not have collective use.
If the gift is for an organization or group, this organization decides what to do with the gift: expose at its headquarters, place it in the library, etc..
The problem is, for me as Secretary-General, when the gift is only for personal use (like some of the gifts received during the Congress of Barcelona).
Also, in these cases there is usually not enough presents (it may be too expensive) so that you can give one to each delegation or person present.
Then the gifts accumulate in the person with greater collective responsibility. And, again, if these are gifts for personal use, an unfairness or inequality appears. And the class unions fight for equality.
Surely the intention of whom makes the gift is not to create inequality or to embarrass the gift recipient.
But I, as a recipient of some of those gifts (I mean gifts I cannot share), it does still feel uncomfortable, two months after the Congress why I promote this reflection:
I think this is the crux of the problem.
So I open reflection on our UIS, and before resolving between us the conclusion, I present my proposal.
MY PROPOSAL is clear:
a)      The real gift that makes each delegation attending a meeting in another country is their presence at the meeting. They must pay the trip.
b)      If you want to leave a souvenir, it should always be something for public use, either as an exhibit at the headquarters of the organization which organized the meeting, either for consumption of all (ie, it must bring enough). This is, a copy for each person present (probably so expensive that my proposal becomes deterrent and will conclude not carrying any gifts or wearing a simple logo or small object, as Congressmen of various delegations did at Barcelona).
c)      We advise then not to carry gifts for personal use, given exclusively to one or several of the leaders, but for all the people present.




Very patiently we are try to place on the web all the interventions performed on February 4th, 2014 in Barcelona during the Public Opening of the Congress in which the new International of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retirees of the FSM was launched.

At this moment we can only place the videos of the interventions made at the Engineers College, as these are the ones we have recorded. We regret that as it has been impossible to separate the images previously recorded of those taken during the interventions and those that appeared on the stage screen. All these elements gave continuity to everyone at the opening act, but now it could happen that sometimes the images doesn´t correspond with what the speaker says. We apologize to all of you.

The work of placing one by one the interventions on the web takes a long time and once again is due to the voluntary effort of the person in charge of the web. For this reason, interventions will gradually appear in the web´s place of the language used by the speaker (therefore, al interventions will appear in the Spanish section of the web, as this was the only language to which all of them were translated during the act).
At this point, we want to ask you to please forward by e.mail and if possible in one of the three official languages of the Congress: French, English and Spanish, all the interventions performed during the meetings held in Barcelona.

It is possible that those who intervened without a previously written text don´t have a printed copy of what they said, however we can accept similar texts on a five minutes basis. Although those text wouldn´t be an exact copy of what was said it is obvious that they will carry the basic ideas exposed at the Congress.

As it will take five years till our second Congress, this documents will take part of the historical documents of the new International of Trade Unions.

Thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding.


CV (Curricula Vitarum)


Ficheros adjuntos: 






From the TUI of Pensioners and Retirees of the World Trade Union Federation we want to express our deep and total condemn on the hideous attacks performed in Paris last Friday.

We also want to express our solidarity with the victims and their families, as well as with the French working class and people.

These criminal actions are a new episode in the World scenario of violence brought by international imperialism in its will to take over the planet´s resources.

With this aim it uses war, as did the colonizers hundreds of years ago. It is the same criminal aim (once again disguised in theoretically noble principles) with the same objectives, to take all useful resources from the peoples just to give them away to those who hold power on an anti-democratic basis.

First and Second World Wars (the latter known by some of our most veteran TUI´s leaders) were also useful for capitalism in order to re-organize its control over world´s economy.

Those who suffer the outcome and consequences of all wars are the people and the working class.

As an immediate answer, France´s President, Hollande, a social-democratic and imperialist leader, has increased again the bombings over the Syrian people (something that the French government he has been doing for the last five years). With this movement, imperialism has taken a step forward that could pave the way to the Third World War. An unequal war in which some uses conventional armies while others wage a resistance movement through guerrilla warfare as it did in the past. Once again, as it happened many times before, religious are being used to fanatize the so called “warriors”.
First and Second World Wars (the latter known by some of our most veteran TUI´s leaders) were also useful for capitalism in order to re-organize its control over world´s economy.

Neither of them defends the people´s and working class´ will that want and need peace. A peace without exploited and exploiters. A peace that will be possible only when we put an end to capitalism and its armed force: the imperialist NATO.

It is also clear that all of these episodes will be used by the bourgeoisie, as ruling class in most of the countries, to take further steps in its aim to strengthen its dictatorial and neo fascist ways used to gain a bigger control over the working class that, in spite of all, will take them out of power. 

In recent years American and European imperialists governments, and especially the French government itself, have been given financial and military support to the reactionary, Islamic forces in an attempt to bring a new balance on the situation in North Africa and the Middle East, so they can put in power friendly governments to ensure the taking of region´s riches and resources. Gas and petrol recently discovered in Syria are the reason behind its interest in this country.

Consequences of this and other imperialist aggressions can be seen every day: thousands of dead in Syria and other countries; factories, infrastructures and hospitals destroyed by the NATO (as it was recently the case with the Doctors without Border´s hospital in Afghanistan); and thousands of refugees that must face the unfair walls of Fortress Europe.

We want to make an appeal to the French working class, along with the International working class, not to let themselves be manipulated and deceived and not to act as accomplices to legitimate those behind this actions. This terrorist´s acts try to manipulate working class´ conscience in order to make them support new actions against their interest. Meanwhile, imperialist leaders design from its comfortable offices new wars. The peoples and the working class put the death toll and act as accomplices unless they are coordinated by anti-capitalist organizations.

Workers and peoples must advance in their struggle against imperialist wars and aggressions.

Working class and peoples must organize their daily struggle to end with capitalism as a first step to the disappearance of NATO and imperialism.

This is the only way so the peoples may regain sovereignty while the working class (the only one who produce richness) will be able to decide future and peaceful way for Humanity.

Barcelona (Spanish state), November 16th, 2015.




Quim Boix

General Secretary of International of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retirees of the World Trade Union Organization.

MARCH 2014 - Communication no. 1


General Secretariat, Communication No. 1,

March 2014






This will be a way of relating to all of you who will try to make each month, in 3 languages.

In these communications, which shall be numbered for ease, I include both the work of the General Secretariat and the Presidency, for each and every one of the members of the collective leadership.

Its contents can always be corrected by the contributions of the members of the collective leadership elected at the Founding Congress.

These will always be complementary to the contents of the website of the UIS communications:




By the way we have responsibles for the content of the web in several languages:

Arab, Bahrain ALBA union.

Castilian or Spanish, the Spanish PyJ CSU Union.

Catalan, Spanish COS Union.

Basque, Spanish LAB Union.

Greek  PAME Union.

English, the AIBDPA Union from India.

We shall therefore ask other unions to take a day to keep the site in the language they use most. Any suggestions or offers will be well received. Languages without assignment, ​​for the moment, are: French, Galician-Portuguese, Italian and Russian.




This first number is used to account for everything done since we parted from Barcelona to end our very successful Congress.

As ANNEX A) I put the Assessment of the results of the Barcelona Congress. We have written this text between the President and the General Secretariat (SG). Now all members of the Collective Leadership can complete it. With the contributions we will make it public on the web, in a week.

At the end of the document attached as Annex A), at ANNEX 5, a summary of the resolutions adopted at the First Meeting by the collective direction elected at the foundational Congress of the P & R UIS from the WFTU.


Work of the General Secretariat (SG). -

The first task has been incorporating the documents of the amendments and contributions submitted by delegates (takes into account also the written submissions of the delegates who could not be present at the Congress).

The second task has been to get the translations to the 3 official languages ​​of the conference: English, French and Spanish (Castilian). This task has been delayed several weeks. We will need more people to do translations (from anywhere on the planet via email). Proposal: ask for translators.

The SG has sent to all Management Members the documents approved by Congress: Laws, Political & Syndical Issues and 6 Resolutions.

The SG has also sent the resolutions of the Presidential Council of the WSF (Rome, 14th-15th/2/14) and his personal involvement in the meeting.

The SG has asked each of the Management Team to prepare a work plan for the issues which he is responsible for. As they are made they ​​will be announced to the other members of the collective leadership.

Work of other members of management. -

SG has received reports that 5 Vice-Presidents are beginning to develop their tasks, aiming to convene (in one year) 5 corresponding Regional Congresses.

On the web, in multiple languages, you can see the work of trade unions in Asia (India), Oceania (Australia), America (Ecuador), etc.

We will be placing on the web all the information to prove the activity by various organizations.

I know several people responsible for different Secretaries are already preparing its Plan of Work.

It remains to name the two people, union leaders, which should accompany Comrade Costas Skarparis in the Committee on Financial Control.

We also hope to know this March the collective decisions of the FSC of France, the USB of Italy, and the trade unions in Senegal, to confirm the proposed presence in management teams chosen people of these countries.


Barcelona, ​​March 2014.


Quim Boix

WFTU Presidential Council

Secretary General of the UIS (Union International)

Pensioners and Retired (P & R) of the WFTU

Sant Joan Pg 176 5-3, 08037 Barcelona, ​​Spain.

0034 609547814 (only for urgent matters)


NOTE -I've put on red unresolved issues.







We intend to put this collective opinion on the website of the new WFTU TUI R&P.


We believe that we have had an important Congress in which have strengthened the class struggle of the entire WFTU, a large global organization, the only one that struggles against capitalism as a union, supported by nearly 90 million workers in 280 unions in 120 countries worldwide.

We also accomplished one of the resolutions of the 16th WFTU Congress (held in April 2011 in Athens): organizing R&P worldwide to achieve the universal right to a decent state pension (which allows to live with dignity, ie providing water, food, housing, health, leisure, culture and age-appropriate care: all of these to be garanteed by goverments).

There's enough money on Earth to do so, especially if we end imperialism and its military expenditure, if we end the right of exploitation of man by man (which is the current slavery imposed by the capitalist system), and if wealth is distributed so that the fact of today's reality in which 85 people (the richest of the World) have equal wealth than the poorest 3.500 million people remains a unique historical anecdote.

On the TUI website ( ), which is in 10 languages so far, we'll upload the Congress interventions: from the openins session (on behalf of the Preparatory Committee) the greeting by the WFTU Secretariat, the video sent by George Mavrikos as WFTU Sec Gen., the adopted documents and resolutions (all of them unanimously by both delegates and guests or observers), and the delegates' and guests' speeches, as they are being sent. We'll also include, see Annex 1, the list of members of the management bodies elected in Congress (unanimously), and we will uload the huge quantity of photographs taken at the Congress (we'l also try to uload two videos, one of the opening ceremony and another one of the Congress development and the militant work).

It is necessary to acknowledge the effort of all the people who have attended (64) as delegates and guests from 20 countries. We'd also like to acknowledge the work of those who have tried to be present (28), from 19 other countries, and who have been unable to overcome various difficulties (visa, money to pay for travel expenses, sudden sickness, last-minute union struggles in their country, start arrangements too late). In Annex 2 we'll list the participating countries.

In conclusion, we can say that the amount of 92 people, union leaders from 35 countries (4 countries are on both lists), shows the great interest that this no. 10 WTU Founding Congress of the WFTU has arisen.

When this document was being written, at the P&R CSU (as organisers of the Congress, held in Barcelona) we had recieved the congratulations from those delegates present at the Congress, coming from abroad and from the Spanish State. The militant work of dozens of people has enabled a low-cost Congress. Attached as Annex 3, we include the economic balance with the income and expenses of the Founding Congress.

The Congress largely met the objectives set by the WFTU Secretariat:

0) Promoting the WFTU and the new TUI. We held a previous event, on Feb 4th 2014, in the College of Engineers (at Barcelona's city center), event which was broadcast live on the College web, and which advertised the Congress, the TUI and which included support messages by organizations, neighborhood associations and professional groups. We have recorded the event on video.

1) Gathering R&P union leaders from all over the world;

2) Conducting a comprehensive discussion of the reality of the class struggle worldwide towards the specific demands of the P&R group, and together with the general class struggle of the WFTU;

3) Approving the two base documents (both unanimously, guests included) made public a year earlier (which will be published once the amendments approved by Congress are incorporated): Statutes of the new TUI and Union Orientation Document (including proposals for work in the coming years, especially the realization of the 5-Regional Continental Congresses to complete the management structure of the new TUI);

4) Electing (also unanimously, and one by one) all the candidates to direct the WTU, based on the proposal submitted by the WFTU Secretariat of the, after having studied the various options (see Annex 1);

5) Approving a General Resolution and 6 thematic resolutions (Cuba, Colombia, Palestine, Sahara, Mexico and Euskadi) to be published (once the amendments  fostered by the collective debate are incorporated) on the website of the new TUI ( http:/ / );

6) Receiving greetings (which will also be posted on the TUI website) from trade union organizations not present: Canada and USA (WFTU North and WFTU Canada), Colombia (OCP, Colombian Pensioners Organization, and PCC National Commission) Denmark (PC), Ecuador (Union of Retired Electricity Workers from Quito), Finland (KRAY, critical unionists network), Italy (USB), Mexico (Workers University of Mexico), Nicaragua (Association of Pensioners and Contributors to the Social Security of Nicaragua "APECONIC"), Panama (Central Nacional de Trabajadores), Peru (CGTP), Senegal (set of unions and PIT), Somalia (Somali Trade Union Federation), Sweden (LO), Uruguay (National Union of Metal Workers and Allied Branches of the PIT-CNT), and many others from the Spanish state (neighbours' associations, AST, CIG, Col lectiu “Ronda de Abogados”, COBAS, COS (Labor Class Coordination), CSU-Extremadura, Aragon CUT, FAVB, FSOC, Taifa Economists Group, IAC, Intersindical Canaria, Intersindical CSC, Intersindical Valenciana, Jubiqué, Justicia Existe, LAB, PCPC-PCPE, Union of Architects, bank unionists,SIndicato Ferroviario-Intersindical).

Furthermore, thanks to the excellent collective dynamics, at the end of the Congress we could make make a first meeting of the new management team elected. So we advanced work and saved  the expenses of a meeting outside the Congress on future dates (travel and accommodation, plus  simultaneous translation resources). In this meeting working criteria of the new direction team and the dates for Regional Conferences (if possible in a year) were approved. Comrade President, Dimos Koumpouris, will write the minutes of this first meeting reflecting the agreements adopted in it.

The new Secretary General could do many bilateral meetings with most of the delegations present. In them, the will to start working right away in every country and on every continent was demonstrated.Some (Argentina, Australia, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, Gabon, Greece, India and DR Congo), before we spread this assessment, have already been put to work to meet the agreements.

We'd like to finish by by thanking the WFTU Secretariat's support ( including interpreters, which eventually offered 4-language simultaneous translation: English, French, Greek and Spanish) and acknowledging the amazing work of all volunteers (59 in total, and some worked in various subjects) who militantly assured the organization (8), transportation (22) meals (14) and translation (20) either simultaneously or in written texts.


Barcelona, ​​March 2014.



On behalf of the Executive Board and the Secretariat of the P&R TUI of the WFTU



Dimos Koumpouris                                                               President

Quim Boix                                                                               Secretary General



TUI (TradeUnion International) of Pensioners and Retired Persons (R & P) of the WFTU





Elected direction:


President:                                                         Dimos Koumpouris of PAME (Greece).

Secretary-General:                                           Quim Boix, CSU H & Js (Spain).

Deputy Secretary-General:                             Jean Marie N'Guema, CGT (Gabon).

Vice President for Africa                             Lazare Kimankata, TCC (Dem. Rep. Congo).

Vice President for America:                             Martha Hervas, the CTE (Ecuador).

Vice President for Asia:                             Mohan Bahadur, ENSA (Nepal).

Vice President for Europe:                             Vladimir Kapuralin, Pensioners (Croatia)

Vice President for the Middle East:               Abdul Abbas, the Alba Labour Union (Bahrain).

Secr. Organization:                                           D. Gopalakrishnan, All India BSNL (India).

Secr. Finance:                                           José María Lucas, CSU H & Js (Spain).

Secr. Health and Social Security:               Frank Goldsmith, of WFTU North (USA).

Secr. Propaganda:                                           Danielle Gautier, the Front Synd. Classe (France).

Secr. Genre:                                                         Emiddia Papi, USB (Italy).

Secr. Union Training:                             Fred Krausert, Maritime Union (Australia).


Technical and Research Commission:


Mark Wolman, CTA (Argentina).

Narayanan Namboodiri, CITU (India).

Lázara Santiago, CTC (Cuba).

Panagiotis Palmos, PAME (Greece).

Roger Perret, the UIS Food (France).

Miguel Guerrero, CSU H & Js (Spain).

A union leader from Senegal.

Other union leaders which are eventually proposed and approved.


Financial Control Commission:

President:                             Costas Skarparis of PEO (Cyprus)

Secretary:                             a union leader from Asia.

Secretary:                             a union leader from Africa.


IMPORTANT NOTE -. The WFTU Secretariat should help us narrow the names not yet specified of the previous management team. I have personally contacted those people elected who didn0t attend the Congress.





Countries present ( number of delegatesin brackets):


For the WFTU Secretariat, Comrade Gilda Chacón of Cuba

Africa: Gabon (1) and Democratic Republic of Congo (1).

America: Argentina (1) Brazil (2), Colombia (1) Cuba (1), Ecuador (1) Mexico (4).

Asia: India (3) and Nepal (2).

Oceania: Australia (1).

Middle East: Bahrain (2).

Europe: Croatia (1) Cyprus (1) Denmark (1), Spain (27), France (6), Great Britain (1), Greece (4), and Portugal (1).

64 people from 20 countries


Countries that ultimately could not attend against their will and foresight:


Africa: Algeria (2) Mauritius (1) Niger (2) Senegal (2) Somalia (2).

America: Ecuador (3) USA (1) Panama (1) Uruguay (1) Venezuela (1).

Asia: India (1) Nepal (1) Pakistan (2).

Oceania: Australia (1).

Europe: Belarus (2), Italy (1), Hungary (1) Romania (1) and Turkish Cypriots (2).


Total  28 people absent for various reasons from 19 countries.




Economic balance of revenue and expenditure

Total income:             € 14,478.02

Received from :

Help bonus:                                        € 1,884.32 -                123 contributors
Deposits on the account:                   € 3,600 -                     4 trade unions from Spain
Individual contributions:                    € 8,550 -                     58 persons
Contributions with materials:            € 443.70 -                  8 contributors

More of that, some contributions from trade unions and some people haven't been counted (photocopies, transport, translations, help in the kitchen, etc.).

Total expenses :         € 13,980.66

 Divided into :

            Hotel:                                                             € 6,474.00
            Food:                                                              € 2,095.35
            Devices of simultaneous translation:                       € 1,833.15
            Transport :                                                     € 1,231.78
            Private cars* :                                                           € 963.48
            Materials:                                                      € 650.14
            Informatics:                                                   € 105.65
            Gifts:                                                              € 611.96
            Financial Expenses:                                       € 15.15

Delegations provided as help:           € 2,359.13

Real expense paid by the CSU PyJ (Central Trade Union of pensioners): € 11,621.53




* There are still pending the expenses of some private cars.




From February 4th to 6th, 2014, the opening Congress of the INTERNATIONAL OF TRADE UNIONS OF PENSIONERS AND RETIREES was held in Barcelona, Spain, with the participation of more than 70 delegates from 21 countries.

The Congress was preceded by a meeting of the Congress ‘delegates with several organizations based in Spain. The meeting was held at the Engineers College of Barcelona. Comrade Quim Boix greeted the Éngineers´College for its support to this meeting and also recognizes the various messages received for support, compromise and solidarity with the FSM and with the new Trade Unions International (TUI).

During its two working days, the Congress appealed for the much needed international unity of pensioners and retirees in its struggle to stop the current cuts in public pensions; against the high prices of food, health and basic services; for the right to decent and proper housing and for a better quality of life, as this policies can be changed only by the suppression of the capitalist system, as capitalism is not an cannot be the solution, for capitalism is the main force behind these offensive against Pensioners and Retirees (P&R).

All guests and participants at the Congress gave their greetings and congratulations to the WFTU for its aim and for being the only TUI organization that binds together pensioners and retirees (P&R) at its own International of trade unions in order to support them in its hard struggle for a dignified life along with their rights.

The Congress elected comrade Dimos Koumpouris, President of the Pensioners´Federation of PAME, as President of the new International of Trade Unions. Comrade Quim Boix Lluch as General Secretary of the CSU and member of Presidential Council of the WFTU was appointed General Secretary. Comrade Jean Marie N´Guema, from the Confederation Gabonese du Travail, was appointed Adjutant General Secretary. The Executive Council of the new TUI is also formed by five Regional Vice-Presidents, six Secretaries and two Working Commissions.

 The WFTU´s secretariat was represented during the Congress by comrade Gilda Chacón Bravo, from the Cuban CTC, who expressed her greetings and congratulations to the appointed board and delegates and called them to make a true stronghold for the class struggle out of the new International of Trade Unions, pointing out that the foundation of the new International must be just the beginning of the work to be carried out form no won by all of us along with the WFTU.




The recently appointed Executive Council of the new International of Trade unions of pensioners and retirees of the WFTU was called, along with the secretaries and the directors´ organs, at the end of the Congress. The following decisions were taken:

1.- It expressed its gratitude to the WFTU Secretariat, that made possible the success of the Congress.

2.- It sent its warm class conscious greetings to pensioners and retirees all over the world.

3.- A general appeal was made in order to give direct notice of the decisions taken during the Congress, the pensioners and retirees ‘organizations present at the Congress, the voted regulations, the different documents focused on the kind of struggle to be carried out, the political positions and the several resolutions approved. It was remarked our aim to take advantage of all new media as Internet as well as its working capacities while using at the same time other media (i.e. traditional Press).

4.- The Executive Council calls all organizations so they can discuss and release in their countries the documents approved and decisions taken during the Congress, so they can be known by all pensioners and retirees and by the workers movement in every country.

5.- The Executive council has decided to hold a new meeting in Bahrein in March 2015, thus accepting the invitation made by the representative of the organization from this country, the Workers  Union ALBA.