As a result of the many unitary struggles that have been repeated for almost a year in nearly 20 major cities throughout the Spanish state, parliamentary groups wanting to appear as an alternative to the parties that have governed in Spain (I mean PP and the PSOE) have unitarily submitted a proposal for a new law (attached).
This proposal is ONLY ONE PART of what we would do from class syndicalism, but collects (creating contradictions in the bourgeois parties) part of the demands raised in the demonstrations and concentrations of PYCs throughout the Spanish state.
For this reason as the Head of the WFTU in the Spanish state I have publicly sent the following text (THE ONE WHO IS IN BOLD):
First of all, I wish to express the support of the WFTU's global leadership (which I have been representing in the Spanish state for two months) to the many and continuous struggles that you have been carrying out for many years in the main cities of our geography.
Your struggles in defense of the necessary and legitimate Public Pensions, which must be able to ensure a dignified life for the P&R of all the Autonomous Communities, are beginning to bear fruit.
More and more social organizations and class unions support the list of demands that in Catalonia was made 4 years ago (when the Tides of Pensioners were born) and that, with few modifications, was taken over by the State Coordinator in Defense of The Public Pensions.
Even trade unions such as CCOO, which is one of the main responsible for the loss of rights of P&R (by first signing the terrible Pactos de Toledo, where the process of loss of rights of the P&R began, and then the nefarious Social Pact Of January of 2011, this one with UGT and the PSOE, that finished to eliminate important rights of the P&R), has recently sent to part of its P&R to give support to the demonstrations convened by the Tides of P&R.
Therefore it is not surprising that the political parties that are now in the Spanish Parliament, opposing (at least verbally) the decisions of the PP, which sometimes supports the PSOE, have submitted a bill that would correct, if Will approve, a part of the losses of rights of the Pensioners that between PP, PSOE, CCOO and UGT have cut in recent years to respect the orders of the European Union (orders that all of them comply without criticizing them).
This bill, however, being a proposal that complies with EU directives (as it is presented by parties that do not propose to leave Spain from the EU), does not attack the fundamental problems that these directives provoke in pensions.
As the WFTU we see this reality as a demonstration that the struggle gives results. Only by fighting united as a working class facing the wishes of the leaders of world capitalism (the Troika is its expression in Greece, with Syriza obeying it) we can recover the rights that have robbed us of those who obey the leaders of capitalism.
The fight will lead us to end the Euro, the EU and NATO. If we do not suppress these realities and continue to accept the Troika, we will be able to do the same thing as in Greece, where Syriza has already cut 14 pensions.
Money is in the World, and poorly distributed (because this is the only way the killer capitalism can work), and badly spent by governments when, supporting the genocide of imperialism, they give it to NATO (this year 2,017 military expenses in Spanish state have increased by 32% while at the same time have continued to cut social spending).
Clearly explaining these ideas to all the P&R, both in the Spanish state and throughout the capitalist world, we will win the just demands of the Pensioners and Retirees, the claims that I for the third time, as Secretary General of the TUI International of Trade Unions) of WFTU, I complained to the ILO on 14 June.
Continue your struggle, continue to extend your unitary organizations, and always count on the WFTU to support the demands of the working class against capitalism and against those who, instead of fighting it, support its existence, I mean the yellow trade union and the Reformists.
Quim Boix
Responsible of the WFTU in the Spanish State (except the Basque Country)
0034 609547814
Comrades of the TUI of P&R of the WFTU:
I urge you to spread the struggle of the Spanish P&R in your countries, and to send brief texts of solidarity so that the P&R of the Spanish state receive the stimulus of proletarian internationalism (true internationalism) that only the WFTU can promote.