We greet you and honor you on establishing the first WFTU - TUI for Pensioners and Retirees.   This Trade Union International is a perfect fit with the other WFTU TUIs on Energy, Education, Transport, etc.   The many trade union comrades who worked their whole lives devoted to their work and trade unions will also
greet this TUI as they continue their struggles to keep and improve their pensions;  health benefits; and also fighting for a world free from imperialism and barbarism.

Very often these same trade unionists who helped establish their class oriented trade unions; are in the middle  and leadership of the struggle to keep those same trade unions in a class oriented way;  this time as leaders of their union's retiree organizations.

The "New Norm" that the neo liberal International Monetary Fund;  World Bank and World Trade Organization is trying to establish where defined benefit pensions are being handed off to Wall Street and other profit making stock organizations is and must be stopped.   Also, that pensioners should pay more for their medical and health benefits in retirement when they are living on fixed incomes is also being struggled against.

And, of course, class oriented trade unionists, when working, and now in retirement, are fighting against imperial wars and all forms of xenophobia and barbarism.

Good Luck

And we look  forward to seeing the Final Documents from the Congress

WFTU North and WFTU Canada

Salutation from CONEP - Kathmandu (Nepal)

Dear Comrades, Brothers and Sisters of WFTU and CSU (P&R)

Warm Greetings to you all !

The historical founding congress of TUI (P&R) that taking place in the beautiful city Barcelona, Spain is a great message, not only to entire retired and pensioners  of the world but to all working class people of the world including Nepal. On this great historical moment, we on behalf of the Confederation of Nepalese Professionals (CONEP) and entire workers from Himalayan Country Nepal express strong solidarity to all delegate comrades participating in the Congress.
Despite the strong wish to participate in the congress, one of our delegate Comrade Prabha Bajracharya, Vice President/Head of Women Dept., CONEP, who is also recently elected in the member of parliament could not come to participate in the congress. She has expressed sorry for not being able to attend the congress. The first reason of her absence is preparation tasks for the 1st women national conference which is going to be held on 8 March, 2014. Secondly, Comrade Prabha is so busy in the ongoing current parliament business at the moment. However, Com. Prabha has wished to be conveyed her message of wishing grand success and solidarity to the congress of the TUI-P&R.

In solidarity

Lalbahadur Pakhrin
Head, International Dept.
CONEP, Kathmandu  

Salutation from COS - Coordinadora Obrera Sindical (Catalan Countries)

Salutation from LO - The Swedish Trade Union Confederation

Thank you for having sent us invitation to participate in the founding Congress of the WFTU TUI of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Retired Persons which is to take place in Barcelona on February 5 and 6, 2014.

Sorry to say but LO-Sweden has no possibility to participate in this Congress owing to other commitments at that very same time.

We wish you all the best with the new union of pensioners and retired persons.

With regards,
Gunilla Persson
International Department